156 research outputs found

    Feed-forward and visual feedback control of head roll orientation in wasps (Polistes humilis, Vespidae, Hymenoptera)

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    Flying insects keep their visual system horizontally aligned, suggesting that gaze stabilization is a crucial first step in flight control. Unlike flies, hymenopteran insects such as bees and wasps do not have halteres that provide fast, feed-forward ang

    Natural visual cues eliciting predator avoidance in fiddler crabs

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    To efficiently provide an animal with relevant information, the design of its visual system should reflect the distribution of natural signals and the animal’s tasks. In many behavioural contexts, however, we know comparatively little about the moment-to-moment information-processing challenges animals face in their daily lives. In predator avoidance, for instance, we lack an accurate description of the natural signal stream and its value for risk assessment throughout the prey’s defensive behaviour.We characterized the visual signals generated by real, potentially predatory events by video-recording bird approaches towards an Uca vomeris colony. Using four synchronized cameras allowed us to simultaneously monitor predator avoidance responses of crabs. We reconstructed the signals generated by dangerous and non-dangerous flying animals, identified the cues that triggered escape responses and compared them with those triggering responses to dummy predators. Fiddler crabs responded to a combination of multiple visual cues (including retinal speed, elevation and visual flicker) that reflect the visual signatures of distinct bird and insect behaviours. This allowed crabs to discriminate between dangerous and non-dangerous events. The results demonstrate the importance of measuring natural sensory signatures of biologically relevant events in order to understand biological information processing and its effects on behavioural organization

    The learning walks of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    When transitioning from in-nest duties to their foraging life outside the nest, ants perform a series of highly choreographed learning walks around the nest entrance, before leaving to forage for the first time. These learning walks have been described in detail only for a few species of ants, but a pattern of similarities and differences is emerging that we review here with an emphasis on understanding the functional significance of this learning process for efficient homing in ants. We compare the organization of learning walks in ants with that of the learning flights in bees and wasps and provide a list of key research questions that would need to be tackled if we are to understand the role of learning walks in the acquisition of nest-location information, the evolution of this highly conserved learning process, and how it is controlled.We acknowledge financial support to JZ from the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Program (DP150101172 and DP150102699) and to PNF from a Scientia-Scholarship, University of Würzburg, and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (project FL1060/1-1)

    Head roll stabilisation in the nocturnal bull ant Myrmecia pyriformis: implications for visual navigation

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    Ant foragers are known to memorise visual scenes that allow them to repeatedly travel along idiosyncratic routes and to return to specific places. Guidance is provided by a comparison between visual memories and current views, which critically depends on how well the attitude of the visual system is controlled. Here we show that nocturnal bull ants stabilise their head to varying degrees against locomotion-induced body roll movements and this ability decreases as light levels fall. There are always un-compensated head roll oscillations that match the frequency of the stride-cycle. Head roll stabilisation involves both visual and non-visual cues as ants compensate for body roll in complete darkness and also respond with head roll movements when confronted with visual pattern oscillations. We show that imperfect head roll control degrades navigation-relevant visual information and discuss ways in which navigating ants may deal with this problem

    Mapping the Navigational Information Content of Insect Habitats

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    For developing and validating models of insect navigation it is essential to identify the visual input insects experience in their natural habitats. Here we report on the development of methods to reconstruct what insects see when making navigational decisions and critically assess the current limitations of such methods. We used a laser-range finder as well as camera-based methods to capture the 3D structure and the appearance of outdoor environments. Both approaches produce coloured point clouds that allow within the model scale the reconstruction of views at defined positions and orientations. For instance, we filmed bees and wasps with a high-speed stereo camera system to estimate their 3D flight paths and gaze direction. The high-speed system is registered with a 3D model of the same environment, such that panoramic images can be rendered along the insects’ flight paths (see accompanying abstract “Benchmark 3D-models of natural navigation environments @ www.InsectVision.org” by Mair et al.). The laser-range finder (see figure A) is equipped with a rotating camera that provides colour information for the measured 3D points. This system is robust and easy-to-use in the field generating high resolution data (about 50 × 106 points) with large field of view, up to a distance of 80 m at typical acquisition times of about 8 minutes. However, a large number of scans at different locations has to be recorded and registered to account for occlusions. In comparison, data acquisition in camera-based reconstruction from multiple view-points is fast, but model generation is computationally more complex due to bundle adjustment and dense pair-wise stereo computation (see figure B, C for views rendered from a 3D model based on 6 image pairs). In addition it is non-trivial and often time-consuming in the field to ensure the acquisition of sufficient information. We are currently developing the tools that will allow us to combine the results of laser-scanner and camera-based 3D reconstruction methods

