20 research outputs found

    Current and emerging drugs for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease

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    During the last decade a large number of biological agents against tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), as well as many biochemical substances and molecules specifically for the medical treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), have been developed. This enormous progress was a consequence of the significant advances in biotechnology along with the increased knowledge of the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of IBD. However, conventional therapies remain the cornerstone of treatment for most patients. During recent years conventional and biologic IBD therapies have been optimized. Newer mesalazine formulations with a reduced pill size and only one dose per day demonstrate similar efficacy to older formulations. New corticosteroids retain the efficacy of older corticosteroids while exhibiting a higher safety profile. The role of antibiotics and probiotics has been further clarified. Significant progress in understanding thiopurine metabolism has improved the effective dose along with adjunctive therapies. Quite a large number of substances and therapies, including biologic agents other than TNF-α inhibitors, unfractionated or low-molecular-weight heparin, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, microbes and microbial products, leukocytapheresis, and other substances under investigation, could offer important benefits to our patients. In this paper we review the established and emerging therapeutic strategies in patients with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis

    Gastric Outlet Obstruction due to Cytomegalovirus Infection in an Immunocompromised Patient

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    A case of gastric outlet obstruction accompanied by diffuse gastritis and gastric ulcer due to cytomegalovirus infection is presented. The patient, a woman aged 67 years with a long history of rheumatoid arthritis under immunosuppressive treatment (methotrexate), was admitted to our department complaining mostly of abdominal pain located in the epigastrium and the right abdomen. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed the presence of gastritis accompanied by ulcer in the prepyloric area and gastric outlet obstruction due to cytomegalovirus infection which was confirmed histologically. The patient responded well – although after many weeks – to specific treatment with antiviral treatment (ganciclovir). It is concluded that gastric outlet obstruction caused by cytomegalovirus infection can be observed in immunocompromised patients. The clinician must search for possible cytomegalovirus infection in all immunocompromised patients presenting with a clinical picture of gastric outlet obstruction by obtaining enough biopsies and by asking the histopathologist to specifically stain the specimen for the presence of cytomegalovirus, especially if infection by Helicobacter pylori is not present

    Granulomatous cheilitis associated with exacerbations of Crohn's disease: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Crohn's disease is a disease involving the whole gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. Oral lesions are considered to be an important extraintestinal manifestation. Granulomatous cheilitis has been recognized as an early manifestation of Crohn's disease. It may follow, coincide with or precede the onset of Crohn's disease. The aim of this presentation is to describe a rare case of a patient with Crohn's disease in whom significant swelling of the lower lip not only preceded the diagnosis of Crohn's disease for two years, but it manifested as an early clinical index of the recurrence of the intestinal disease as well.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A man aged 25 was admitted in our department on August 1999 with chronic diarrhea and loss of weight. His bowel symptoms started in 1998 at the age of 24. However, two years previously (June 1996) he noticed a swelling of the lower lip, which contrasted significantly with the previously normal appearance of his mouth. A lip biopsy performed at that time was compatible with granulomatous cheilitis. Crohn's disease involving the terminal ileum and large bowel was diagnosed in 1998 and confirmed on the basis of colonoscopy, enteroclysis and histology findings of the small and large bowel. Conservative treatment resulted in clinical and laboratory improvement of the bowel symptoms and lip swelling. During the following years the disease was active with exacerbations and remissions of mild to moderate severity. The swelling of the lower lip occurred in parallel with the exacerbations of the bowel disease, returning to normal during periods of remission.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Significant swelling of the lower lip due to granulomatous cheilitis could be the first manifestation of Crohn's disease, preceding intestinal symptoms. Exacerbation of the lip lesion could be an early clinical sign of a relapse of the underlying intestinal disease.</p

    Rare mutations predisposing to familial adenomatous polyposis in Greek FAP patients

