20 research outputs found

    Large cerebello-pontine epidermoid tumor in a child

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    Cerebellopontine angle lesions are more commonly found in adults; however, they are uncommon in children. 13 year female child presented with progressive cerebellar signs and decreased hearing in left ear. Magnetic resonance imaging was suggestive of left cerebello-pontine angle epidermoid tumor that was treated surgically. In this rare case we discuss the imaging findings and review the relevant literature

    Accessory Scrotum (A Case Report)

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    A case report of accessory scrotum associated with coronal hypospadias with chordee, bifid scrotum and anal stenosis is presented. No corrective surgery was performed as the boy was too young and was asked to come after the age of cne and half years

    Current scenario of leprosy at tertiary care level hospital of rural central India

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    Orbital floor dermoid: An unusual presentation

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    Dermoid cysts are developmental abnormal arrangement of tissues and are often evident soon after birth. Its occurrence in the orbit is relatively rare. We report a case of orbital floor dermoid in an 18-year-old female patient who presented with progressive, painless swelling in the lower eyelid associated with mild proptosis of three months duration. The lesion was excised completely, and histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of dermoid cyst

    Anterior urethral valves—a rare cause of urethral obstruction

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    Prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor desidustat improves anemia in erythropoietin hyporesponsive state

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    Many anemic chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients are refractory to erythropoietin (EPO) effects due to inflammation, deranged iron utilization, and generation of EPO antibodies. This work assessed the effect of desidustat, an inhibitor of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) prolyl hydroxylase (PHD), on EPO-refractory renal anemia. Sprague Dawley rats were made anemic by cisplatin (5 ​mg/kg, IP, single dose) and turpentine oil (5 ​mL/kg, SC, once a week). These rats were given recombinant human EPO (rhEPO, 1 ​μg/kg) and desidustat (15 or 30 ​mg/kg) for eight weeks. Separately, rhEPO (1–5 ​μg/kg) was given to anemic rats to sustain the normal hemoglobin levels and desidustat (15 ​mg/kg) for eight weeks. In another experiment, the anemic rats were treated rhEPO (5 ​μg/kg) for two weeks and then desidustat (15 ​mg/kg) for the next two weeks. Dosing of rhEPO was thrice a week, and for desidustat, it was on alternate days. Desidustat inhibited EPO-resistance caused by rhEPO treatment, decreased hepcidin, IL-6, IL-1β, and increased iron and liver ferroportin. Desidustat reduced EPO requirement and anti-EPO antibodies. Desidustat also maintained normal hemoglobin levels after cessation of rhEPO treatment. Thus, novel prolyl hydroxylase inhibitor desidustat can treat EPO resistance via improved iron utilization and decreased inflammation