8 research outputs found

    Euro area exports and imports: Do determinants of intra- and extra-EMU trade differ?

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    The attempt is to explain EMU exports and imports, treating the euro area as one single economy. EMU trade is analysed separately for intra- and extra-EMU trade. One result of this approach is that extra- and intra-EMU trade seem to follow a different pattern. Therefore, a separate estimation seems preferable. This is especially true for exports. For imports, the mistake made seems to be smaller. Interestingly, the aggregate of intra- and extra-EMU trade seems to be dominated by the pattern of extra-EMU trade, although both sub-aggregates are of a similar size: Estimation equations for aggregate EMU exports are quite similar to those for extra-EMU exports and the equations for aggregate EMU imports resemble those for extra-EMU imports.

    Ursachen für die Häufigkeit von “Zwillingskrisen“ in Schwellenländern

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    Das gemeinsame Auftreten von Währungs- und Bankenkrisen (Zwillingskrisen) in den 80er und 90er Jahren ist häufiger in Schwellenländern zu beobachten gewesen als in Industrieländern. Ursache dafür ist meist ein höherer Anteil von Fremdwährungsverschuldung sowie ein größerer Anteil von kurzfristiger Verschuldung an der Gesamtverschuldung von Schwellenländern. Der Anreiz zu dieser Verschuldungsstruktur entsteht besonders im Zuge von Kapitalmarktliberalisierungen, da diese eine Schwächung des Bankensystems fördern. Daß Schwellenländer von den negativen Konsequenzen eher betroffen sind, läßt sich mit den aus portfoliotheoretischer Sicht notwendigen Steigerungen der ohnehin höheren Risikoprämie auf ihre Währungen erklären. Bei steigenden Abwertungserwartungen können Zinserhöhungen nur begrenzt zur Stabilisierung der Kapitalzuflüsse eingesetzt werden, weil sie das Bankensystem aufgrund des kurzfristigeren Anteils an Verschuldung stärker schwächen als in Industrieländern. Insofern ist die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit einer spekulativen Attacke höher. Da Abwertungen zu einer Erhöhung der Schuldenlast — gemessen in inländischer Währung — führen, sind Zwillingskrisen wahrscheinlich. Abstract The causes of a high frequency of twin crises in emerging market countries The simultaneous occurrence of banking crises and balance-of-payments problems in the 80's and 90's is more frequently observed in emerging markets than in industrialized countries. The reason is a debt structure biased towards shorter maturities and a higher share of debt denominated in foreign currency. The incentive for this kind of debt structure has its origins in capital market liberalizations, as they tend to weaken the domestic banking system. Emerging markets are more prone to these negative consequences as they suffer from a high risk premium on their domestic currency in any case, which must be expected to rise even further after liberalization. The existence of a higher risk premium can be explained using portfolio models. If expectations of a depreciation rise, interest rates cannot be raised infinitely to stabilize capital inflows, since they weaken the banking system more than in industrialized countries because of the shorter maturity of debt. This makes success of an attack on the currency more probable. As devaluation leads to an increase in banks' indebtedness in domestic currency terms, twin crises become more likely

    Zeitenwende für Wertschöpfungsketten Deutschlands und der EU?

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    Vulnerability of trade in value chains to disruptions has highlighted production losses in the wake of natural disasters, Brexit and the US trade conflict with China, as well as massive supply problems in the wake of the corona pandemic. The war in Ukraine increases the perception of geo-strategic problems of trade dependence. Reshoring could reduce vulnerability of production in value chains. The development of the integration of Germany and the EU into global value chains up to now also shows that the global financial crisis has already heralded a turning point in global trade. The importance of regional, i. e. intra-EU value chains, has increased. At the same time, however, the share of value added from China has also risen for both Germany and the EU-27. The resulting geo-strategic conflicts are likely to remain in focus. Empirical experience, however, suggests that without targeted industrial policy incentives, hardly any reshoring is to be expected

    Waren die Rentenreformen 2001/2004 alternativlos? Eine Analyse der makroökonomischen Aspekte

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    Das deutsche System der Alterssicherung wurde Anfang des Jahrhunderts grundlegend reformiert: Die Beitragssatzentwicklung sollte stabilisiert werden, und es wurde eine ergänzende kapitalgedeckte Zusatzversicherung eingeführt. Die damaligen Reformen wurden als alternativlos dargestellt, um die Entwicklung der Lohnnebenkosten trotz demographischen Wandels zu begrenzen und Deutschlands Wettbewerbsfähigkeit zu sichern. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass der Teilumstieg auf Kapitaldeckung nicht sinnvoll war: Die Renditen sind nicht höher als im Umlageverfahren und auch nicht unabhängig von der makroökonomischen und demographischen Entwicklung. Das Beispiel Österreich verdeutlicht, dass es eine bessere Alternative gegeben hätte: Das dortige reine Umlageverfahren erlaubt höhere Altersrenten als in Deutschland, ohne dass Wachstum und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit eingeschränkt wurden.   Were the German Pension Reforms in 2001 / 2004 without Alternatives? An Analysis of Macroeconomic Aspects The German pension system reforms at the start of the century sought to stabilize the development of contributions to the pay-as-you-go system and introduced a complementary capital funded system. In the face of an ageing population, the aim was to dampen increases in nonwage costs for companies and to support their competitiveness. We show that the arguments for the introduction of a capital-funded system are not convincing. Neither are returns higher, nor is this system more robust against macroeconomic and demographic developments. Instead, the Austrian pension system is a clearly better alternative: The pure pay-as-you-go system allows for higher pension levels, without hampering GDP growth or competitiveness. JEL-Klassifizierung: H55, J3

    FĂĽhrt lockere Geldpolitik zu Hauspreisblasen? Lehren aus der theoretischen Literatur

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    The article gives a survey of the theoretical literature on the formation of house price bubbles with a specific focus in how far an expansionary monetary policy and especially low interest rates might lead to bubbles in these models. It is shown that–given standard methods of valuing houses by discounting future rent incomes–low interest rates can be expected to lead to higher house prices justified by changed fundamentals, but not necessarily to a bubble (which would require an overvaluation and future correction). In fact, none of the models surveyed has an explicit role for expansionary monetary policy to cause a bubble. Instead, some models show that unexpected changes in the rate of inflation can lead to bubbles due to money illusion: Here, individuals mistake changes in nominal interest rates for changes in real interest rates which might lead to misguided investment in real estate

    Wann verursachen Niedrigzinsen Hauspreisblasen? Lehren aus einem systematischen Fallstudienansatz

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    This article studies the relationship between the stance of monetary policy and housing price bubbles. Out of a sample of 16 OECD countries for which detailed housing data are available, we systematically select three case studies that represent the varying links between housing bubbles and the stance of monetary policy: The first case presents a country where a period of low interest rates has been followed by a house price bubble (US in the 2000s). The second case portrays a country in which a bubble emerged even though interest rates have been rather high (UK in the 2000s). The third case illustrates a country in which low interest rates have not been followed by a housing price bubble (Austria in the 2000s). The analysis of the different developments points to the role of regulatory changes as the main causes for bubble formation, indicating that sensible regulation and state intervention can prevent bubbles even in the face of low interest rates