9 research outputs found
MOESM1 of Shifting the burden or expanding access to care? Assessing malaria trends following scale-up of community health worker malaria case management and reactive case detection
Additional file 1. Additional tables showing the analyses for the entire time period (2010â2013)
Ownership of ITNs by rural health center catchment areas, Luangwa District Zambia 2008.
<p>Pie size represents relative population size of catchment area.</p
Logistic regression analysis<sup>*</sup> showing factors influencing the lack of insecticide-treated mosquito net household ownership, Luangwa District Zambia 2008.
<p>*Rural health center included as a random intercept.</p><p>**Significant at the 95% level.</p
MOESM3 of Effectiveness of reactive case detection for malaria elimination in three archetypical transmission settings: a modelling study
Additional file 3. Observed ITN coverage in Bbondo HFCA between 2012 and 2015
Characteristics of households without insecticide-treated mosquito nets, Luangwa District Zambia 2008.
<p>ITN: insecticide-treated mosquito net.</p><p>ANC: Antenatal care clinic.</p
Postal que reproduce una pintura del año 1440 de Piero della FrancescaEn la postal aparece el siguiente texto: Fürstlich Liechtensteinsche Gemäldegalerie, Wie
MOESM11 of Effectiveness of reactive case detection for malaria elimination in three archetypical transmission settings: a modelling study
Additional file 11. Importation rates into HFCAs under four potential intervention packages in the external high-transmission area
[Colecciones de arte privadas en Málaga]
Ficha técnica de una pintura al óleo del siglo XVIII, titulada "Jarron con flores" de 103 x 132 cm
Additional file 1: of Assessing the effectiveness of household-level focal mass drug administration and community-wide mass drug administration for reducing malaria parasite infection prevalence and incidence in Southern Province, Zambia: study protocol for a community randomized controlled trial
Web appendix containing supporting information. (DOCX 60Â kb