3 research outputs found

    Emergent percutaneous chimney endovascular aortic repair of a secondary aortoenteric fistula in the setting of a solitary kidney

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    Secondary aortoenteric fistula is a potentially lethal complication after aortic surgery. Traditional treatment consists of open graft excision with extra-anatomic bypass or in situ reconstruction. Patients who present in extremis, however, are generally poor candidates for re-do open aortic surgery. Endovascular repair has emerged as an alternative treatment modality for patients who would otherwise be unable to tolerate an extended operation. We report here a case of urgent endovascular repair of a juxtarenal secondary aortoenteric fistula via endovascular aneurysm repair with a renal artery chimney in a patient with a solitary kidney who presented in hemorrhagic and septic shock

    Repair of a mycotic abdominal aortic aneurysm in a neonate using an everted jugular vein patch

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    A 43-day-old boy presented with bacteremia after umbilical artery catheterization. Duplex ultrasound examination revealed a 1.1- × 1.6-cm mycotic infrarenal aortic aneurysm and an incidental asymptomatic occluded right common iliac artery. Resection and repair were completed by creating an everted, double-layered internal jugular vein patch. Screening ultrasound examination 10 months postoperatively demonstrated successful repair