3,385 research outputs found

    Optical studies of the ultraluminous X-ray source NGC1313 X-2

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    NGC1313 X-2 was among the first ultraluminous X-ray sources discovered, and has been a frequent target of X-ray and optical observations. Using the HST/ACS multi-band observations, this source is identified with a unique counterpart within an error circle of 0\farcs2. The counterpart is a blue star on the edge of a young cluster of 107\le10^7 years amid a dominant old stellar population. Its spectral energy distribution is consistent with that for a Z=0.004 star with 8.5 MM_\odot about 5×1065\times10^6 years old, or for an O7 V star at solar metallicity. The counterpart exhibited significant variability of Δm=0.153±0.033\Delta m = 0.153\pm0.033 mag between two F555W observations separated by three months, reminiscent of the ellipsoidal variability due to the orbital motion of this ULX binary.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, scheduled for the ApJ June 10, 2007, v662n 1 issu

    On the evolution of the inner disk radius with flux in the neutron star low-mass X-ray binary Serpens X-1

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    We analyze the latest \emph{Suzaku} observation of the bright neutron star low-mass X-ray binary Serpens X-1 taken in 2013 October and 2014 April. The observation was taken using the burst mode and only suffered mild pile-up effects. A broad iron line is clearly detected in the X-ray spectrum. We test different models and find that the iron line is asymmetric and best interpreted by relativistic reflection. The relativistically broadened iron line is generally believed to originate from the innermost regions of the accretion disk, where strong gravity causes a series of special and general relativistic effects. The iron line profile indicates an inner radius of 8\sim8 RGR_{\rm G}, which gives an upper limit on the size of the neutron star. The asymmetric iron line has been observed in a number of previous observations, which gives several inner radius measurements at different flux states. We find that the inner radius of Serpens X-1 does not evolve significantly over the range of L/LEdd0.40.6L/L_{\rm Edd}\sim0.4-0.6, and the lack of flux dependence of the inner radius implies that the accretion disk may be truncated outside the innermost stable circular orbit by the boundary layer rather than the stellar magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Spectral and Timing Properties of IGR J17091-3624 in the Rising Hard State During its 2016 Outburst

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    We present a spectral and timing study of the NuSTAR and Swift observations of the black hole candidate IGR J17091-3624 in the hard state during its outburst in 2016. Disk reflection is detected in each of the NuSTAR spectra taken in three epochs. Fitting with relativistic reflection models reveals that the accretion disk is truncated during all epochs with Rin>10 rgR_{\rm in}>10~r_{\rm g}, with the data favoring a low disk inclination of 3040\sim 30^{\circ}-40^{\circ}. The steepening of the continuum spectra between epochs is accompanied by a decrease in the high energy cut-off: the electron temperature kTekT_{\rm e} drops from 64\sim 64 keV to 26\sim 26 keV, changing systematically with the source flux. We detect type-C QPOs in the power spectra with frequency varying between 0.131 Hz and 0.327 Hz. In addition, a secondary peak is found in the power spectra centered at about 2.3 times the QPO frequency during all three epochs. The nature of this secondary frequency is uncertain, however a non-harmonic origin is favored. We investigate the evolution of the timing and spectral properties during the rising phase of the outburst and discuss their physical implications.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap

    On the Progenitor System of the Type Iax Supernova 2014dt in M61

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    We present pre-explosion and post-explosion Hubble Space Telescope images of the Type Iax supernova (SN Iax) 2014dt in M61. After astrometrically aligning these images, we do not detect any stellar sources at the position of the SN in the pre-explosion images to relatively deep limits (3 sigma limits of M_F438W > -5.0 mag and M_F814W > -5.9 mag). These limits are similar to the luminosity of SN 2012Z's progenitor system (M_F435W = -5.43 +/- 0.15 and M_F814W = -5.24 +/- 0.16 mag), the only probable detected progenitor system in pre-explosion images of a SN Iax, and indeed, of any white dwarf supernova. SN 2014dt is consistent with having a C/O white-dwarf primary/helium-star companion progenitor system, as was suggested for SN 2012Z, although perhaps with a slightly smaller or hotter donor. The data are also consistent with SN 2014dt having a low-mass red giant or main-sequence star companion. The data rule out main-sequence stars with M_init > 16 M_sun and most evolved stars with M_init > 8 M_sun as being the progenitor of SN 2014dt. Hot Wolf-Rayet stars are also allowed, but the lack of nearby bright sources makes this scenario unlikely. Because of its proximity (D = 12 Mpc), SN 2014dt is ideal for long-term monitoring, where images in ~2 years may detect the companion star or the luminous bound remnant of the progenitor white dwarf.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Suzaku Observations of 4U 1957+11: Potentially the Most Rapidly Spinning Black Hole in (the Halo of) the Galaxy

