100 research outputs found


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    Mathematical models provide spatial analysis to help complex decision-making and can be successfully applied to product planning in tourism. This paper presents a case study, and suggests one process by which planning agencies may evaluate the railway stations in the Northern Greece network. Six geographical points of distinction are identified for promotion based on linear-nearest neighbor analysis and the connectivity index. A functional diagram evaluates each point based on infrastructure, natural and cultural attractions. Finally, these indicators suggest marketing considerations, which may lend support to Management or stakeholders’ discussions to maximize the geographic points.Matematički modeli omogućuju prostornu analizu kako bi se pomoglo složenom postupku odlučivanja i mogu se uspješno primjenjivati za planiranje proizvoda u turizmu. Ovaj rad prikazuje analizu pojedinog slučaja i predlaže proces pri čijem planiranju agencije mogu procjenjivati kolodvore u željezničkoj mreži sjeverne Grčke. Za promociju na bazi analize linearnog najbližeg susjedu i indeksa povezanosti utvrđeno je šest geografskih točaka razlikovanja. Funkcijska shema ocjenjuje svaku točku na temelju infrastrukture i prirodnih i kulturnih aktivnosti. Zaključno ti indikatori predlažu marketinško promišljanje što bi pružilo podršku menadžmentu ili nositelju interesa kod diskusija oko maksimiziranja geografskih točki


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    As competition increases in the leisure sector, quality service is an advantage that increases the number of new and repeat users. The case study investigates whether or not the Cambridge & County Folk Museum delivers quality of service to external customers. The current visitor questionnaires are used to assess the Folk Museum\u27s quality of service from the point of external customers through ten determinants of service quality. Staff and receptionists questionnaires identify the Folk Museum\u27s perceptions of its service quality to the public and whether its operation is effective. The findings illustrate that there is no major disparity between the Folk Museum\u27s internal objectives and the delivery of services. However, the Museum does need to explore which services outside audiences want the Museum to provide and to reinforce external communications in order to create positive and attractive images of the Museum for the public.Kako konkurencija u sektoru odmarališta raste, kvaliteta usluge je prednost koja povećava broj novih i ponovnih korisnika. Analiza pojedinog slučaja istražuje da li Cambridge & County Folk muzej pruža kvalitetne usluge vanjskim kupcima. Najnovije ankete za posjetitelje se koriste kako bi utvrdili kvalitetu usluga Folk muzeja sa stanovišta vanjskih posjetitelja pomoću deset odrednica kvalitete usluga. Ankete za osoblje i recepcionere utvrđuju kakvu percepciju muzej ima o kvaliteti pružene usluge i da li je njihov rad učinkovit. Rezultati pokazuju da nema velike razlike između internih ciljeva Folk muzeja i pruženih usluga. Međutim muzej treba ispitati koje usluge vanjska publika želi da muzej omogući. Također treba ojačati vanjsku komunikaciju kako bi pozitivno i atraktivno prikazao muzej prema javnosti


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    In a competitive environment the application of Information Technology Systems by tourism companies can increase future prosperity and financial growth. The purpose of this paper is to measure the natural assets and to calculate the environmental benefits, as well as, the associated costs, so as to include all the above in the financial statements (balance sheet and profit & loss account). It is crucial to point out that the installation of a Green Accounting Information System requires evaluation of human assets (students and professors), availability of space, value the benefits, as well as, estimate the necessary installation costs. Literature suggests that although many information systems of environmental management have been developed, no significant progress was made on the growth of green accounting information systems due to the inherent difficulty for the monetary expression of environmental accumulated costs and related natural resources.U konkurentskom okruženju primjenom sustava informacijske tehnologije turistička poduzeća mogu jačati svoj budući prosperitet i financijski rast. Svrha je rada izmjerili prirodne vrijednosti, te izračunati ekološke koristi kao i pripadajuće troškove, a radi uključivanja istih u financijska izvješća (bilanca i račun dobiti i gubitka). Ključno je istaknuti da prilikom uvođenja informacijskih sustava računovodstva okoliša treba procijeniti ljudske potencijale (studenti i profesori) i raspoloži prostor, te utvrditi koristi sustava i odrediti troškove njegovog uvođenja. Iz literature se može zaključiti da, iako su izrađeni brojni informacijski sustavi za menadžment okoliša, nema značajnijeg napretka na širenju informacijskih sustava "zelenog" računovodstva zbog inherentne teškoće monetarnog izražavanja akumuliranih ekoloških troškova i s njima povezanih prirodnih resursa

    Quality And Effectiveness Of Enterprise Resource Planning - Customer Relationship Management Systems: Implications For Information Systems Marketing Strategies

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    The present research examines the success of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems in Greece, employing Delone and McLean’s model. The questionnaires of the study were e-mailed to the 1,049 largest organizations based on turnover and assets. The final research sample consists of 105 Greek enterprises. The list of organizations was compiled by using the Index of Companies and Products Directory (ICAP). Results show that users have more positive attitude towards system quality and information quality and less positive attitude towards service quality. Moreover, users believe that ERP systems enhance their performance and can contribute to the control of management. Furthermore, present paper proved that D&M model constitutes a causal model with the exception of the variable of system use that is only related to user satisfaction, and ERP system quality.The findings of this research trigger many theoretical and managerial implications and create lots of potential for future research in the fields of Information Systems, Management, and Marketing

    Internet corporate reporting in Greece

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    This paper investigates the internet corporate reporting practices of Greek listed companies. The aim is twofold: to contribute to the growing literature by examining internet corporate reporting for a small open European capital market; and to present a model of online dissemination of information by companies of all size in Greece. An Internet Disclosure Index (IDI) of 50 items is constructed, which incorporates content and presentation criteria. A total of 141 corporate websites were screened, and both partial and aggregates scores were produced. The scores show that the Greek companies have a lot of work to do in order to enhance the investor relations activities on the internet. On average, the larger, more established companies have significantly higher levels of disclosure for both financial and non-financial data. The contribution of this study is to describe how corporate reporting practices have evolved in an emerging European country, where investor confidence was considerably damaged by speculative events of 1999 and 2000. This study also provides some useful insights into corporate reporting via the internet in smaller listed companies, which have not been researched extensively