60 research outputs found

    Measurements of wake-induced electron beam deflection in a dechirper at the Linac Coherent Light Source

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    The RadiaBeam/SLAC dechirper, a structure consisting of pairs of flat, metallic, corrugated plates, %a corrugated structure in flat geometry, has been installed just upstream of the undulators in the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). As a dechirper, with the beam passing between the plates on axis, longitudinal wakefields are induced that can remove unwanted energy chirp in the beam. However, with the beam passing off axis, strong transverse wakes are also induced. This mode of operation has already been used for the production of intense, multi-color photon beams using the Fresh-Slice technique, and is being used to develop a diagnostic for attosecond bunch length measurements. Here we measure, as function of offset, the strength of the transverse wakefields that are excited between the two plates, and also for the case of the beam passing near to a single plate. We compare with analytical formulas from the literature, and find good agreement. This report presents the first systematic measurements of the transverse wake strength in a dechirper, one that has been excited by a bunch with the short pulse duration and high energy found in an X-ray free electron laser.Comment: 8 pages, double column, 6 figure

    Progress in FLASH Optics Consolidation

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    FLASH is the superconducting soft X-ray Free Electron Laser in Hamburg at DESY. A precise knowledge of the beam optics is a key aspect of the operation. A campaign of optics consolidation has started in 2013 when the second beam line FLASH2 was installed downstream of the FLASH linac. We give an update on progress of this effort and on recent results

    The New FLASH1 Beamline for the FLASH2020+ Project

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    The 2nd stage of the FLASH2020+ project will be an upgrade of the FLASH1 beamline, downstream of the injector/linac section FLAH0 which is currently being upgraded. The currently existing beamline drives the original planar fixed gap SASE undulators from the TTF-2 setup, a THz undulator that uses the spent electron beam and deflects the e-beam into a dump beamline capable of safely dumping several thousand bunches per second. The updated beamline has been designed for EEHG seeding with 2 modulators, 3 chicanes, and a helical Apple-III undulator beamline as seeding radiator, followed by a transverse deflecting (S-band) structure for longitudinal diagnostics. The separation of the electron beam from the FEL beam will be moved upstream w.r.t. the old design to create more space for the photon diagnostics and will be achieved by a 5 deg double-bend-almost-achromat. To allow enable high power THz radiation output from a moderately compressed seeding beam, a post compressor will be installed. The capability of dumping the the long bunch trains safely may and will not be compromised by the design. This article describes the conceptional and some technical and details of the beamline

    Optics & Compression Schemes for a Possible FLASH Upgrade

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    The proposed FLASH upgrade will rely on high quality electron beams provided to all undulator beam lines. Here we describe possible modifications to the FLASH lattice and the compression scheme that aim at improving the beam quality and the ability to control critical beam properties along the machine - simultaneously and independently for all beam lines

    Progress in FLASH Optics Consolidation

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    FLASH is the superconducting soft X-ray Free Electron Laser in Hamburg at DESY. A precise knowledge of the beam optics is a key aspect of the operation of a SASE FEL. A campaign of optics consolidation has started in 2013 when the second beam line FLASH2 was installed downstream of the FLASH linac. We give an update on progress of this effort and on recent results

    A New 2nd Bunch Compression Chicane for the FLASH2020+ Project

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    The first stage of the FLASH2020+ project is an upgrade of the FLASH injector beamline. Within this framework, the 2nd bunch compression chicane (BCC) will be completely redesigned. The old S-chicane will be replaced with a new C-chicane which is 3.5m shorter thereby generating space a new section for re-matching the beam from the injector into the linac. The new BCC will be equipped with quad/skew-quad units in both legs of the chicane to compensate correlations of the transverse degrees of freedom with the longitudinal ones. Since quadrupoles tend to have a circular bore, the chicane is designed with movable round vacuum chambers and movable dipoles for maintaining full flexibility in choosing the compression parameters. This article describes the technical details and introduces a thin-lens model of BCCs which allows analytical estimates on the effects of powering the quad/skew-quad units on optics parameters as well as estimates on the required strengths of these magnets in order to remove correlations of the magnitudes typically observed at FLASH

    Optics & Compression Schemes for a Possible FLASH Upgrade

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    The proposed FLASH upgrade will rely on high quality electron beams provided to all undulator beam lines. Here we describe possible modifications to the FLASH lattice and the compression scheme that aim at improving the beam quality and the ability to control critical beam properties along the machine -simultaneously and independently for all beam lines

    The New FLASH1 Undulator Beamline for the FLASH2020+ Project

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    The 2nd stage of the FLASH2020+ project at DESY will be an upgrade of the FLASH1 beamline to enable HGHG and EEHG seeding with two modulator-chicane stages, and a radiator sec- tion with 11 APPLE-III undulators to enable FEL radiation with controllable polarization. A key feature of FLASH, namely the ca- pability of providing several thousand FEL pulses in the extreme UV and soft X-ray must not be compromised. Downstream of the radiator the beamline houses longitudinal diagnostics, a dou- ble bend (quasi-) achromat to separate the electrons from the photons and divert the electron beamline from the photon diag- nostics, a post-compressor, a THz-Undulator (requires an elec- tron beam that is compressed more strongly than for seeding), and finally the dumpline, capable of savely aborting up to 100 kW electron beam power.This article describes the conceptional and some technical details of the beamline with emphasis on the upstream part (modulators and radiator) designed for seeding

    The New FLASH1 Undulator Beamline for the FLASH2020+ Project

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    The 2nd stage of the FLASH2020+ project at DESY will be an upgrade of the FLASH1 beamline to enable HGHG and EEHG seeding with two modulator-chicane stages, and a radiator section with 11 Apple-III undulators to enable FEL radiation with controllable polarization. A key feature of FLASH, namely the capability of providing several thousand FEL pulses in the extreme UV and soft X-ray must not be compromised. Downstream of the radiator the beamline houses longitudinal diagnostics, a double bend (quasi-) achromat to separate the electrons from the photons and divert the electron beamline from the photon diagnostics, a post-compressor, a THz-Undulator (requires an electron beam that is compressed more strongly than for seeding), and finally the dumpline, capable of safely aborting up to 100 kW electron beam power. This article describes the conceptional and some technical details of the beamline with emphasis on the upstream part (modulators and radiator) designed for seeding
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