83,951 research outputs found

    A comparative study of two 47 Tuc giant stars with different s-process enrichment

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    Here we aim to understand the origin of 47 Tuc's La-rich star Lee 4710. We report abundances for O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, and Eu, and present a detailed abundance analysis of two 47 Tuc stars with similar stellar parameters but different slow neutron-capture (s-)process enrichment. Star Lee 4710 has the highest known La abundance ratio in this cluster ([La/Fe] = 1.14), and star Lee 4626 is known to have normal s-process abundances (e.g., [Ba/Eu]<0<0). The nucleosynthetic pattern of elements with Z\gtrsim56 for star Lee 4710 agrees with the predicted yields of a 1.3M1.3M_{\odot} asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star. Therefore, Lee 4710 may have been enriched by mass transfer from a more massive AGB companion, which is compatible with its location far away from the center of this relatively metal-rich ([Fe/H]0.7\sim-0.7) globular cluster. A further analysis comparing the abundance pattern of Lee 4710 with data available in the literature reveals that nine out of the 200\sim200 47 Tuc stars previously studied show strong s-process enhancements that point towards later enrichment by more massive AGB stars.Comment: ApJL in press. 6 pages, 4 figure

    Open charm tomography of cold nuclear matter

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    We study the relative contribution of partonic sub-processes to D meson production and D meson-triggered inclusive di-hadrons to lowest order in perturbative QCD. While gluon fusion dominates the creation of large angle DD-bar pairs, charm on light parton scattering determines the yield of single inclusive D mesons. The distinctly different non-perturbative fragmentation of c quarks into D mesons versus the fragmentation of quarks and gluons into light hadrons results in a strong transverse momentum dependence of anticharm content of the away-side charm-triggered jet. In p+A reactions, we calculate and resum the coherent nuclear-enhanced power corrections from the final state partonic scattering in the medium. We find that single and double inclusive open charm production can be suppressed as much as the yield of neutral pions from dynamical high-twist shadowing. Effects of energy loss in p+A collisions are also investigated phenomenologically and may lead to significantly weaker transverse momentum dependence of the nuclear attenuation.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figure

    Radio emission from the massive stars in the Galactic Super Star Cluster Westerlund 1

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    Current mass-loss rate estimates imply that main sequence winds are not sufficient to strip away the H-rich envelope to yield Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars. The rich transitional population of Westerlund 1 (Wd 1) provides an ideal laboratory to observe mass-loss processes throughout the transitional phase of stellar evolution. An analysis of deep radio continuum observations of Wd 1 is presented. We detect 18 cluster members. The radio properties of the sample are diverse, with thermal, non-thermal and composite thermal/non-thermal sources present. Mass-loss rates are ~10^{-5} solar mass/year across all spectral types, insufficient to form WRs during a massive star lifetime, and the stars must undergo a period of enhanced mass loss. The sgB[e] star W9 may provide an example, with a mass-loss rate an order of magnitude higher than the other cluster members, and an extended nebula of density ~3 times the current wind. This structure is reminiscent of luminous blue variables, and one with evidence of two eras of high, possibly eruptive, mass loss. Three OB supergiants are detected, implying unusually dense winds. They also may have composite spectra, suggesting binarity. Spatially resolved nebulae are associated with three of the four RSGs and three of the six YHGs in the cluster, which are due to quiescent mass loss rather than outbursts. For some of the cool star winds, the ionizing source may be a companion star though the cluster radiation density is sufficiently high to provide the necessary ionizing radiation. Five WR stars are detected with composite spectra, interpreted as arising in colliding-wind binaries.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Varieties and Cropping Practices for 1951

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    Choosing the right variety of farm crops is one of the essential steps to get maximum crop yields. The results of research in crop breeding and management none make it possible for farmers to remove many of the hazards in crop production

    EffiTest: Efficient Delay Test and Statistical Prediction for Configuring Post-silicon Tunable Buffers

