1,353 research outputs found

    Circle Detection Using the Image Ray Transform

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    Physical analogies are an exciting paradigm for creating techniques for image feature extraction. A transform using an analogy to light rays has been developed for the detection of circular and tubular features. It uses a 2D ray tracing algorithm to follow rays through an image, interacting at a low level, to emphasise higher level features. It has been empirically tested as a pre-processor to aid circle detection with the Hough Transform and has been shown to provide a clear improvement over standard techniques. The transform was also used on natural images and we show its ability to highlight circles even in complex scenes. We also show the flexibility available to the technique through adjustment of parameters

    Model-based approaches for predicting gait changes over time

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    Interest in automated biometrics continues to increase, but has little consideration of time which are especially important in surveillance and scan control. This paper deals with a problem of recognition by gait when time-dependent covariates are added, i.e. when 66 or 1212 months have passed between recording of the gallery and the probe sets. Moreover, in some cases some extra covariates present as well. We have shown previously how recognition rates fall significantly when data is captured between lengthy time intervals. Under the assumption that it is possible to have some subjects from the probe for training and that similar subjects have similar changes in gait over time, we suggest predictive models of changes in gait due both to time and now to time-invariant covariates. Our extended time-dependent predictive model derives high recognition rates when time-dependent or subject-dependent covariates are added. However it is not able to cope with time-invariant covariates, therefore a new time-invariant predictive model is suggested to accommodate extra covariates. These are combined to achieve a predictive model which takes into consideration all types of covariates. A considerable improvement in recognition capability is demonstrated, showing that changes can be modelled successfully by the new approach

    On gait as a biometric: progress and prospects

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    There is increasing interest in automatic recognition by gait given its unique capability to recognize people at a distance when other biometrics are obscured. Application domains are those of any noninvasive biometric, but with particular advantage in surveillance scenarios. Its recognition capability is supported by studies in other domains such as medicine (biomechanics), mathematics and psychology which also suggest that gait is unique. Further, examples of recognition by gait can be found in literature, with early reference by Shakespeare concerning recognition by the way people walk. Many of the current approaches confirm the early results that suggested gait could be used for identification, and now on much larger databases. This has been especially influenced by DARPA’s Human ID at a Distance research program with its wide scenario of data and approaches. Gait has benefited from the developments in other biometrics and has led to new insight particularly in view of covariates. Equally, gait-recognition approaches concern extraction and description of moving articulated shapes and this has wider implications than just in biometrics

    The way we walk

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    Mark Nixon and John Carter reveal how developments in biometrics could mean the increasing use of biometric evidence such ear shape and gait to identify defendants

    Texture Segmentation by Evidence Gathering

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    A new approach to texture segmentation is presented which uses Local Binary Pattern data to provide evidence from which pixels can be classified into texture classes. The proposed algorithm, which we contend to be the first use of evidence gathering in the field of texture classification, uses Generalised Hough Transform style R-tables as unique descriptors for each texture class and an accumulator is used to store votes for each texture class. Tests on the Brodatz database and Berkeley Segmentation Dataset have shown that our algorithm provides excellent results; an average of 86.9% was achieved over 50 tests on 27 Brodatz textures compared with 80.3% achieved by segmentation by histogram comparison centred on each pixel. In addition, our results provide noticeably smoother texture boundaries and reduced noise within texture regions. The concept is also a "higher order" texture descriptor, whereby the arrangement of texture elements is used for classification as well as the frequency of occurrence that is featured in standard texture operators. This results in a unique descriptor for each texture class based on the structure of texture elements within the image, which leads to a homogeneous segmentation, in boundary and area, of texture by this new technique

    On Acquisition and Analysis of a Dataset Comprising of Gait, Ear and Semantic data