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    We present three Suzaku observations of the black hole candidate 4U 1957+11 (V1408 Aql) --- a source that exhibits some of the simplest and cleanest examples of soft, disk-dominated spectra. 4U 1957+11 also presents among the highest peak temperatures found from disk-dominated spectra. Such temperatures may be associated with rapid black hole spin. The 4U 1957+11 spectra also require a very low normalization, which can be explained by a combination of small inner disk radius and a large distance (>10 kpc) which places 4U 1957+11 well into the Galactic halo. We perform joint fits to the Suzaku spectra with both relativistic and Comptonized disk models. Assuming a low mass black hole and the nearest distance (3 M_sun, 10 kpc), the dimensionless spin parameter a* = Jc/GM^2 >~ 0.9. Higher masses and farther distances yield a*~1. Similar conclusions are reached with Comptonization models; they imply a combination of small inner disk radii (or, equivalently, rapid spin) and large distance. Low spin cannot be recovered unless 4U 1957+11 is a low mass black hole that is at the unusually large distance of >~ 40 kpc. We speculate whether the suggested maximal spin is related to how the system came to reside in the halo.Comment: To be published in the Astrophysical Journa

    An X-Ray View of the Jet-Cycle in the Radio Loud AGN 3C120

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    We present a study of the central engine in the broad-line radio galaxy 3C120 using a multi-epoch analysis of a deep XMM-Newton observation and two deep Suzaku pointings (in 2012). In order to place our spectral data into the context of the disk-disruption/jet-ejection cycles displayed by this object, we monitor the source in the UV/X-ray bands, and in the radio band. We find three statistically acceptable spectral models, a disk-reflection model, a jet-model and a jet+disk model. Despite being good descriptions of the data, the disk-reflection model violates the radio constraints on the inclination, and the jet-model has a fine-tuning problem, requiring a jet contribution exceeding that expected. Thus, we argue for a composite jet+disk model. Within the context of this model, we verify the basic predictions of the jet-cycle paradigm, finding a truncated/refilling disk during the Suzaku observations and a complete disk extending down to the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) during the XMM-Newton observation. The idea of a refilling disk is further supported by the detection of the ejection of a new jet knot approximately one month after the Suzaku pointings. We also discover a step-like event in one of the Suzaku pointings in which the soft band lags the hard band. We suggest that we are witnessing the propagation of a disturbance from the disk into the jet on a timescale set by the magnetic field.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    An Extreme Black Hole in the Recurrent X-ray Transient XTE J2012+381

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    The black hole candidate XTE J2012+381 underwent an outburst at the end of 2022. We analyzed 105 NICER observations and 2 NuSTAR observations of the source during the outburst. The NuSTAR observations of the M10MM \sim10M_\odot black hole indicate clear signs of relativistic disk reflection, which we modeled to measure a BH spin of a=0.9880.030+0.008a=0.988^{+0.008}_{-0.030} and an inclination of θ=6811+6\theta=68^{+6}_{-11} degrees (1σ1\sigma statistical errors). In our analysis, we test an array of models and examine the effect of fitting NuSTAR spectra alone versus fitting simultaneously with NICER. We find that when the underlying continuum emission is properly accounted for, the reflected emission is similarly characterized by multiple models. We combined 52 NICER spectra to obtain a spectrum with an effective exposure of 190 ks in order to probe the presence of absorption lines that would be suggestive of disk winds, but the resulting features were not statistically significant. We discuss the implications of this measurement in relation to the overall BH spin distribution in X-ray binary systems.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Prescribing “placebo treatments”: results of national survey of US internists and rheumatologists

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    Objective To describe the attitudes and behaviours regarding placebo treatments, defined as a treatment whose benefits derive from positive patient expectations and not from the physiological mechanism of the treatment itself

    Requirements for Pseudomonas aeruginosa Type I-F CRISPR-Cas Adaptation Determined Using a Biofilm Enrichment Assay

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    CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat)-Cas (CRISPR-associated protein) systems are diverse and found in many archaea and bacteria. These systems have mainly been characterized as adaptive immune systems able to protect against invading mobile genetic elements, including viruses. The first step in this protection is acquisition of spacer sequences from the invader DNA and incorporation of those sequences into the CRISPR array, termed CRISPR adaptation. Progress in understanding the mechanisms and requirements of CRISPR adaptation has largely been accomplished using overexpression of cas genes or plasmid loss assays; little work has focused on endogenous CRISPR-acquired immunity from viral predation. Here, we developed a new biofilm-based assay system to enrich for Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains with new spacer acquisition. We used this assay to demonstrate that P. aeruginosa rapidly acquires spacers protective against DMS3vir, an engineered lytic variant of the Mu-like bacteriophage DMS3, through primed CRISPR adaptation from spacers present in the native CRISPR2 array. We found that for the P. aeruginosa type I-F system, the cas1 gene is required for CRISPR adaptation, recG contributes to (but is not required for) primed CRISPR adaptation, recD is dispensable for primed CRISPR adaptation, and finally, the ability of a putative priming spacer to prime can vary considerably depending on the specific sequences of the spacer