35 research outputs found

    Patomorfološki nalazi u jetri kod eksperimentalnog otrovanja manganom

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    Die Untersuchungen wurden an 5 Gruppen von Kaninchen durchgeführt. Vier der Gruppen erhielten jeden zweiten Tag subkutan verschiedene Dosen von MnCl2-Lösung. Nach 16-wöchiger Manganbelastung der Tiere wurde eine Gruppe weiterhin 5 Wochen lang unter denselben Zuchtbedingungen und ohne weitere Manganverabreichung gehalten. Die Kontrolltiere erhielten jeden zweiten Tag, ebenfalls subdermal, physiologische NaCl-Lösung. Die in der Leber festgestellten pathomorphologischen Veränderungen entsprechen einer parenchymatösen Entzündung, deren Zeichen am meisten bei jenen Tieren ausgedrückt sind, die die grössten Mangandosen erhielten und bei denen auch die Mangankonzentration in der Leber die höchste war. Nach der Manganabstellung wurden ein signifikanter Abfall der Mangankonzentration in der Leber, eine deutliche Verminderung der Intensität der regressiven Veränderungen und zugleich Wucherung des Bindegewebes in der Leber festgestellt.Istraživanja su provedena na pet grupa kunića. Četiri grupe su svaki drugi dan dobivale supkutano različite doze otopina MnCl2. Nakon 16-sedmičnog davanja mangana jedna je grupa životinja živjela pod posve istim uvjetima i kroz daljnjih pet sedmica, ali nije više dobivala mangana. Kontrolne životinje dobivale su svaki drugi dan, također supkutano, fiziološke otopine natrijeva klorida. Patomorfološke promjene koje su nađene u jetri odgovaraju parenhimatoznoj upali, znakovi koje su bili najjače izraženi kod onih životinja koje su dobivale najveće doze mangana i kod kojih je koncentracija mangana u jetri bila najviša. Nakon prestanka davanja mangana ustanovljen je značajan pad koncentracije mangana u jetri jasno smanjivanje intenziteta regresivnih promjena i istodobno bujanje veziva u jetri

    50 years experience with Dupuytren's contracture in the Erlangen University Hospital – A retrospective analysis of 2919 operated hands from 1956 to 2006

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dupuytren's disease (DD) is a hand disorder mainly among the northern population. In contrast it is rare in the mediterranean population. Therefore typical habits and dietetic influences have been discussed as well as genetic predisposition. Still, since the first description by Dupuytren in 1834 only little is known about the etiology and pathogenesis of this disease. Some hints were found for a higher prevalence among people with diabetes, alcohol abuse or smoking. Also, intensive manual work or hand injuries have been discussed to have an influence on DD. To our knowledge this is the largest retrospectively evaluated series of symptomatic patients published to date. The study includes patients from the last 50 years. It was performed to show possible correlations between DD and typical risk factors such as diabetes, alcohol consumption, and smoking.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively analysed all patient records with DD documented between 1956 and 2006 in the Surgical University Hospital in Erlangen. Data acquisition was conducted by reviewing the medical records from 1956 to 2006 including data from all patients who were surgically treated because of DD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We reviewed 2579 male and 340 female surgically treated patients with DD. More than 80% of the patients were between 40 and 70 years old. In 28.9% only the right hand was effected by DD, in 25.3% only the left hand and in 45.8% both hands. In 10.3% of all Patients suffered from Diabetes mellitus. Statistical analysis revealed no significant correlation between diabetes, alcoholism or smoking on the degree of DD in our patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Most data are consistent with previously published results from smaller, comparable retrospective studies with regard to right- or left handedness. We could not confirm a statistically significant correlation of DD with diabetes mellitus, severe alcohol consumption, heavy smoking or epilepsy and the stage of the disease as described in other studies. However, in the whole cohort of our operated patients during the last 50 years the prevalence of the above mentioned risk factors is slightly higher than in the normal population.</p