3,695 research outputs found

    Migration to Australia: a quick guide to the statistics

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    This paper provides a summary of some of the key statistics on permanent and temporary migration to Australia. Overview Australia is considered to be one of the world’s major ‘immigration nations‘ (together with New Zealand, Canada and the United States of America (USA). Since 1945, when the first federal immigration portfolio was created, over 7.5 million people have settled here and Australia’s overseas-born resident population—estimated to be 27.7 per cent of the population in June 2013—is considered high compared to most other OECD countries. Permanent migrants enter Australia via one of two distinct programs—the Migration Program for skilled and family migrants or the Humanitarian Program for refugees and those in refugee-like situations. The Australian Government allocates places, or quotas, each year for people wanting to migrate permanently to Australia under these two programs. Until very recently, the United Kingdom (UK) had always been the primary source country for permanent migration to Australia. However, for the first time in the history of Australia, China surpassed the UK as Australia’s primary source of permanent migrants in 2010–11. Since then, China and India have continued to provide the highest number of permanent migrants. New Zealand (NZ) citizens also feature highly in the number of settler arrivals, but they are not counted under Australia’s Migration Program unless they apply for (and are granted) a permanent visa. Over the decades, migration program planning numbers have fluctuated according to the priorities and economic and political considerations of the government of the day. However, it is important to note that the Australian Government’s immigration policy focus has changed markedly since 1945, when attracting general migrants (primarily from the UK) was the priority, to focussing on attracting economic migrants and temporary (skilled) migrants. Currently the planning figure for the Migration Program is 190,000 places, with skilled migrants comprising the majority. One of the most significant developments in the dynamics of migration to Australia in recent years has been the growth in temporary migration. In 2000–01 temporary migrants outnumbered permanent arrivals for the first time. Many of these entrants arrived on either student visas or long-term temporary skilled business visas (subclass 457). Unlike the permanent Migration Program, the level of temporary migration to Australia is not determined or subject to quotas or caps by Government, but rather is demand driven. The 457 visa also provides a pathway for skilled workers and their dependants to apply for permanent residence and many students are also eligible to apply for permanent visas under the Migration Program at the completion of their courses. The largest contribution to net overseas migration (NOM) in recent years has been from people on temporary visas—mostly comprised of overseas students and temporary skilled migrants and the rate of Australia’s population growth has increased significantly over the few years largely driven by an increase in NOM

    Modelling Immunological Memory

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    Accurate immunological models offer the possibility of performing highthroughput experiments in silico that can predict, or at least suggest, in vivo phenomena. In this chapter, we compare various models of immunological memory. We first validate an experimental immunological simulator, developed by the authors, by simulating several theories of immunological memory with known results. We then use the same system to evaluate the predicted effects of a theory of immunological memory. The resulting model has not been explored before in artificial immune systems research, and we compare the simulated in silico output with in vivo measurements. Although the theory appears valid, we suggest that there are a common set of reasons why immunological memory models are a useful support tool; not conclusive in themselves

    Scoping exercise on fallers’ clinics : report to the National Co-ordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery and Organisation R & D (NCCSDO)

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    The National Service Framework for Older People has stated the need for fall-prevention programmes. An appraisal of fallers’ clinics launched by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) was suspended because of a lack of information regarding existing services and typology. This project aimed to determine the feasibility of conducting economic modelling to appraise fallers’ clinics. To achieve this a national survey of services and reviews of the evidence of effectiveness of various models of fallers’ clinics and screening tools were undertaken

    What are the top 10 physical activity research questions in schizophrenia?

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    Purpose: Research has only recently started to consider the applicability of physical activity (PA) for people with schizophrenia. Although there is increasing evidence for the benefits of physical activity, this population remains generally physically inactive and sedentary. The aim of the current study is to highlight 10 pertinent physical activity research questions in people with schizophrenia. Method: The International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health (IOPTMH) executed a consultation of its National Organisations (n=13) to identify the most salient questions relevant to guide clinical practice on physical activity in people with schizophrenia. Results: We identified the following 10 questions: (1) What are the benefits of physical activity for people with schizophrenia? (2) What are the mechanisms of the physical activity effects in people with schizophrenia? (3) What are the most prominent safety issues for physical activity prescription in people with schizophrenia? (4) What is the most optimal physical activity prescription for people with schizophrenia? (5) What are the key barriers for engaging people with schizophrenia in physical activity? (6) What are the most effective motivational interventions for physical activity adoption and maintenance in people with schizophrenia? (7) How do we translate physical activity research into clinical and community practice? (8) How can we ensure integration of physical therapists within the multidisciplinary mental health treatment team? (9) How can we prevent sedentary behaviour in people with schizophrenia? (10) What is the most appropriate physical activity assessment method in clinical practice? Conclusions: Addressing these questions is critical for developing evidence-based approaches for promoting and sustaining an active lifestyle in people with schizophrenia. Ultimately, achieving this will improve the quality of life of this population. Implications for Rehabilitation: · Investigation of behaviour change interventions for people with schizophrenia is critical · A low cost, easy to use, clinical, valid physical activity questionnaire is urgently needed

