5 research outputs found

    Reversing Gene Erosion—Reconstructing Ancestral Bacterial Genomes from Gene-Content and Order Data

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    Abstract. In the last few years, it has become routine to use gene-order data to reconstruct phylogenies, both in terms of edge distances (parsimonious sequences of operations that transform one end point of the edge into the other) and in terms of genomes at internal nodes, on small, duplication-free genomes. Current gene-order methods break down, though, when the genomes contain more than a few hundred genes, possess high copy numbers of duplicated genes, or create edge lengths in the tree of over one hundred operations. We have constructed a series of heuristics that allow us to overcome these obstacles and reconstruct edges distances and genomes at internal nodes for groups of larger, more complex genomes. We present results from the analysis of a group of thirteen modern γproteobacteria, as well as from simulated datasets.

    Approximating the true evolutionary distance between two genomes

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    As more and more genomes are sequenced, evolutionary biologists are becoming increasingly interested in evolution at the level of whole genomes, in scenarios in which the genome evolves through insertions, duplications, deletions, and movements of genes along its chromosomes. In the mathematical model pioneered by Sankoff and others, a unichromosomal genome is represented by a signed permutation of a multiset of genes; Hannenhalli and Pevzner showed that the edit distance between two signed permutations of the same set can be computed in polynomial time when all operations are inversions. El-Mabrouk extended that result to allow deletions and a limited form of insertions (which forbids duplications); in turn we extended it to compute a nearly optimal edit sequence between an arbitrary genome and the identity permutation. In this paper we generalize our approach to compute distances between two arbitrary genomes, but focus on approximating the true evolutionary distance rather than the edit distance. We present experimental results showing that our algorithm produces excellent estimates of the true evolutionary distance up to a (high) threshold of saturation; indeed, the distances thus produced are good enough to enable the simpl