    The choreography of learning walks in the Australian jack jumper ant Myrmecia croslandi

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    We provide a detailed analysis of the learning walks performed by Myrmecia croslandi ants at the nest during which they acquire visual information on its location. Most learning walks of 12 individually marked naïve ants took place in the morning with a narrow time window separating the first two learning walks, which most often occurred on the same day. Naïve ants performed between 2 to 7 walks over up to 4 consecutive days before heading out to forage. On subsequent walks naïve ants tend to explore the area around the nest in new compass directions. During learning walks ants move along arcs around the nest while performing oscillating scanning movements. In a regular temporal sequence, the ants’ gaze oscillates between the nest direction and the direction pointing away from the nest. Ants thus experience a sequence of views roughly across the nest and away from the nest from systematically spaced vantage points around the nest. We show further that ants leaving the nest for a foraging trip often walk in an arc around the nest on the opposite side to the intended foraging direction, performing a scanning routine indistinguishable from that of a learning walk. These partial learning walks are triggered by disturbance around the nest and may help returning ants with reorienting when overshooting the nest, which they frequently do. We discuss what is known about learning walks in different ant species and their adaptive significance for acquiring robust navigational memories

    Quantifying navigational information: The catchment volumes of panoramic snapshots in outdoor scenes

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    Panoramic views of natural environments provide visually navigating animals with two kinds of information: they define locations because image differences increase smoothly with distance from a reference location and they provide compass information, because image differences increase smoothly with rotation away from a reference orientation. The range over which a given reference image can provide navigational guidance (its ‘catchment area’) has to date been quantified from the perspective of walking animals by determining how image differences develop across the ground plane of natural habitats. However, to understand the information available to flying animals there is a need to characterize the ‘catchment volumes’ within which panoramic snapshots can provide navigational guidance. We used recently developed camera-based methods for constructing 3D models of natural environments and rendered panoramic views at defined locations within these models with the aim of mapping navigational information in three dimensions. We find that in relatively open woodland habitats, catchment volumes are surprisingly large extending for metres depending on the sensitivity of the viewer to image differences. The size and the shape of catchment volumes depend on the distance of visual features in the environment. Catchment volumes are smaller for reference images close to the ground and become larger for reference images at some distance from the ground and in more open environments. Interestingly, catchment volumes become smaller when only above horizon views are used and also when views include a 1 km distant panorama. We discuss the current limitations of mapping navigational information in natural environments and the relevance of our findings for our understanding of visual navigation in animals and autonomous robots.The work was supported by Australian Research Council Discovery Project Grants DP150101172 and DP150102699 to Jochen Zeil

    Light and dark adaptation mechanisms in the compound eyes of Myrmecia ants that occupy discrete temporal niches

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    Ants of the Australian genus Myrmecia partition their foraging niche temporally, allowing them to be sympatric with overlapping foraging requirements. We used histological techniques to study the light and dark adaptation mechanisms in the compound eyes of diurnal (Myrmecia croslandi), crepuscular (M. tarsata, M. nigriceps) and nocturnal ants (M. pyriformis). We found that, except in the day-active species, all ants have a variable primary pigment cell pupil that constricts the crystalline cone in bright light to control for light flux. We show for the nocturnal M. pyriformis that the constriction of the crystalline cone by the primary pigment cells is light dependent whereas the opening of the aperture is regulated by an endogenous rhythm. In addition, in the light-adapted eyes of all species, the retinular cell pigment granules radially migrate towards the rhabdom, a process that in both the day-active M. croslandi and the night-active M. pyriformis is driven by ambient light intensity. Visual system properties thus do not restrict crepuscular and night-active ants to their temporal foraging niche, while day-active ants require high light intensities to operate. We discuss the ecological significance of these adaptation mechanisms and their role in temporal niche partitioning