20 research outputs found

    « Half dicht, half prose gheordineert » : vers et prose de moyen français en moyen néerlandais

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    In both French-speaking and Dutch-speaking literary cultures of the late Middle Ages, competition between poets produced a collective poetic expertise. To what extent, then, can such competition be identified across the two cultures, in translations of verse or prosimetrum compositions from Middle French into Middle Dutch? An examination of the Dutch translations reveals that verse is both a means to knowledge and an object of knowledge, in the target culture as well as the source culture. The diversity of translations shows that verse is not only a system that translators attempt to master, but also a formal supplement in ways that are unavailable to prose

    Oxytocin attenuates tolerance not only to the hypothermic but also to the myorelaxant and akinesic effects of ethanol in mice

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    Inhibition of ethanol tolerance by oxytocin has been demonstrated previously using the hypothermic effect only. The purpose of the present experiment was to investigate the effect of oxytocin on the development of tolerance to ethanol-induced hypothermia, myorelaxation and akinesia in mice. Four groups of mice received daily intraperitoneal injections of saline or oxytocin (0.005 mg) plus saline or ethanol (2 g/kg). The peptide was administered 2 hours before ethanol. For five consecutive days, temperature measurements were performed 20 minutes before and after ethanol injection. Myorelaxation and akinesia were evaluated following the second temperature measure. Oxytocin pretreatment, which had no intrinsic effects, resulted in a robust selective attenuation of tolerance to ethanol-induced hypothermia, myorelaxation and akinesia. These results suggest that the mechanisms for peptide modulation are common to these three typical effects of ethanol

    Disturbances of the western European ionosphere during the total solar eclipse of 11 August 1999 measured by a wide ionosonde and radar network

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    The 11 August 1999 Solar eclipse totality path ran across western Europe at near-constant latitudes of about 49°N. It occurred at mid-time of a sequence of three days with steady solar wind and quiet magnetospheric conditions. Its response was observed by a score of ionospheric facilities, which will provide high-resolution probing of the various disturbances. First results allow us to compare the time fluctuations at various distances from totality on the eclipse and adjacent days, inside a 5° West to 5° East longitude area. In this preliminary work the foF1 and foF2 time changes are presented in contour maps on a size grid. They show the expected longitude transit of eclipse perturbation. We venture brief comments on the eclipse-own signatures as separate from the various wave oscillations detected prior to eclipse time by 12.4 MHz panoramic azimuth scans of the Losquet radar near Lannion (Brittanny)

    Anorectal malformations: functional prognosis and management of sequelae in the adolescent and the adult

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    L'incidence des malformations anorectales est de 1/5 000 naissances. Il s'agit d'un spectre de malformations, classées en formes basses ou hautes en fonction de leurs caractéristiques anatomiques et du pronostic de continence fécale chez le patient atteint. La prise en charge des malformations anorectales à la naissance inclut un bilan complet à la recherche des anomalies associées (entité VACTERL). La stratégie thérapeutique consiste en une chirurgie en un, deux ou trois temps, en fonction du type anatomique et de la nécessité d'une colostomie de protection. Les séquelles fonctionnelles à long terme et leur prise en charge dépendent du type malformatif: 1) les formes basses ont un bon pronostic en terme de continence fécale, mais peuvent être associées à une constipation sévère et un mégarectum responsable de pertes fécales (pseudo-incontinence par regorgement) ; 2) le pronostic des formes hautes est moins bon, avec un risque de développement d'une incontinence fécale qu'il est important d'identifier avant l'âge de 5-6 ans de façon à proposer un traitement adéquat visant à assurer une propreté fécale pendant les périodes scolaires (gestion intestinale par lavements évacuateurs rétrogrades). La réalisation de lavements coliques antérogrades par une appendicostomie continente ombilicale permettra ultérieurement d'accroître l'autonomie du patient à l'adolescence