965 research outputs found

    Model teacher and citizen: John Hoskins, 1917-2006

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    Cyclosporin A inhibits caspase-independent death of NGF-deprived sympathetic neurons: a potential role for mitochondrial permeability transition

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    Opening of the permeability transition pore (PTP) has been implicated as an important mitochondrial event that occurs during apoptosis. We examined the role of the PTP in the well-characterized cell death of rat sympathetic neurons deprived of nerve growth factor (NGF) in vitro. Removal of NGF causes these neurons to undergo either a classic apoptotic cell death or, when treated with a broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor such as boc-aspartyl(OMe)-fluoromethylketone (BAF), a delayed, nonapoptotic cell death. The PTP inhibitor, cyclosporin A (CsA), blocked commitment-to-die in the presence of BAF, as defined by the ability of NGF readdition to rescue cells, but had little effect on commitment-to-die in the absence of BAF. CsA did not have trophic effects on BAF-saved cells, but did block the decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential. These data suggest that PTP opening is a critical event in caspase-independent, nonapoptotic (but not caspase-dependent, apoptotic) death of NGF-deprived rat sympathetic neurons

    Alternating metabolic pathways in NGF-deprived sympathetic neurons affect caspase-independent death

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    Mitochondrial release of cytochrome c in apoptotic cells activates caspases, which execute apoptotic cell death. However, the events themselves that culminate in caspase activation can have deleterious effects because caspase inhibitor–saved cells ultimately die in a caspase-independent manner. To determine what events may underlie this form of cell death, we examined bioenergetic changes in sympathetic neurons deprived of NGF in the presence of a broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor, boc-aspartyl-(OMe)-fluoromethylketone. Here, we report that NGF-deprived, boc-aspartyl-(OMe)-fluoromethylketone–saved neurons rely heavily on glycolysis for ATP generation and for survival. Second, the activity of F0F1 contributes to caspase-independent death, but has only a minor role in the maintenance of mitochondrial membrane potential, which is maintained primarily by electron transport. Third, permeability transition pore inhibition by cyclosporin A attenuates NGF deprivation–induced loss of mitochondrial proteins, suggesting that permeability transition pore opening may have a function in regulating the degradation of mitochondria after cytochrome c release. Identification of changes in caspase inhibitor–saved cells may provide the basis for rational strategies to augment the effectiveness of the therapeutic use of postmitochondrial interventions

    The limited role of NH2-terminal c-Jun phosphorylation in neuronal apoptosis: Identification of the nuclear pore complex as a potential target of the JNK pathway

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    c-Jun is induced in many neuronal death paradigms. A critical step in c-Jun regulation involves phosphorylation of Ser63/Ser73 located in the NH2-terminal transactivation domain. To determine the importance of this phosphorylation for neuronal apoptosis, we analyzed the sympathetic neurons of mice carrying a mutant c-Jun gene that lacks Ser63/Ser73 phosphorylation sites (jun aa). Trophic factor–deprivation or DNA damage–induced death was significantly delayed in jun aa/aa neurons. Neuronal c-Jun induction was only partially inhibited, demonstrating that phosphorylation of Ser63/73 is not required for c-Jun activation. The inductions of proapoptotic BH3-only proteins, Bim and PUMA/Bbc3, were delayed during neuronal apoptosis in mutant neurons. These results demonstrate that NH2-terminal c-Jun phosphorylation is important, but not necessary, for the induction of proapoptotic genes and neuronal apoptosis. Thus, additional JNK substrates may be critical for neuronal death. As potential mediators, we identified additional nuclear MLK/JNK substrates, including Nup214 subunit of the nuclear pore complex

    Effects of Age, Breed and Sex on Haematological Parameters of Growing Omani Goat Breeds

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    Sixty seven healthy growing goat kids of three Omani breeds, born and raised in Sultan Qaboos University Agricultural Experiment Station, were used to study the effects of age, breed and sex on haematological parameters. Blood samples were collected at several times from the first to 25 weeks to study the following parameters: Red Blood Cells (RBCs), White Blood Cells (WBCs), Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Haemoglobin (Hb), Mean Cell Volume (MCV), Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC) and Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH). At birth, MCV and MCH levels were significantly higher in Batina (BAT) kids than both Jabal Akhdar (JA) and Dhofari (DOF), but there were no breed differences in the rest of the haematological values. There were significant breed differences in RBC, MCH, WBC, MCV at different ages, with Hb and PCV being highly significant at all ages. All blood parameters changed with time but showed different patterns in all breeds. There was no effect of sex on RBC, MCHC, PCV, Hb or WBC, but female kids had significantly higher MCH and MCV values at week 12. This study indicates that haematology parameters in Omani goat kids could be affected by age, breed and sex

