9,513 research outputs found

    Supersymmetric Dark Matter Candidates

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    After reviewing the theoretical, phenomenological and experimental motivations for supersymmetric extensions of the Standard Model, we recall that supersymmetric relics from the Big Bang are expected in models that conserve R parity. We then discuss possible supersymmetric dark matter candidates, focusing on the lightest neutralino and the gravitino. In the latter case, the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle is expected to be long-lived, and possible candidates include spartners of the tau lepton, top quark and neutrino. We then discuss the roles of the renormalization-group equations and electroweak symmetry breaking in delimiting the supersymmetric parameter space. We discuss in particular the constrained minimal extension of the Standard Model (CMSSM), in which the supersymmetry-breaking parameters are assumed to be universal at the grand unification scale, presenting predictions from a frequentist analysis of its parameter space. We also discuss astrophysical and cosmological constraints on gravitino dark matter models, as well as the parameter space of minimal supergravity (mSUGRA) models in which there are extra relations between the trilinear and bilinear supersymmetry-breaking parameters, and between the gravitino and scalar masses. Finally, we discuss models with non-universal supersymmetry-breaking contributions to Higgs masses, and models in which the supersymmetry-breaking parameters are universal at some scale below that of grand unification. http://cambridge.org/us/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521763684Comment: 38 pages, 10 figure

    Varying the Universality of Supersymmetry-Breaking Contributions to MSSM Higgs Boson Masses

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    We consider the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) with varying amounts of non-universality in the soft supersymmetry-breaking contributions to the Higgs scalar masses. In addition to the constrained MSSM (CMSSM) in which these are universal with the soft supersymmetry-breaking contributions to the squark and slepton masses at the input GUT scale, we consider scenarios in which both the Higgs scalar masses are non-universal by the same amount (NUHM1), and scenarios in which they are independently non-universal (NUHM2). We show how the NUHM1 scenarios generalize the (m_{1/2}, m_0) planes of the CMSSM by allowing either mu or m_A to take different (fixed) values and we also show how the NUHM1 scenarios are embedded as special cases of the more general NUHM2 scenarios. Generalizing from the CMSSM, we find regions of the NUHM1 parameter space that are excluded because the LSP is a selectron. We also find new regions where the neutralino relic density falls within the range preferred by astrophysical and cosmological measurements, thanks to rapid annihilation through direct-channel Higgs poles, or coannihilation with selectrons, or because the LSP composition crosses over from being mainly bino to mainly Higgsino. Generalizing further to the NUHM2, we find regions of its parameter space where a sneutrino is the LSP, and others where neutralino coannihilation with sneutrinos is important for the relic density. In both the NUHM1 and the NUHM2, there are slivers of parameter space where the LHC has fewer prospects for discovering sparticles than in the CMSSM, because either m_{1/2} and/or m_0 may be considerably larger than in the CMSSM.Comment: 39 pages, 16 figure

    The MSSM Parameter Space with Non-Universal Higgs Masses

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    Without assuming that Higgs masses have the same values as other scalar masses at the input GUT scale, we combine constraints on the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) coming from the cold dark matter density with the limits from direct searches at accelerators such as LEP, indirect measurements such as b to s gamma decay and the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. The requirement that Higgs masses-squared be positive at the GUT scale imposes important restrictions on the MSSM parameter space, as does the requirement that the LSP be neutral. We analyze the interplay of these constraints in the (mu, m_A), (mu, m_{1/2}), (m_{1/2}, m_0) and (m_A, tan beta) planes. These exhibit new features not seen in the corresponding planes in the constrained MSSM in which universality is extended to Higgs masses.Comment: 18 pages, latex, 10 eps figure

    Gluino Coannihilation Revisited

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    Some variants of the MSSM feature a strip in parameter space where the lightest neutralino is identified as the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), the gluino is the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) and is nearly degenerate with the LSP, and the relic cold dark matter density is brought into the range allowed by astrophysics and cosmology by coannihilation with the gluino NLSP. We calculate the relic density along this gluino coannihilation strip in the MSSM, including the effects of gluino-gluino bound states and initial-state Sommerfeld enhancement, and taking into account the decoupling of the gluino and LSP densities that occurs for large values of the squark mass. We find that bound-state effects can increase the maximum LSP mass for which the relic cold dark matter density lies within the range favoured by astrophysics and cosmology by as much as ~ 50% if the squark to gluino mass ratio is 1.1, and that the LSP may weigh up to ~ 8 TeV for a wide range of the squark to gluino mass ratio \lesssim 100.Comment: 36 pages, 9 figures, matches version to appear in JHE

    Uncertainties in WIMP Dark Matter Scattering Revisited

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    We revisit the uncertainties in the calculation of spin-independent scattering matrix elements for the scattering of WIMP dark matter particles on nuclear matter. In addition to discussing the uncertainties due to limitations in our knowledge of the nucleonic matrix elements of the light quark scalar densities , we also discuss the importances of heavy quark scalar densities < N |{\bar c} c, {\bar b} b, {\bar t} t| N >, and comment on uncertainties in quark mass ratios. We analyze estimates of the light-quark densities made over the past decade using lattice calculations and/or phenomenological inputs. We find an uncertainty in the combination that is larger than has been assumed in some phenomenological analyses, and a range of that is smaller but compatible with earlier estimates. We also analyze the importance of the {\cal O}(\alpha_s^3) calculations of the heavy-quark matrix elements that are now available, which provide an important refinement of the calculation of the spin-independent scattering cross section. We use for illustration a benchmark CMSSM point in the focus-point region that is compatible with the limits from LHC and other searches.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figure

    Agriculture's Role in Greenhouse Gas Mitigation

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    Examines technical, economic, and policy trends. Explores efforts to encourage farmers to adopt new agricultural practices that reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. Reviews biofuel options, and related policy implications

    Educational Mismatch Among Ph.D.s: Determinants and Consequences

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    Using the Survey of Doctoral Recipients, the magnitude and consequences of job mismatch are estimated for Ph.D.s in science. Approximately one-sixth of academics and nearly one-half of nonacademics report some degree of mismatch. The influence of job mismatch is estimated for three job outcomes: earnings, job satisfaction and turnover. Surprisingly large and robust influences emerge. Mismatch is associated with substantially lower earnings, lower job satisfaction and a higher rate of turnover. These results persist across a variety of specifications and hold for both academics and nonacademics. Estimates of the determinants of mismatch indicate that older workers and those in rapidly changing disciplines are more likely to be mismatched and there is a suggestion that women are more likely to be mismatched.

    A No-Scale Framework for Sub-Planckian Physics

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    We propose a minimal model framework for physics below the Planck scale with the following features: (i) it is based on no-scale supergravity, as favoured in many string compactifications, (ii) it incorporates Starobinsky-like inflation, and hence is compatible with constraints from the Planck satellite, (iii) the inflaton may be identified with a singlet field in a see-saw model for neutrino masses, providing an efficient scenario for reheating and leptogenesis, (iv) supersymmetry breaking occurs with an arbitrary scale and a cosmological constant that vanishes before radiative corrections, (v) regions of the model parameter space are compatible with all LHC, Higgs and dark matter constraints.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, some minor corrections and additions. Final versio

    From R2R^2 Gravity to No-Scale Supergravity

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    We show that R2R^2 gravity coupled conformally to scalar fields is equivalent to the real bosonic sector of SU(N,1)/SU(N)×\timesU(1) no-scale supergravity, where the conformal factor can be identified with the K\"ahler potential, and we review the construction of Starobinsky-like models of inflation within this framework.Comment: 15 pages, version accepted for publicatio