14,805 research outputs found

    Kinematics in the Central Kiloparsec of Spiral Galaxies

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    Results from kinematic observations of the central regions of spiral galaxies are reviewed, with particular emphasis on starburst and AGN hosts. While morphological studies lead to important insight, a more complete understanding of the physical processes that drive the evolution of the central regions can be achieved with measurements of the kinematics of gas and stars. Here, a variety of observational techniques at different wavelengths is critically discussed, and specific areas of interest are highlighted, such as inflow in barred galaxies and the origin of nuclear spiral arms. A brief discussion of a number of case studies is presented to illustrate recent progress.Comment: Invited review, to appear in The Central kpc of Starbursts and AGN: the La Palma Connection, eds. J. H. Knapen, J. E. Beckman, I. Shlosman, and T. J. Mahoney (ASP: San Francisco), Vol. 249. 18 pages latex, includes 9 postscript figures. Uses newpasp.sty (included

    A method of moments estimator of tail dependence

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    In the world of multivariate extremes, estimation of the dependence structure still presents a challenge and an interesting problem. A procedure for the bivariate case is presented that opens the road to a similar way of handling the problem in a truly multivariate setting. We consider a semi-parametric model in which the stable tail dependence function is parametrically modeled. Given a random sample from a bivariate distribution function, the problem is to estimate the unknown parameter. A method of moments estimator is proposed where a certain integral of a nonparametric, rank-based estimator of the stable tail dependence function is matched with the corresponding parametric version. Under very weak conditions, the estimator is shown to be consistent and asymptotically normal. Moreover, a comparison between the parametric and nonparametric estimators leads to a goodness-of-fit test for the semiparametric model. The performance of the estimator is illustrated for a discrete spectral measure that arises in a factor-type model and for which likelihood-based methods break down. A second example is that of a family of stable tail dependence functions of certain meta-elliptical distributions.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/08-BEJ130 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    High-resolution UKIRT observations of circumnuclear star formation in M100

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    We present high-resolution, near-infrared imaging of the circumnuclear region of the barred spiral galaxy M100 (=NGC 4321), accompanied by near-infrared spectroscopy. We identify a total of 43 distinct regions in the K-band image, and determine magnitudes and colours for 41 of them. By comparison with other near-infrared maps we also derive colour excesses and K-band extinctions for the knots. Combining the imaging and spectroscopic results, we conclude that the knots are the result of bursts of star formation within the last 15-25 Myr. We discuss the implications of these new results for our dynamical and evolutionary understanding of this galaxy.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, uses mn-1.4.sty. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Spectral gap of the Erlang A model in the Halfin-Whitt regime

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    We consider a hybrid diffusion process that is a combination of two Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with different restraining forces. This process serves as the heavy-traffic approximation to the Markovian many-server queue with abandonments in the critical Halfin-Whitt regime. We obtain an expression for the Laplace transform of the time-dependent probability distribution, from which the spectral gap is explicitly characterized. The spectral gap gives the exponential rate of convergence to equilibrium. We further give various asymptotic results for the spectral gap, in the limits of small and large abandonment effects. It turns out that convergence to equilibrium becomes extremely slow for overloaded systems with small abandonment effects.Comment: 48 page

    Measuring the 3D shape of X-ray clusters

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    Observations and numerical simulations of galaxy clusters strongly indicate that the hot intracluster x-ray emitting gas is not spherically symmetric. In many earlier studies spherical symmetry has been assumed partly because of limited data quality, however new deep observations and instrumental designs will make it possible to go beyond that assumption. Measuring the temperature and density profiles are of interest when observing the x-ray gas, however the spatial shape of the gas itself also carries very useful information. For example, it is believed that the x-ray gas shape in the inner parts of galaxy clusters is greatly affected by feedback mechanisms, cooling and rotation, and measuring this shape can therefore indirectly provide information on these mechanisms. In this paper we present a novel method to measure the three-dimensional shape of the intracluster x-ray emitting gas. We can measure the shape from the x-ray observations only, i.e. the method does not require combination with independent measurements of e.g. the cluster mass or density profile. This is possible when one uses the full spectral information contained in the observed spectra. We demonstrate the method by measuring radial dependent shapes along the line of sight for CHANDRA mock data. We find that at least 10^6 photons are required to get a 5-{\sigma} detection of shape for an x-ray gas having realistic features such as a cool core and a double powerlaw for the density profile. We illustrate how Bayes' theorem is used to find the best fitting model of the x-ray gas, an analysis that is very important in a real observational scenario where the true spatial shape is unknown. Not including a shape in the fit may propagate to a mass bias if the x-ray is used to estimate the total cluster mass. We discuss this mass bias for a class of spacial shapes.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figure
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