160 research outputs found

    Synaptic activity regulates AMPA receptor trafficking through different recycling pathways

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    Β© The Author(s), 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in eLife 4 (2015): e06878, doi:10.7554/eLife.06878.Changes in glutamatergic synaptic strength in brain are dependent on AMPA-type glutamate receptor (AMPAR) recycling, which is assumed to occur through a single local pathway. In this study, we present evidence that AMPAR recycling occurs through different pathways regulated by synaptic activity. Without synaptic stimulation, most AMPARs recycled in dynamin-independent endosomes containing the GTPase, Arf6. Few AMPARs recycled in dynamin-dependent endosomes labeled by transferrin receptors (TfRs). AMPAR recycling was blocked by alterations in the GTPase, TC10, which co-localized with Arf6 endosomes. TC10 mutants that reduced AMPAR recycling had no effect on increased AMPAR levels with long-term potentiation (LTP) and little effect on decreased AMPAR levels with long-term depression. However, internalized AMPAR levels in TfR-containing recycling endosomes increased after LTP, indicating increased AMPAR recycling through the dynamin-dependent pathway with synaptic plasticity. LTP-induced AMPAR endocytosis is inconsistent with local recycling as a source of increased surface receptors, suggesting AMPARs are trafficked from other sites.This work was supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health under grant numbers NS043782, NS090903 and DA035430 (WNG). This project was also supported by the University of Chicago, Department of Neurobiology Erma Smith Scholarship from the Physiology Endowment Fund and faculty fellowships to WNG and JMM from the Marine Biological Laboratory

    Dynamin-dependent NMDAR endocytosis during LTD and its dependence on synaptic state

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    BACKGROUND: The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptor expressed at excitatory glutamatergic synapses is required for learning and memory and is critical for normal brain function. At a cellular level, this receptor plays a pivotal role in triggering and controlling synaptic plasticity. While it has been long recognized that this receptor plays a regulatory role, it was considered by many to be itself immune to synaptic activity-induced plasticity. More recently, we and others have shown that NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic responses can be subject to activity-dependent depression. RESULTS: Here we show that depression of synaptic transmission mediated by NMDA receptors displays a state-dependence in its plasticity; NMDA receptors are resistant to activity-induced changes at silent and recently-silent synapses. Once synapses transition to the active state however, NMDA receptors become fully 'plastic'. This state-dependence is identical to that shown by the Ξ±-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) receptor. Furthermore, the down-regulation of NMDAR-mediated responses during synaptic depression is prevented by disruption of dynamin-dependent endocytosis. CONCLUSION: NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic responses are plastic in a state-dependent manner. Depending on the plasticity state in which a synapse currently resides, NMDA receptors will either be available or unavailable for down-regulation. The mechanism underlying the down-regulation of NMDA receptor-mediated synaptic responses is endocytosis of the NMDA receptor. Other potential mechanisms, such as receptor diffusion along the plane of the membrane, or changes in the activity of the channel are not supported. The mechanisms of AMPA receptor and NMDA receptor endocytosis appear to be tightly coupled, as both are either available or unavailable for endocytosis in the same synaptic states. Endocytosis of NMDA receptors would serve as a potent mechanism for metaplasticity. Such state-dependent regulation of NMDAR endocytosis will provide fundamental control over downstream NMDA receptor-dependent plasticity of neuronal circuitry

    A Survey of Genomic Properties for the Detection of Regulatory Polymorphisms

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    Advances in the computational identification of functional noncoding polymorphisms will aid in cataloging novel determinants of health and identifying genetic variants that explain human evolution. To date, however, the development and evaluation of such techniques has been limited by the availability of known regulatory polymorphisms. We have attempted to address this by assembling, from the literature, a computationally tractable set of regulatory polymorphisms within the ORegAnno database (http://www.oreganno.org). We have further used 104 regulatory single-nucleotide polymorphisms from this set and 951 polymorphisms of unknown function, from 2-kb and 152-bp noncoding upstream regions of genes, to investigate the discriminatory potential of 23 properties related to gene regulation and population genetics. Among the most important properties detected in this region are distance to transcription start site, local repetitive content, sequence conservation, minor and derived allele frequencies, and presence of a CpG island. We further used the entire set of properties to evaluate their collective performance in detecting regulatory polymorphisms. Using a 10-fold cross-validation approach, we were able to achieve a sensitivity and specificity of 0.82 and 0.71, respectively, and we show that this performance is strongly influenced by the distance to the transcription start site

