163 research outputs found

    Organic Aquaculture – the link between sustainable production and superior products

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    The first Danish organic rainbow trout with the Danish red Ø label was introduced to the market in 2005. The demand for organic trout is increasing and Danish trout farmers are currently con¬verting to organic production. However, the development of organic trout production in Denmark has been challenged by a very strict national legislation for organic aquaculture production. The objectives of the research include the most critical areas in the chain that forms the link between organic feed production, organic fish rearing, and the consumer. The main focus is on organic fish feeds in which non-renewable fishmeal is partially replaced by sustainable organic vegetable proteins

    Strong EU regulations for organic trout farming

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    Trout farming and in particular organic trout farms are critically challenged by relatively high skin/gill infections caused by various pathogens, especially the parasite Costia (Ichthyobodo necator), which is ultimately lethal for fry/smaller fish. Due to new organic regulations requesting also fry to be 100% organic, this in turn compromises supply of organic fry as basic for future production of organic trout. In addition, a Rickettsiales-like bacterium causes Red Mark Syndrome (RMS) with large red patches in the skin, which results in downgrading/rejection of up to 30% of the fish at slaughter. Treatment by use of antibiotics/ auxiliary compounds is only possible to a limited extent in organic trout production. Hence, solutions to prevent and/or treat Costia and RMS are urgently needed, not only to secure production of organic rainbow trout in Denmark, but also enable a larger and more cost efficient production with high animal welfare and minimal environmental impact. ShelterFish will focus on solutions addressing the interactions between fish - pathogens – farming environment and water quality; including 1) Test of artificial shelters (shade) to enrich environmental conditions; 2) Test of biological herb extracts and a new bacterial surfactant to treat gill/skin parasite infections; 3) Test of induced immunity to fight Red Mark Syndrome (RMS) and 4) Test of tools to reduce organic matter load in organic trout farms and hereby improve water quality, fish health/welfare. Fish welfare has high focus in as well the common EU regulations for Organic aquaculture as the English Animal protection organisation RSPCA standard. RSPCA has primarily focus on fish wellfare. But are there differences between the two standards as regards fish wellfare

    Organic Aquaculture - From Niche to growing Business

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    The experiments showed, that the substitutions of fish meal by the matrix of plant protein koncentrates (pea, horse bean and rape) did not have significant effekces on the growth of the trout as well as on fish health. Investigations of the product quality did show changes in taste as well as texture properties. The case studies provided important information about progress, but as well revealed new challenges for the organic culture of trout in Denmark

    Horse bean, pea and rape protein and flax seed oil in feed for organic trout

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    Organic horse bean, pea and rape may partly replace the fish meal protein, and flax seed oil may replace the fish oil in feed for organic rainbow trout. These are the most recent results from the ORAQUA project. Fish meal and fish oil are unique sources to protein and oil in fish feed due to the optimum content of amino acids and omega-3 fatty acids. However, as these resources are globally very limited, the ORAQUA project is focusing alternative organic plant crops in the feed for organic trout

    Proteinafgrøder til økologiske regnbueørreder (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Der var signifikant forskel i fordøjeligheden af kulhydrat mellem diæterne A til D, undtagen mellem diæterne C og D og af fosfor mellem diæterne A og D. Substitutionen af fiskemel med en matrix af hestebønner, ærter og raps i forholdet 1:1:0,7 og af fiskeolie med hørfrøolie havde ingen signifikant effekt på tilvækst og foderudnyttelse samt på fordøjeligheden af protein og fedt

    Improved digestibility and growth in selected families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    Protein is the most expensive single component in fish feed and the quality of the dietary protein is decisive for the productivity of fish farming. When fish meal is partly replaced by plant protein in feed for organic fish it is especially important, that the amino acid profile of the plant proteins is corresponding to that in the fish meal, as it is not allowed to add artificial amino acids to feed for organic fish. In addition to the amino acid profile the digestibility of the nutrients is important for the productivity of the fish production. The digestibility of the diets were determined in cylindrical tanks with the bottom of each tank being conical with a ball-valve at the outlet. At this outlet a container for collecting faeces was mounted. The collection method was compared with the stripping method. For this purpose yttriumoxide was added to the feed as a marker. The protein digestibilities were close for both methods, i.e. about 91-93 % with the lowest values using the stripping method

    Ny-tænkning af økologisk ørredproduktion (ShelterFish)