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    At nanometer manufacturing technology nodes, process variations significantly affect circuit performance. To combat them, post- silicon clock tuning buffers can be deployed to balance timing bud- gets of critical paths for each individual chip after manufacturing. The challenge of this method is that path delays should be mea- sured for each chip to configure the tuning buffers properly. Current methods for this delay measurement rely on path-wise frequency stepping. This strategy, however, requires too much time from ex- pensive testers. In this paper, we propose an efficient delay test framework (EffiTest) to solve the post-silicon testing problem by aligning path delays using the already-existing tuning buffers in the circuit. In addition, we only test representative paths and the delays of other paths are estimated by statistical delay prediction. Exper- imental results demonstrate that the proposed method can reduce the number of frequency stepping iterations by more than 94% with only a slight yield loss.Comment: ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), June 201

    The Hidden Spatial Geometry of Non-Abelian Gauge Theories

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    The Gauss law constraint in the Hamiltonian form of the SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory of gluons is satisfied by any functional of the gauge invariant tensor variable ϕij=BiaBja\phi^{ij} = B^{ia} B^{ja}. Arguments are given that the tensor Gij=(ϕ1)ijdetBG_{ij} = (\phi^{-1})_{ij}\,\det B is a more appropriate variable. When the Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of ϕ\phi or GG, the quantity Γjki\Gamma^i_{jk} appears. The gauge field Bianchi and Ricci identities yield a set of partial differential equations for Γ\Gamma in terms of GG. One can show that Γ\Gamma is a metric-compatible connection for GG with torsion, and that the curvature tensor of Γ\Gamma is that of an Einstein space. A curious 3-dimensional spatial geometry thus underlies the gauge-invariant configuration space of the theory, although the Hamiltonian is not invariant under spatial coordinate transformations. Spatial derivative terms in the energy density are singular when detG=detB=0\det G=\det B=0. These singularities are the analogue of the centrifugal barrier of quantum mechanics, and physical wave-functionals are forced to vanish in a certain manner near detB=0\det B=0. It is argued that such barriers are an inevitable result of the projection on the gauge-invariant subspace of the Hilbert space, and that the barriers are a conspicuous way in which non-abelian gauge theories differ from scalar field theories.Comment: 19 pages, TeX, CTP #223

    Basic Treatment of QCD Phase Transition Bubble Nucleation

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    Starting from the QCD Lagrangian and the surface tension of QCD bubbles we derive the critical size of bubbles, the nucleation probability and the nucleation site separation distance. We find the separation of sites is more than an order of magnitude larger than previous QCD model estimates, which could lead to observable effects.Comment: 8 pages, one figur


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    The Japanese pork market is protected by a complex set of restrictions, including a variable levy and an import tariff. The combination of these policies distorts the quantity, price, and form of Japanese pork imports. An important issue relevant to the liberalization of the Japanese pork market is the accurate measurement of the price wedge between Japanese and world pork prices. The analysis indicates that the tariff equivalent of the price wedge over the 1986-88 period was 44%. If the tariff equivalent of the price wedge is reduced over a ten-year period, Japanese pork imports are projected to increase by over 39% initially and by over 215% compared to baseline projections by the year 2000. Producer welfare can be maintained by a deficiency payment scheme. A less costly alternative is an industry buffer scheme, which maintains the level of the pork industry for two years and then implements a declining deficiency payment scheme that limits the decrease in production levels to 5% per year.International Relations/Trade,

    Radio emission from the massive stars in Westerlund 1

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    The diverse massive stellar population in the young massive clusterWesterlund 1 (Wd 1) provides an ideal laboratory to observe and constrain mass-loss processes throughout the transitional phase of massive star evolution. A set of high sensitivity radio observations of Wd 1 leads to the detection of 18 cluster members, a sample dominated by cool hypergiants, but with detections among hotter OB supergiants and WR stars. Here the diverse radio properties of the detected sample are briefly described. The mass-loss rates of the detected objects are surprisingly similar across the whole transitional phase of massive star evolution, at ~ 10-5 Mo yr−1. Such a rate is insufficient to strip away the H-rich mantle in a massive star lifetime, unless the stars go through a period of enhanced mass-loss. The radio luminous star W9 provides an example of such an object, with evidence for two eras of mass-loss with rates of ~ 10−4 Mo yr−1