    Recording plasticity in neuronal activity in the rodent intrinsic cardiac nervous system using calcium imaging techniques

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    The intrinsic cardiac nervous system (ICNS) is composed of interconnected clusters of neurons called ganglionated plexi (GP) which play a major role in controlling heart rate and rhythm. The function of these neurons is particularly important due to their involvement in cardiac arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation (AF), and previous work has shown that plasticity in GP neural networks could underpin aberrant activity patterns that drive AF. As research in this field increases, developing new techniques to visualize the complex interactions and plasticity in this GP network is essential. In this study we have developed a calcium imaging method enabling the simultaneous recording of plasticity in neuronal activity from multiple neurons in intact atrial GP networks. Calcium imaging was performed with Cal-520 AM labeling in aged spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs), which display both spontaneous and induced AF, and age-matched Wistar Kyoto (WKY) controls to determine the relationship between chronic hypertension, arrhythmia and GP calcium dynamics. Our data show that SHR GPs have significantly larger calcium responses to cholinergic stimulation compared to WKY controls, as determined by both higher amplitude and longer duration calcium responses. Responses were significantly but not fully blocked by hexamethonium, indicating multiple cholinergic receptor subtypes are involved in the calcium response. Given that SHRs are susceptible to cardiac arrhythmias, our data provide evidence for a potential link between arrhythmia and plasticity in calcium dynamics that occur not only in cardiomyocytes but also in the GP neurons of the heart

    Adult Human Brain Neural Progenitor Cells (NPCs) and Fibroblast-Like Cells Have Similar Properties In Vitro but Only NPCs Differentiate into Neurons

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    The ability to culture neural progenitor cells from the adult human brain has provided an exciting opportunity to develop and test potential therapies on adult human brain cells. To achieve a reliable and reproducible adult human neural progenitor cell (AhNPC) culture system for this purpose, this study fully characterized the cellular composition of the AhNPC cultures, as well as the possible changes to this in vitro system over prolonged culture periods. We isolated cells from the neurogenic subventricular zone/hippocampus (SVZ/HP) of the adult human brain and found a heterogeneous culture population comprised of several types of post-mitotic brain cells (neurons, astrocytes, and microglia), and more importantly, two distinct mitotic cell populations; the AhNPCs, and the fibroblast-like cells (FbCs). These two populations can easily be mistaken for a single population of AhNPCs, as they both proliferate under AhNPC culture conditions, form spheres and express neural progenitor cell and early neuronal markers, all of which are characteristics of AhNPCs in vitro. However, despite these similarities under proliferating conditions, under neuronal differentiation conditions, only the AhNPCs differentiated into functional neurons and glia. Furthermore, AhNPCs showed limited proliferative capacity that resulted in their depletion from culture by 5–6 passages, while the FbCs, which appear to be from a neurovascular origin, displayed a greater proliferative capacity and dominated the long-term cultures. This gradual change in cellular composition resulted in a progressive decline in neurogenic potential without the apparent loss of self-renewal in our cultures. These results demonstrate that while AhNPCs and FbCs behave similarly under proliferative conditions, they are two different cell populations. This information is vital for the interpretation and reproducibility of AhNPC experiments and suggests an ideal time frame for conducting AhNPC-based experiments

    Dietary Zinc Supplementation Prevents Autism Related Behaviors and Striatal Synaptic Dysfunction in Shank3 Exon 13–16 Mutant Mice