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    BACKGROUND: Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP) is caused by germline mutations in the APC (Adenomatous Polyposis Coli) gene. The vast majority of APC mutations are point mutations or small insertions / deletions which lead to truncated protein products. Splicing mutations or gross genomic rearrangements are less common inactivating events of the APC gene. METHODS: In the current study genomic DNA or RNA from ten unrelated FAP suspected patients was examined for germline mutations in the APC gene. Family history and phenotype were used in order to select the patients. Methods used for testing were dHPLC (denaturing High Performance Liquid Chromatography), sequencing, MLPA (Multiplex Ligation – dependent Probe Amplification), Karyotyping, FISH (Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization) and RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription – Polymerase Chain Reaction). RESULTS: A 250 Kbp deletion in the APC gene starting from intron 5 and extending beyond exon 15 was identified in one patient. A substitution of the +5 conserved nucleotide at the splice donor site of intron 9 in the APC gene was shown to produce frameshift and inefficient exon skipping in a second patient. Four frameshift mutations (1577insT, 1973delAG, 3180delAAAA, 3212delA) and a nonsense mutation (C1690T) were identified in the rest of the patients. CONCLUSION: Screening for APC mutations in FAP patients should include testing for splicing defects and gross genomic alterations

    Sedation in gastrointestinal endoscopy: Current issues

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    Favorable response to subcutaneous administration of infliximab in rats with experimental colitis

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    Systematic Review on the Use of Biosimilars of Trastuzumab in HER2+ Breast Cancer

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    Trastuzumab is a monoclonal antibody used in the treatment of breast cancer in cases where the tumor overexpresses the HER2 receptor, a cell membrane receptor activated by the epidermal growth factor. Intravenous and subcutaneous administration of trastuzumab have comparable clinical and pharmacological characteristics, but trastuzumab biosimilars are currently only available in intravenous form. Trastuzumab biosimilars are ultimately preferred by a proportion of patients, especially in cases where co-administration of other chemotherapeutic agents, such as trastuzumab and tucatinib, a small molecule of tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is required in patients with HER-positive metastatic breast cancer. Oncologists should be well-aware of the advantages of intravenously administered trastuzumab biosimilars over subcutaneous administration, certainly also taking into account the patient&rsquo;s preferences. Further cost-effectiveness analyses will be very important, along with expectations regarding successful concomitant subcutaneous administration of trastuzumab with other anticancer drugs, such as pertuzumab. This systematic review describes and analyzes the so-far published studies concerning the use of the available trastuzumab biosimilars in HER-positive early and metastatic breast cancer in terms of efficacy, safety, and cost&ndash;benefit ratio. An attempt was also made to draw some conclusions and to comment on future needs and perspectives

    Terminal Ileitis due to Yersinia Infection: An Underdiagnosed Situation

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    Endoscopy is currently the gold standard for the diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The presence of macroscopic lesions along with the microscopic detection of inflammatory infiltration in the terminal ileum often leads the gastroenterologist to the diagnosis of Crohn’s disease (CD). However, some of these cases could be, in fact, an infection caused by Yersinia spp., accompanied or not with CD, which could be easily diagnosed with the identification of serum antibodies against Yersinia outer protein antigens (YOP antigens). Since Yersiniosis is considered to be an uncommon situation, food and water are not usually checked for the possibility of contamination by Yersinia. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that the true prevalence of Yersinia infection in patients with terminal ileitis is probably underestimated. In this article, we review the most important data regarding the various aspects of Yersinia infection with special focus on its pathophysiology and diagnosis. We recommend testing for serum antibodies against YOP antigens in all patients with an endoscopic and histological image of terminal ileitis in order to identify Yersiniosis in conjunction or not with terminal ileum CD

    Enteral Nutrition in Operated-On Gastric Cancer Patients: An Update

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    It is well established that the preoperative nutritional status of gastric cancer (GC) patients significantly affects the prognosis of the operated patients, their overall survival, as well as the disease-specific survival. Existing data support that preoperative assessment of nutritional status and early correction of nutritional deficiencies exert a favorable effect on early postoperative outcomes. A variety of relevant indices are used to assess the nutritional status of GC patients who are candidates for surgery. The guidelines of almost all international organizations recommend the use of oral enteral nutrition (EN). Oncologically acceptable types of gastrectomy and methods of patient rehabilitation should take into account the expected postoperative nutritional status. The majority of data support that perioperative EN reduces complications and hospital stay, but not mortality. Oral EN in the postoperative period, albeit in small amounts, helps to reduce the weight loss that is a consequence of gastrectomy. Iron deficiency with or without anemia and low serum levels of vitamin B12 are common metabolic sequelae after gastrectomy and should be restored. EN also significantly helps patients undergoing neoadjuvant or adjuvant antineoplastic therapy. The occurrence of the so-called “postgastrectomy syndromes” requires dietary modifications and drug support. This review attempts to highlight the benefits of EN in GC patients undergoing gastrectomy and to emphasize the type of necessary nutritional management, based on current literature data