    OH masers in the Milky Way and Local Group galaxies in the SKA era

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    The intense line emission of OH masers is a perfect tracer of regions where new stars are born aswell as of evolved stars, shedding large amounts of processed matter into the interstellar medium. From SKA deep surveys at 18 cm, where the maser lines from the ground-state of the OH molecule arise, we predict the discovery of more than 20000 sources of stellar and interstellar origin throughout the Galaxy. The study of this maser emission has many applications, including the determination of magnetic field strengths from polarisation measurements, studies of stellar kinematics using the precisely determined radial velocities, and distance determinations from VLBI astrometry. A new opportunity to study shocked gas in different galactic environments is expected to arise with the detection of lower luminosity masers. For the first time, larger numbers of OH masers will be detected in Local Group galaxies. New insights are expected in structure formation in galaxies by comparing maser populations in galaxies of different metallicity, as both their properties as well as their numbers depend on it. With the full capabilities of SKA, further maser transitions such as from excited OH and from methanol will be accessible, providing new tools to study the evolution of star-forming regions in particular.Comment: Contribution to the conference on "Advancing Astrophysics with the Square Kilometre Array" for the SKA science book, Giardini-Naxos, Sicily, June 2014; in Proceedings of Science, 14 page

    Do Somatic Mitochondrial DNA Mutations Contribute to Parkinson's Disease?

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    A great deal of evidence supports a role for mitochondrial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD), although the origin of the mitochondrial dysfunction in PD remains unclear. Expression of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) from PD patients in “cybrid” cell lines recapitulates the mitochondrial defect, implicating a role for mtDNA mutations, but the specific mutations responsible for the mitochondrial dysfunction in PD have been difficult to identify. Somatic mtDNA point mutations and deletions accumulate with age and reach high levels in substantia nigra (SN) neurons. Mutations in mitochondrial DNA polymerase γ (POLG) that lead to the accumulation of mtDNA mutations are associated with a premature aging phenotype in “mutator” mice, although overt parkinsonism has not been reported in these mice, and with parkinsonism in humans. Together these data support, but do not yet prove, the hypothesis that the accumulation of somatic mtDNA mutations in SN neurons contribute to the pathogenesis of PD

    Mucin glycosylation and sulphation in airway epithelial cells is not influenced by cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator expression

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    Abnormalities in mucus properties and clearance make a major contribution to the pathology of cystic fibrosis (CF). Our aim was to test the hypothesis that the defects in CF mucus are a direct result of mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein. We evaluated a single mucin molecule MUC1F/5ACTR that carries tandem repeat sequence from MUC5AC, a major secreted airway mucin, in a MUC1 mucin vector. To establish whether the presence of mutant or normal CFTR directly influences the O-glycosylation and sulphation of mucins in airway epithelial cells, we used the CFT1-LC3 (DeltaF508 CFTR mutant) and CFT1-LCFSN (wild-type CFTR corrected) human airway epithelial cell lines. MUC1F/5ACTR mucin was immunoprecipitated, centricon purified, and O-glycosylation was evaluated by Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization and electrospray tandem mass spectrometry to determine the composition of different carbohydrate structures. Mass spectrometry data showed the same O-glycans in both CFTR mutant and wild-type CFTR corrected cells. Metabolic labeling assays were performed to evaluate gross glycosylation and sulphation of the mucins and showed no significant difference in mucin synthesized in six independent clones of these cell lines. Our results show that the absence of functional CFTR protein causes neither an abnormality in mucin O-glycosylation nor an increase in mucin sulphation

    A comprehensive resource for induced pluripotent stem cells from patients with primary tauopathies

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    Primary tauopathies are characterized neuropathologically by inclusions containing abnormal forms of the microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT) and clinically by diverse neuropsychiatric, cognitive, and motor impairments. Autosomal dominant mutations in the MAPT gene cause heterogeneous forms of frontotemporal lobar degeneration with tauopathy (FTLD-Tau). Common and rare variants in the MAPT gene increase the risk for sporadic FTLD-Tau, including progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) and corticobasal degeneration (CBD). We generated a collection of fibroblasts from 140 MAPT mutation/risk variant carriers, PSP, CBD, and cognitively normal controls; 31 induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) lines from MAPT mutation carriers, non-carrier family members, and autopsy-confirmed PSP patients; 33 genome engineered iPSCs that were corrected or mutagenized; and forebrain neural progenitor cells (NPCs). Here, we present a resource of fibroblasts, iPSCs, and NPCs with comprehensive clinical histories that can be accessed by the scientific community for disease modeling and development of novel therapeutics for tauopathies

    A qualitative study of physical activity drivers in autistic individuals using COM-B:Autistic and non-autistic perspectives

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    BackgroundDespite evidence of the health benefits of physical activity in non-autistic populations and the additional benefits for autistic populations, physical activity levels remain stubbornly low in autistic individuals. Understanding the determinants of physical activity is essential in order to support intervention development.MethodsThe current research applied the Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF) and Capability Opportunity Motivation, Behaviour (COM-B) model of behaviour to identify determinants of physical activity behaviour, mechanisms of action, and potentially efficacious behaviour change techniques. Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with autistic adults (N = 4) and children (N = 2), parents of autistic children (N = 4), and stakeholders in autism care and support (N = 5). A deductive approach was taken to map themes onto TDF and COM-B.ResultsParticipants identified three overarching themes: Discordance between autistic and non-autistic perspectives; physically active environments; and autonomy and choice. Eight subthemes were identified and mapped onto COM-B and TDF. Recommendations for intervention development are made and potential behaviour change techniques are identified.ConclusionsGiven the important role of care providers, future research should focus on the attitudes and behaviours of individuals who care for and support autistic individuals to identify barriers and drivers of physical activity promotion, particularly for individuals with high support needs. An argument is made for co-design in future intervention development