    Photoluminescence and Band Gap Modulation in Graphene Oxide

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    We report broadband visible photoluminescence from solid graphene oxide, and modifications of the emission spectrum by progressive chemical reduction. The data suggest a gapping of the two-dimensional electronic system by removal of π-electrons. We discuss possible gapping mechanisms, and propose that a Kekule pattern of bond distortions may account for the observed behavior

    Intrinsic and extrinsic pathway signaling during neuronal apoptosis: lessons from the analysis of mutant mice

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    Trophic factor deprivation (TFD)-induced apoptosis in sympathetic neurons requires macromolecular synthesis–dependent BAX translocation, cytochrome c (cyt c) release, and caspase activation. Here, we report the contributions of other intrinsic and extrinsic pathway signals to these processes. Sympathetic neurons expressed all antiapoptotic BCL-2 proteins examined, yet expressed only certain BH3-only and multidomain proapoptotic BCL-2 family members. All coexpressed proapoptotic proteins did not, however, exhibit functional redundancy or compensatory expression, at least in the Bax−/−, Bak−/−, Bim−/−, Bid−/−, and Bad−/− neurons examined. Although the subcellular distribution or posttranslational modification of certain BCL-2 proteins changed with TFD, neither transcriptional nor posttranslational mechanisms regulated the expression or subcellular localization of BID, BAD, or BAK in this paradigm. Despite modest induction of Fas and FasL expression, Fas-mediated signaling did not contribute to TFD-induced apoptosis in sympathetic neurons. Similar findings were obtained with K+ withdrawal–induced apoptosis in cerebellar granule neurons, a model for activity-dependent neuronal survival in the CNS. Thus, expression alone does not guarantee functional redundancy (or compensation) among BCL-2 family members, and, at least in some cells, extrinsic pathway signaling and certain BH3-only proteins (i.e., BID and BAD) do not contribute to BAX-dependent cyt c release or apoptosis caused by TFD

    Artemin Is a Vascular-Derived Neurotropic Factor for Developing Sympathetic Neurons

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    AbstractArtemin (ARTN) is a member of the GDNF family of ligands and signals through the Ret/GFRα3 receptor complex. Characterization of ARTN- and GFRα3-deficient mice revealed similar abnormalities in the migration and axonal projection pattern of the entire sympathetic nervous system. This resulted in abnormal innervation of target tissues and consequent cell death due to deficiencies of target-derived neurotrophic support. ARTN is expressed along blood vessels and in cells nearby to sympathetic axonal projections. In the developing vasculature, ARTN is expressed in smooth muscle cells of the vessels, and it acts as a guidance factor that encourages sympathetic fibers to follow blood vessels as they project toward their final target tissues. The chemoattractive properties of ARTN were confirmed by the demonstration that sympathetic neuroblasts migrate and project axons toward ARTN-soaked beads implanted into mouse embryos

    BAX Is Required for Neuronal Death after Trophic Factor Deprivation and during Development

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    AbstractMembers of the BCL2-related family of proteins either promote or repress programmed cell death. BAX, a death-promoting member, heterodimerizes with multiple death-repressing molecules, suggesting that it could prove critical to cell death. We tested whether Bax is required for neuronal death by trophic factor deprivation and during development. Neonatal sympathetic neurons and facial motor neurons from Bax-deficient mice survived nerve growth factor deprivation and disconnection from their targets by axotomy, respectively. These salvaged neurons displayed remarkable soma atrophy and reduced elaboration of neurites; yet they responded to readdition of trophic factor with soma hypertrophy and enhanced neurite outgrowth. Bax-deficient superior cervical ganglia and facial nuclei possessed increased numbers of neurons. Our observations demonstrate that trophic factor deprivation–induced death of sympathetic and motor neurons depends on Bax