20 research outputs found
Keiser and Pruitt - Composition and size ESM
The data associated with collective behavior assays. Three response variables (latency to emerge from the colony retreat, latency to attack the prey stimulus, number of attackers) in response to two independent variables: colony personality composition and colony size
Appendix A. Figures showing distribution of spider personality types among mesocosm treatments, relationship between individual variation in spider activity and spider body-size, and spider cannibalism compared across treatments.
Figures showing distribution of spider personality types among mesocosm treatments, relationship between individual variation in spider activity and spider body-size, and spider cannibalism compared across treatments
Appendix A. Detailed methods for establishing the artificially reconstituted colonies of the social spider Anelosimus studiosus.
Detailed methods for establishing the artificially reconstituted colonies of the social spider Anelosimus studiosus
Appendix B. Figures depicting the relationship between egg case mass and number of eggs therein, and the egg case masses of aggressive vs. docile females in colonies of mixed behavioral type.
Figures depicting the relationship between egg case mass and number of eggs therein, and the egg case masses of aggressive vs. docile females in colonies of mixed behavioral type
Laskowski et al_social niche disruption_DATA
Individual and colony data used in Laskowski et al
Grinsted et al. 2013 Proceedings B online data
All data, raw and summarized, used for the statistical analyses in this paper. Data was collected both in the field and in the laboratory in India, and all analyses were performed in R
Results from an experimental lab study assessing the impact of temperature on fitness in spiders with different personalities. Data include day of death (in cases where individuals died before the end of a 40 day period) and number of egg cases produced by survivors
Transmission data for Keiser et al 2016, Biology Letters
Individual spider measurements and colony-wide bacterial transmission data
Comparative Prey Capture
The prey capture success (0=failure, 1=success), collective mass gain, and mass of each prey item, for each of three size classes of prey item (small, medium, large
Performance (survival and reproduction) in spider colonies of different personality compositions exposed to different temperature treatments. Data includes the number of egg cases produced by each colony