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    In outdoor scenarios such as surveillance where there is very little control over the environments, complex computer vision algorithms are often required for analysis. However constrained environments, such as walkways in airports where the surroundings and the path taken by individuals can be controlled, provide an ideal application for such systems. Figure 1.1 depicts an idealised constrained environment. The path taken by the subject is restricted to a narrow path and once inside is in a volume where lighting and other conditions are controlled to facilitate biometric analysis. The ability to control the surroundings and the flow of people greatly simplifes the computer vision task, compared to typical unconstrained environments. Even though biometric datasets with greater than one hundred people are increasingly common, there is still very little known about the inter and intra-subject variation in many biometrics. This information is essential to estimate the recognition capability and limits of automatic recognition systems. In order to accurately estimate the inter- and the intra- class variance, substantially larger datasets are required [40]. Covariates such as facial expression, headwear, footwear type, surface type and carried items are attracting increasing attention; although considering the potentially large impact on an individuals biometrics, large trials need to be conducted to establish how much variance results. This chapter is the first description of the multibiometric data acquired using the University of Southampton's Multi-Biometric Tunnel [26, 37]; a biometric portal using automatic gait, face and ear recognition for identification purposes. The tunnel provides a constrained environment and is ideal for use in high throughput security scenarios and for the collection of large datasets. We describe the current state of data acquisition of face, gait, ear, and semantic data and present early results showing the quality and range of data that has been collected. The main novelties of this dataset in comparison with other multi-biometric datasets are: 1. gait data exists for multiple views and is synchronised, allowing 3D reconstruction and analysis; 2. the face data is a sequence of images allowing for face recognition in video; 3. the ear data is acquired in a relatively unconstrained environment, as a subject walks past; and 4. the semantic data is considerably more extensive than has been available previously. We shall aim to show the advantages of this new data in biometric analysis, though the scope for such analysis is considerably greater than time and space allows for here

    On Using Gait in Forensic Biometrics

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    Given the continuing advances in gait biometrics, it appears prudent to investigate the translation of these techniques for forensic use. We address the question as to the confidence that might be given between any two such measurements. We use the locations of ankle, knee and hip to derive a measure of the match between walking subjects in image sequences. The Instantaneous Posture Match algorithm, using Harr templates, kinematics and anthropomorphic knowledge is used to determine their location. This is demonstrated using real CCTV recorded at Gatwick Airport, laboratory images from the multi-view CASIA-B dataset and an example of real scene of crime video. To access the measurement confidence we study the mean intra- and inter-match scores as a function of database size. These measures converge to constant and separate values, indicating that the match measure derived from individual comparisons is considerably smaller than the average match measure from a population

    Towards automated visual surveillance using gait for identity recognition and tracking across multiple non-intersecting cameras

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    Despite the fact that personal privacy has become a major concern, surveillance technology is now becoming ubiquitous in modern society. This is mainly due to the increasing number of crimes as well as the essential necessity to provide secure and safer environment. Recent research studies have confirmed now the possibility of recognizing people by the way they walk i.e. gait. The aim of this research study is to investigate the use of gait for people detection as well as identification across different cameras. We present a new approach for people tracking and identification between different non-intersecting un-calibrated stationary cameras based on gait analysis. A vision-based markerless extraction method is being deployed for the derivation of gait kinematics as well as anthropometric measurements in order to produce a gait signature. The novelty of our approach is motivated by the recent research in biometrics and forensic analysis using gait. The experimental results affirmed the robustness of our approach to successfully detect walking people as well as its potency to extract gait features for different camera viewpoints achieving an identity recognition rate of 73.6 % processed for 2270 video sequences. Furthermore, experimental results confirmed the potential of the proposed method for identity tracking in real surveillance systems to recognize walking individuals across different views with an average recognition rate of 92.5 % for cross-camera matching for two different non-overlapping views.<br/

    Gait Recognition By Walking and Running: A Model-Based Approach

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    Gait is an emerging biometric for which some techniques, mainly holistic, have been developed to recognise people by their walking patterns. However, the possibility of recognising people by the way they run remains largely unexplored. The new analytical model presented in this paper is based on the biomechanics of walking and running, and will serve as the foundation of an automatic person recognition system that is invariant to these distinct gaits. A bilateral and dynamically coupled oscillator is the key concept underlying this work. Analysis shows that this new model can be used to automatically describe walking and running subjects without parameter selection. Temporal template matching that takes into account the whole sequence of a gait cycle is applied to extract the angles of thigh and lower leg rotation. The phase-weighted magnitudes of the lower order Fourier components of these rotations form the gait signature. Classification of walking and running subjects is performed using the k-nearest-neighbour classifier. Recognition rates are similar to that achieved by other techniques with a similarly sized database. Future work will investigate feature set selection to improve the recognition rate and will determine the invariance attributes, for inter- and intra- class, of both walking and running

    Covariate Analysis for View-point Independent Gait Recognition

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    Many studies have shown that gait can be deployed as a biometric. Few of these have addressed the effects of view-point and covariate factors on the recognition process. We describe the first analysis which combines view-point invariance for gait recognition which is based on a model-based pose estimation approach from a single un-calibrated camera. A set of experiments are carried out to explore how such factors including clothing, carrying conditions and view-point can affect the identification process using gait. Based on a covariate-based probe dataset of over 270 samples, a recognition rate of 73.4% is achieved using the KNN classifier. This confirms that people identification using dynamic gait features is still perceivable with better recognition rate even under the different covariate factors. As such, this is an important step in translating research from the laboratory to a surveillance environment