73 research outputs found

    FOMC Policy: 1970 and Beyond

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    macroeconomics, FOMC, 1970

    Inflation: an extreme view

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    Bank Regulation and the Effectiveness of Open Market Operations

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    macroeconomics, international, open markets, bank regulation

    Commercial banks and the supply of money: a market-determined demand deposit rate

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    Banks and banking ; Bank investments

    Comments and Discussion [Crowding Out or Crowding In? Economic Consequences of Financing Government Deficits]

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    macroeconomics, deficits, federal deficit, tax reduction, inflation, deflation

    Samuelson's consumption-loan model with country-specific fiat monies

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    In this paper, we examine various exchange rate regimes, paying particular attention to what difference the monetary-fiscal policy choices of governments make. The exchange rate may be market-determined or fixed, and if fixed, either cooperatively or by one government alone. Further, capital controls may or may not apply. Our most important result, quite general, we believe, is that absent capital controls the equilibrium exchange rate of the floating rate regime is indeterminate. It makes no sense to advocate floating rates and unfettered international borrowing and lending.
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