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    Opdræt af regnbueørred, især økologisk ørred, er kritisk udfordret på grund af relativt mange hud/gælle infektioner forårsaget af forskellige patogener, især parasitten Costia (Ichthyobodo necator), som ultimativt er dødelig for yngel/mindre fisk. Dette kan være en trussel mod tilstrækkelig udbud af økologisk yngel til videre produktion, da regelsættet for økologisk akvakultur kræver 100% økologisk yngel. Endvidere forårsager en såkaldt ny ”Rickettsia-lignende" bakterie “rødpletsyge” (RMS), dvs. røde pletter i huden, som medfører ned-klassificering/kassation af op til 30% af fiskene ved slagtning. Behandling ved brug af antibiotika/hjælpestoffer er kun muligt i begrænset omfang i økologisk ørred produktion. Løsninger til forebyggelse og/eller behandling af Costia og RMS er derfor strengt påkrævet – ikke kun for blot at sikre produktion af økologisk ørred i Danmark, men også for at styrke grundlaget for en større produktion af robuste økologiske fisk. ShelterFish vil fokusere på løsninger i krydsfeltet: Fisk - Patogener – Opdrætssystem/miljø og vandkvalitet; omfattende 1) Test af skjul/skygge med henblik på at skabe bedre og robust opdrætsmiljø; 2) Test af urte ekstrakter og et nyt bakterielt overfladeaktivt stof til behandling af gæller/hud parasit infektioner; 3) Test af induceret immunitet mod ”rødpletsyge” og 4) Test af metoder til reduktion af belastning med organisk stof i økologiske dambrug og herved forbedre vandkvalitet/miljø, fiske sundhed og velfærd

    Boom in production of organic line mussels in Denmark

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    Organic farming of line mussels makes a significant foot print in the development of the Danish Aquaculture sector targeting 10 % of the production being organic by 2018. Currently 9 production units have been approved for a total production of some 3,500 tons/year. In particular the Danish production of line mussels is taken place in the ”Limfjorden” (North West Jutland), where the main producer currently is Seafood Limfjord in cooperation with the mussel processing company Vildsund Blue in Nykøbing Mors. The line mussels are farmed on lines and in big socks, and due to the fact that they are reared higher in the water column than wild mussels more feed is available for their growth. The natural occurring mussel fry is settling on the lines each year, and harvesting is taken place from a boat. Further the mussels contribute to the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from the water

    Re-thinking Organic Trout Production /(ShelterFish)

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    Opdræt af regnbueørred, især økologisk ørred, er kritisk udfordret på grund af relativt mange hud/gælle infektioner forårsaget af forskellige patogener, især parasitten Costia (Ichthyobodo necator), som ultimativt er dødelig for yngel/mindre fisk. Dette kan være en trussel mod tilstrækkelig udbud af økologisk yngel til videre produktion, da regelsættet for økologisk akvakultur kræver 100% økologisk yngel. Endvidere forårsager en såkaldt ny ”Rickettsia-lignende" bakterie “rødpletsyge” (RMS), dvs. røde pletter i huden, som medfører ned-klassificering/kassation af op til 30% af fiskene ved slagtning. Behandling ved brug af antibiotika/hjælpestoffer er kun muligt i begrænset omfang i økologisk ørred produktion. Løsninger til forebyggelse og/eller behandling af Costia og RMS er derfor strengt påkrævet – ikke kun for blot at sikre produktion af økologisk ørred i Danmark, men også for at styrke grundlaget for en større produktion af robuste økologiske fisk. ShelterFish vil fokusere på løsninger i krydsfeltet: Fisk - Patogener – Opdrætssystem/miljø og vandkvalitet; omfattende 1) Test af skjul/skygge med henblik på at skabe bedre og robust opdrætsmiljø; 2) Test af urte ekstrakter og et nyt bakterielt overfladeaktivt stof til behandling af gæller/hud parasit infektioner; 3) Test af induceret immunitet mod ”rødpletsyge” og 4) Test af metoder til reduktion af belastning med organisk stof i økologiske dambrug og herved forbedre vandkvalitet/miljø, fiske sundhed og velfærd

    Boosting the quality of organic trout fry

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    RobustFish will strengthen the development of Danish organic trout production. According to the EU Regulation on Organic Aquaculture, the fish production shall exclusively be based on organic fry from 2016. Particularly, in organic farming, medication is only allowed within very strict limits. Therefore, the robustness of the fry to diseases is crucial. Especially, this concerns the most serious trout fry disease in Danish aquaculture, Rainbow Trout Fry Syndrome (RTFS). The robustness of the fry seems to be related to larval developmental rate and to the dietary content of specific Ω-3 fatty acids (HUFAs). Stress and RTFS tests are going to be performed to investigate if these two factors can be included in strategies to increase the robustness of the fry. Further, the effect on health and welfare of water treatments using approved agents in organic aquaculture is tested. RobustFish will create growth – based on organic principles and in a balance between environment, ethics and economy. However, the efforts will as well improve the productivity of the conventional trout farming by lower prevalence of RTFS, reduced medication and lower environmental impact. Connected to these efforts RobustFish also will provide needed knowledge about market conditions and consumer attitudes, including the competitive effect of increased production. Mapping the existing types of organic aquaculture products in European markets will pave the way for product development and increasing the Danish market share