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    The SHANK family of synaptic proteins (SHANK1–3) are master regulators of the organizational structure of excitatory synapses in the brain. Mutations in SHANK1–3 are prevalent in patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and loss of one copy of SHANK3 causes Phelan-McDermid Syndrome, a syndrome in which Autism occurs in >80% of cases. The synaptic stability of SHANK3 is highly regulated by zinc, driving the formation of postsynaptic protein complexes and increases in excitatory synaptic strength. As ASD-associated SHANK3 mutations retain responsiveness to zinc, here we investigated how increasing levels of dietary zinc could alter behavioral and synaptic deficits that occur with ASD. We performed behavioral testing together with cortico-striatal slice electrophysiology on a Shank3βˆ’/βˆ’ mouse model of ASD (Shank3ex13–1616βˆ’/βˆ’), which displays ASD-related behaviors and structural and functional deficits at striatal synapses. We observed that 6 weeks of dietary zinc supplementation in Shank3ex13–16βˆ’/βˆ’ mice prevented ASD-related repetitive and anxiety behaviors and deficits in social novelty recognition. Dietary zinc supplementation also increased the recruitment of zinc sensitive SHANK2 to synapses, reduced synaptic transmission specifically through N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-type glutamate receptors, reversed the slowed decay tau of NMDA receptor (NMDAR)-mediated currents and occluded long term potentiation (LTP) at cortico-striatal synapses. These data suggest that alterations in NMDAR function underlie the lack of NMDAR-dependent cortico-striatal LTP and contribute to the reversal of ASD-related behaviors such as compulsive grooming. Our data reveal that dietary zinc alters neurological function from synapses to behavior, and identifies dietary zinc as a potential therapeutic agent in ASD

    Inferring Developmental Stage Composition from Gene Expression in Human Malaria

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    In the current era of malaria eradication, reducing transmission is critical. Assessment of transmissibility requires tools that can accurately identify the various developmental stages of the malaria parasite, particularly those required for transmission (sexual stages). Here, we present a method for estimating relative amounts of Plasmodium falciparum asexual and sexual stages from gene expression measurements. These are modeled using constrained linear regression to characterize stage-specific expression profiles within mixed-stage populations. The resulting profiles were analyzed functionally by gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA), confirming differentially active pathways such as increased mitochondrial activity and lipid metabolism during sexual development. We validated model predictions both from microarrays and from quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) measurements, based on the expression of a small set of key transcriptional markers. This sufficient marker set was identified by backward selection from the whole genome as available from expression arrays, targeting one sentinel marker per stage. The model as learned can be applied to any new microarray or qRT-PCR transcriptional measurement. We illustrate its use in vitro in inferring changes in stage distribution following stress and drug treatment and in vivo in identifying immature and mature sexual stage carriers within patient cohorts. We believe this approach will be a valuable resource for staging lab and field samples alike and will have wide applicability in epidemiological studies of malaria transmission

    Characterizing the Human Mycobiota: A Comparison of Small Subunit rRNA, ITS1, ITS2, and Large Subunit rRNA Genomic Targets

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    Interest in the human microbiome has increased dramatically in the last decade. However, much of this research has focused on bacteria, while the composition and roles of their fungal counterparts remain less understood. Furthermore, a variety of methodological approaches have been applied, and the comparability between studies is unclear. This study compared four primer pairs targeting the small subunit (SSU) rRNA (18S), ITS1, ITS2, and large subunit (LSU) rRNA (26S) genomic regions for their ability to accurately characterize fungal communities typical of the human mycobiota. All four target regions of 21 individual fungal mock community taxa were capable of being amplified adequately and sequenced. Mixed mock community analyses revealed marked variability in the ability of each primer pair to accurately characterize a complex community. ITS target regions outperformed LSU and SSU. Of the ITS regions, ITS1 failed to generate sequences for Yarrowia lipolytica and all three Malassezia species when in a mixed community. These findings were further supported in studies of human sinonasal and mouse fecal samples. Based on these analyses, previous studies using ITS1, SSU, or LSU markers may omit key taxa that are identified by the ITS2 marker. Of methods commonly used in human mycobiota studies to date, we recommend selection of the ITS2 marker. Further investigation of more recently developed fungal primer options will be essential to ultimately determine the optimal methodological approach by which future human mycobiota studies ought to be standardized
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