5 research outputs found

    A novel approach to antibiofilm susceptibility testing using a thermo-reversible matrix

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    Method: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (NCIMB 8626) was cultured in medium containing poloxamer 407 at 37°C for 24 hours to generate biofilms. The preparation was cooled to liquefy the poloxamer and allow recovery of the biofilm cells, which were then stained with SYTO9 to determine viability following exposure to four antimicrobials: polyhexanide, octenadine dihydrochloride, povidone-iodine and silver carbonate. Over an 8-minute time period, fluorescence levels were spectrophotometrically measured and compared with bacterial controls, cultured in the absence of poloxamer and without antimicrobial. Results: Untreated cells showed no reduction in viability over this period. Importantly, planktonic cells were more susceptible to test agents compared with those of a ‘biofilm’ phenotype cultured in poloxamer. Antibiofilm activity was evident for all of the test agents, with highest relative activity seen with octenadine dihydrochloride. Conclusion: In summary, a novel and relatively rapid approach to screen compounds for antibiofilm activity has been described. The method uses standard laboratory equipment and can be readily adapted to test a wide range of microorganisms and other antibiofilm compounds