27 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Concurrent Transmission with Reducing Handshakes in Multi-Hop Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNS)

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    The IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol continues to suffer from throughput degradation when directly applied in multi-hop Wireless Mesh Network (WMN). The Request-to-Send/Clear-to-Send (RTS/ CTS) signaling partially solved hidden node problems however the exposed node problems remain unaddressed. These exposed nodes lead to throughput degradation especially when the transmission in multi-hop networks is considered. The major reason for this poor performance is the restricted nature of the IEEE 802.11 MAC, which does not allow exposed nodes to initiates its transmission for the entire duration of ongoing transmission. Moreover, since multi-hop communication such as wireless mesh network transfer the data packet via intermediate nodes, the amount of control handshakes that take place at each intermediate node significantly reduce the throughput. This project proposes a set of enhancement to the existing IEEE 802.11 DCF MAC by enabling concurrent transmission by the exposed nodes and reduces the amount of handshakes required at every hop until the data packet reaches its destination. Analytical models are developed for analytical study of MAC protocols operating in multi-hop mesh networks and simulated over quasi-static Rayleigh fading channel. The multi-hop network performances are evaluated in terms of throughput and delay. The protocol outperforms the existing IEEE DCF MAC with more than 260% increase in overall throughput of multi-hop WM

    Design of LNA at 5.8GHz with Cascode and Cascaded Techniques Using T-Matching Network for WiMAX Applications

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    This project presents a 5.8 GHz Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) design with cascode and cascaded techniques using T-matching network applicable for IEEE 802.16 standard.The amplifier uses the FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The design simulation process is done by using the Advance Design System (ADS) software. The cascode and cascaded low noise amplifier (LNA) produces a gain of 53.4dB and noise figure (NF) of 1.2dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -24.3dB and -23.9dB respectively. The input sensitivity is complying with the IEEE 802.16 standards

    Simulation of Single Stage Cascode Low Noise Amplifier at 5.8GHz Using T-Matching Network

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    This paper presents a 5.8 GHz single stage cascode low noise amplifier using T-matching techniques for IEEE 802.16 standard. The amplifier use FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The design simulation process is using Advance Design System (ADS) software. The cascode low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 17.21dB and noise figure (NF) at 0.845dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -12.71dB and -15.52dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier is 1GHz. The input sensitivity is complying with the IEEE 802.16 standards

    The Cascode and Cascaded Techniques LNA at 5.8GHz Using T-Matching Network for WiMAX Applications

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    This project presents the cascode and cascaded techniques LNA at 5.8GHz using T-matching network applicable for worldwide interoperability for microwave access (WIMAX) application. The amplifier uses FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The LNA designed used T-matching network consisting of lump element reactive element at the input and the output terminal. The cascode and cascaded low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 52.4dB and noise figure (NF) at 1.3dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -19.71dB and -10.07dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier is more than 1.24GHz. The input sensitivity is compliant with the IEEE 802.16 standards

    High Gain of Cascode LNA at 5.8GHz Using T-Matching Network for wireless Applications

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    This paper presents a design of high gain single stage cascode low noise amplifier (LNA), which operates at 5.8GHz frequency for WIMAX application. The LNA design used T-Matching network consisting of lump reactive element at input and output matching. The design simulation process is using Advance Design System (ADS) software. A cascode low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 19.52dB and noise figure (NF) at 1.195dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -18.86dB and -19.49dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier is more than 1GHz. The input sensitivity is complying with the IEEE 802.16 standards. The LNA used FHX76LP low noise SuperHEMT FET transistor from Eudyna Inc

    Low Noise Amplifier at 5.8GHz with Cascode and Cascaded Techniques Using T-Matching Network for Wireless Applications

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    This paper present a 5.8 GHz low noise amplifier (LNA) design with cascode and cascaded techniques using T-matching network applicable for IEEE 802.16 standard. The amplifier use FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The design simulation process is using Advance Design System (ADS) software. The cascode and cascaded low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 36.52dB and noise figure (NF) at 1.2dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -21.1dB and -27.7dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier is more than 1GHz. The input sensitivity is complying with the IEEE 802.16 standards

    Low Noise Amplifier at 5.8GHz with Cascode and Casc aded Techniques Using T-Matching Network for Wireless Ap plications

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    This project present a design of a 5.8 GHz low noise amplifier (LNA) design with cascode and cascaded techniques using T-matching network applicable for IEEE 802.16 standard. The amplifier use FHX76LP Low Noise SuperHEMT FET. The LNA designed used T-matching network consisting of lump element reactive element at the input and the output terminal. The cascode and cascaded low noise amplifier (LNA) produced gain of 36.8dB and noise figure (NF) at 1.3dB. The input reflection (S11) and output return loss (S22) are -11.4dB and -12.3dB respectively. The bandwidth of the amplifier is more than 1GHz. The input sensitivity is compliant with the IEEE 802.16 standards.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v1i1.6

    Design and Fabrication of Radio Frequency Amplifier with 3 dB π-Network Attenuator Isolation

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    This paper presents the design and fabrication of radio frequency amplifier (RFA), which operates at 5.8 GHz unlicensed frequency for WiMAX application. The RFA designed used T-matching network consisting of lump reactive elements, 3 dB attenuator and microstrip line at the input and output impedance. The RFA developed in this project contribute a gain of 15.6 dB with overall noise figure of 2.4 dB. The overall measured bandwidth is 1.240 GHz with S parameters S11, S12 and S22 measured are -12.4 dB, -25.5 dB and -12.3 dB respectively. The isolation result shows that there is a significant contribution using 3 dB π-network. The RFA used FET transistor EPA018A from Excelics Semiconductor Inc

    Wideband 5.8 GHz Radio Frequency Amplifier with 3 dB Π- Network Attenuator Isolation

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    This paper presents a design of radio frequency amplifier (RFA), which operates at 5.8 GHz frequency for WiMAX application. The RFA designed used T-matching network consisting of lump reactive elements, 3 dB attenuator and microstrip line at the input and output impedance. The RFA developed in this project contribute a gain of 15.6 dB with overall noise figure of 2.4 dB. The overall measured bandwidth measures is 1.240 GHz with S parameters S11, S12 and S22 measured are -12.4 dB, -25.5 dB and -12.3 dB respectively. The RFA used FET transistor EPA018A from Excelics Semiconductor Inc