4,398 research outputs found

    Probabilistic study of a dynamical system

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    This paper investigates the relation between a branching process and a non-linear dynamical system in C2. This idea has previously been fruitful in many investigations, including that of the FKPP equation by McKean, Neveu, Bramson, and others. Our concerns here are somewhat different from those in other work: we wish to elucidate those features of the dynamical system which correspond to the long-term behaviour of the random process. In particular, we are interested in how the dimension of the global attractor corresponds to that of the tail {sigma}-algebra of the process. The Poincaré–Dulac operator which (locally) intertwines the non-linear system with its linearization may sometimes be exhibited as a Fourier–Laplace transform of tail-measurable random variables; but things change markedly when parameters cross values giving the ‘primary resonance’ in the Poincaré–Dulac sense. Probability proves effective in establishing global properties amongst which is a clear description of the global convergence to the attractor. Several of our probabilistic results are analogues of ones obtained by Kesten and Stigum, and by Athreya and Ney, for discrete branching processes. Our simpler context allows the use of Itô calculus. Because the paper bridges two subjects, dynamical-system theory and probability theory, we take considerable care with the exposition of both aspects. For probabilist readers, we provide a brief guide to Poincaré–Dulac theory; and we take the view that in a paper which we hope will be read by analysts, it would be wrong to fudge any details of rigour in our probabilistic arguments

    The quark propagator in momentum space

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    The quark propagator is calculated in the Landau gauge at beta=6.0. A method for removing the dominant, tree-level lattice artefacts is presented, enabling a calculation of the momentum-dependent dynamical quark mass.Comment: LATTICE 99(spectrum), 3 pages, 3 figure

    Two-color QCD at high density

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    QCD at high chemical potential has interesting properties such as deconfinement of quarks. Two-color QCD, which enables numerical simulations on the lattice, constitutes a laboratory to study QCD at high chemical potential. Among the interesting properties of two-color QCD at high density is the diquark condensation, for which we present recent results obtained on a finer lattice compared to previous studies. The quark propagator in two-color QCD at non-zero chemical potential is referred to as the Gor'kov propagator. We express the Gor'kov propagator in terms of form factors and present recent lattice simulation results.Comment: Talk given at the conference Confinement XI, September 8-12, 2014, St. Petersburg, Russia. 8 pages, 15 figure

    iPS Cells: Born-Again Stem Cells for Biomedical Applications

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    Designing whole-systems commissioning: lessons from the English experience

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    The paucity of formal evidence, allied to the requirement for strategies that are sensitive to local history and context, means that a ‘blueprint’ for successful strategic commissioning is not currently available for adoption. We are therefore confined to proposing ‘design principles’ for those seeking to embark upon a transition towards a whole systems approach to strategic commissioning. People and relationships are of critical importance all the way through the chain from strategic commissioning to micro-commissioning. Most crucially, experience suggests that structural solutions alone cannot deliver effective relationships and will not be effective when relationships are neglected. The need to ensure staff, partner and political buy-in suggests that relationship management and consensus-building are an integral component of the leadership role in moving toward strategic commissioning. As with any major re-organisation, the move to strategic commissioning is essentially a change management initiative and therefore will stand or fall according to whether it adheres to good practice in the change management process. Central to this, and to achieving commissioning outcomes, is the requirement for meaningful service user and public engagement. Effective commissioning emphasizes individual capabilities as well as needs, and community assets as well as deficits and problems. Adoption of strategic commissioning approaches is still at the developmental and learning stage and arguably all structural arrangements should be regarded as transitional

    Ceramics special report

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    Key developments within the Ceramics sector in North Staffordshire in 2013. Includes: An interview with Rachel Bishop - Chief Designer at Moorcroft Latest developments at Middleport Pottery under the Princes regeneration Trust Details of the upcoming British Ceramics Biennial

    The adverse effect of dummy auction bids on market value

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    The popularity of an auction as a means of selling residential real estate has increased markedly in recent years. The effectiveness of an auction program is heavily promoted by most real estate agents, claiming it to be the best means of attracting the best price from the highest bidder, It is based on the theory of gathering all buyers together at a publicised time, and then offering the property for sale to the open market.In theory, the person most willing to buy the property will have the highest bid, supposedly agreeing at market value with the vendor (although above the vendor\u27s reserve I. Unfortunately, the practice of dummy bidding has recently resurfaced and highlights serious flaws in the auction system, with hundreds of residential auctions conducted across Australia every weekend.Clearly, it is in the vendor\u27s best interests land the auctioneer\u27s best interests, who is paid even more by the vendor if the price is higherl to achieve the highest offer from the last bidder. The tactic of dummy bids is designed to deceive genuine purchasers into a false sense of perception, where there appears to be more competition for the property than there actually exists.This paper examines the auction process with the emphasis placed on the practice of dummy biding, It considers the broad implications for the definition of market value and also the overall residential market. Useful advice is also included for real estate valuers relying upon auction sale properties in their market analysis. As well as strongly supporting the auction concept, the authors suggest improvements to the overall auction process to ensure relevance to the definition of market value is maintained.<br /
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