5 research outputs found
Metronidazole uptake in the cholesteatomatous membrane in chronic otitis media
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Die Bakteriologie der chronischen Otitis media im Vergleich zum klinischen Befund
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Microbiologia dos abscessos peritonsilares
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Diagnosis of Human Giardiasis
- Author
- A Buret
- AJ Goldin
- AMM Jokipii
- AT Campbell
- AVH Allen
- B Ford
- C Dobell
- C Read
- CE Lopez
- CF Amar
- CFL Amar
- D Casemore
- D Keister
- DSM Souza
- E Badparva
- E Green
- G Cook
- G Faubert
- G Ortega-Pierres
- H Smith
- H Smith
- HV Smith
- HV Smith
- HV Smith
- J Hu
- J Palmer
- J Sahagún
- J Utzinger
- JD Rosoff
- JD Rosoff
- JED Palm
- JJ Verweij
- JJ Verweij
- JM Bifulco
- K Nasmuth
- K Roxström-Lindquist
- L Savioli
- LS Garcia
- M Danciger
- M Wolfe
- M Wolfe
- MA Behr
- MAS Wit de
- MD Libman
- P Karanis
- P Smith
- R Girdwood
- R Hove ten
- R Rendtorff
- RAB Nichols
- RAB Nichols
- RAB Nichols
- RCA Thompson
- S Lane
- S Lin
- SM Cacciò
- SM Cacciò
- SM Pietrzak-Johnston
- T Gool van
- T Weitzel
- TE Nash
- TG Mank
- TS Chew
- U Wahnschaffe
- WG Sawitz
- WL Homan
- World Health Organisation
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2011
- Field of study
Current Trends in the Management of Upper Respiratory Tract Bacterial Infections
- Author
- Aderhold L
- Alderson D
- Anderson JD
- Aranki A
- Asano H
- Baba S
- Bank G
- Barton LL
- Bartzokas CA
- Becker GD
- Becker GD
- Becker GD
- Becker GD
- Benjamin JT
- Berg JO
- Bisno AL
- Bisno AL
- Bisno AL
- Bluestone CD
- Boughton WH
- Bowden GH
- Breese B
- Breese BB
- Breese BB
- Breese BB
- Breese BB
- Breese BB
- Britz ML
- Britz ML
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brook I
- Brownlee RC
- Bryant LE
- Bryant RE
- Butler T
- Carl Erik Nord
- Chagollan JJR
- Chamovitz R
- Chretien JH
- Crawford C
- Cuchural GJ
- Cuchural GJ
- Cuchural GJ
- Dajani AS
- Darland C
- DeLouvis J
- Denny FW
- Dor P
- Drasar BS
- Dzink JL
- Edson RS
- Ekedahl C
- Emslie RD
- Engquist S
- Engquist S
- Engquist S
- Evans AS
- Evans FO
- Fayolle F
- Feigin RD
- Feigin RD
- Feingold M
- Feinstein AR
- Finegold SM
- Finegold SM
- Fitzgerald DC
- Flodström A
- Flodström A
- Franke AE
- Fubara ES
- Fujimaki Y
- Fulginiti VA
- Garrod LP
- Gastanaduy AS
- Gerber MA
- Ginsburg C
- Glezen WP
- Glezen WP
- Goldstein EJC
- Gorbach SL
- Gordon DF
- Grahn E
- Griffee MB
- Haapasalo M
- Hackman AS
- Hackman AS
- Hallander HO
- Hardie JM
- Harker LA
- Healy GB
- Heerema MS
- Heimdahl A
- Heimdahl A
- Heimdahl A
- Heimdahl A
- Heimdahl A
- Heimdahl A
- Heimdahl A
- Heimdahl A
- Heimdahl A
- Heimdahl A
- Heineman HS
- Henderson FW
- Herzon FS
- Hill HR
- Hirono YU
- Howie VM
- Howie VM
- Howie VM
- Ingham HR
- Itzhak Brook
- Jacobson JA
- Jokipii AMM
- Kaplan EL
- Kawamura S
- Kenna MA
- Kesado T
- Knudsin RB
- Kovatch AL
- Krober MS
- Kundsin RB
- Kuriyama K
- Laatsch LJ
- Levison ME
- Levy SB
- Listgarten MA
- Listgarten MA
- Loesche WJ
- Loesche WJ
- Lundberg C
- Lundberg C
- LÃ… Hanson
- MacDonald JB
- Malamy MH
- Marsch PK
- Martinez-Suarez JV
- Maruyama S
- Massel BF
- Masuda G
- McCue JD
- McDonald CJ
- McFarlan AM
- McMurry L
- Miceika BG
- Miyake H
- Miyamoto Y
- Mombelli G
- Moore WEC
- Mortimer EA
- Murray PR
- Murray PR
- Nathan DG
- Nelson BW
- Nelson JD
- Nord CE
- Nord CE
- Nord CE
- Nord CE
- Novick RP
- O'Keefe JP
- Ogawa M
- Oguntebi B
- Oguntebi B
- Olsson B
- Olsson B
- Olsson-Liljequist B
- Osafune H
- Pinkus G
- Powers GF
- Privitera G
- Privitera G
- Quie PG
- Quie PG
- Randolph MF
- Randolph MF
- Randolph MF
- Rasmussen JL
- Reig M
- Reilly S
- Robillard NJ
- Roos K
- Roos K
- Roos K
- Sanders CC
- Sato K
- Sato K
- Scheifele DW
- Scheifele DW
- Schwartz RH
- Schwartz RH
- Seagle MB
- Sheiham A
- Sherrill JM
- Shimell MJ
- Shoemaker M
- Shoemaker NB
- Shulman ST
- Siegel AC
- Siegler D
- Silverstone LM
- Simon HJ
- Simon HM
- Sims W
- Slifkin M
- Slots J
- Smith CJ
- Socransky SS
- Socransky SS
- Socransky SS
- Sosa A
- Stephenson JR
- Stillerman M
- Strömberg A
- Strömberg A
- Strömberg A
- Sugita R
- Sugita R
- Sugita R
- Sugita R
- Sundquist GK
- Sundqvist G
- Sweeny G
- Tally FP
- Tally FP
- Tally FP
- Tally FP
- Tally FP
- Teilan SA
- Thadepalli H
- Timewell R
- Timewell RM
- Tunér K
- Tunér K
- Tunér K
- Tunér K
- Tunér K
- Tunér K
- Tunér K
- Tunér K
- Tunér K
- van der Hoeven JS
- van Laethem Y
- van Steenbergen TJ
- van Winkelhoff AJ
- von Konow L
- Wannamaker LW
- Wannamaker LW
- Weisblum B
- Welch RA
- Williams BL
- Woodruff C
- Yee MH
- Yokoi H
- Yolken RH
- Yoshikawa TT
- Yotsuji A
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study