310 research outputs found

    Spin Network States in Gauge Theory

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    Given a real-analytic manifold M, a compact connected Lie group G and a principal G-bundle P -> M, there is a canonical `generalized measure' on the space A/G of smooth connections on P modulo gauge transformations. This allows one to define a Hilbert space L^2(A/G). Here we construct a set of vectors spanning L^2(A/G). These vectors are described in terms of `spin networks': graphs phi embedded in M, with oriented edges labelled by irreducible unitary representations of G, and with vertices labelled by intertwining operators from the tensor product of representations labelling the incoming edges to the tensor product of representations labelling the outgoing edges. We also describe an orthonormal basis of spin networks associated to any fixed graph phi. We conclude with a discussion of spin networks in the loop representation of quantum gravity, and give a category-theoretic interpretation of the spin network states.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    Spin Foam Perturbation Theory

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    We study perturbation theory for spin foam models on triangulated manifolds. Starting with any model of this sort, we consider an arbitrary perturbation of the vertex amplitudes, and write the evolution operators of the perturbed model as convergent power series in the coupling constant governing the perturbation. The terms in the power series can be efficiently computed when the unperturbed model is a topological quantum field theory. Moreover, in this case we can explicitly sum the whole power series in the limit where the number of top-dimensional simplices goes to infinity while the coupling constant is suitably renormalized. This `dilute gas limit' gives spin foam models that are triangulation-independent but not topological quantum field theories. However, we show that models of this sort are rather trivial except in dimension 2.Comment: 16 pages LaTeX, 2 encapsulated Postscript figure

    Degenerate Solutions of General Relativity from Topological Field Theory

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    Working in the Palatini formalism, we describe a procedure for constructing degenerate solutions of general relativity on 4-manifold M from certain solutions of 2-dimensional BF theory on any framed surface Sigma embedded in M. In these solutions the cotetrad field e (and thus the metric) vanishes outside a neighborhood of Sigma, while inside this neighborhood the connection A and the field E = e ^ e satisfy the equations of 4-dimensional BF theory. Moreover, there is a correspondence between these solutions and certain solutions of 2-dimensional BF theory on Sigma. Our construction works in any signature and with any value of the cosmological constant. If M = R x S for some 3-manifold S, at fixed time our solutions typically describe `flux tubes of area': the 3-metric vanishes outside a collection of thickened links embedded in S, while inside these thickened links it is nondegenerate only in the two transverse directions. We comment on the quantization of the theory of solutions of this form and its relation to the loop representation of quantum gravity.Comment: 16 pages LaTeX, uses diagram.sty and auxdefs.sty macros, 2 encapsulated Postscript figure

    Strings, Loops, Knots and Gauge Fields

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    The loop representation of quantum gravity has many formal resemblances to a background-free string theory. In fact, its origins lie in attempts to treat the string theory of hadrons as an approximation to QCD, in which the strings represent flux tubes of the gauge field. A heuristic path-integral approach indicates a duality between background-free string theories and generally covariant gauge theories, with the loop transform relating the two. We review progress towards making this duality rigorous in three examples: 2d Yang-Mills theory (which, while not generally covariant, has symmetry under all area-preserving transformations), 3d quantum gravity, and 4d quantum gravity. SU(N)SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in 2 dimensions has been given a string-theoretic interpretation in the large-NN limit by Gross, Taylor, Minahan and Polychronakos, but here we provide an exact string-theoretic interpretation of the theory on RĂ—S1\R\times S^1 for finite NN. The string-theoretic interpretation of quantum gravity in 3 dimensions gives rise to conjectures about integrals on the moduli space of flat connections, while in 4 dimensions there may be connections to the theory of 2-tangles.Comment: 34 pages, LaTe
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