23 research outputs found

    Sarcoendoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+ ATPase. A Critical Target in Chlorine Inhalation–Induced Cardiotoxicity

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    Autopsy specimens from human victims or experimental animals that die due to acute chlorine gas exposure present features of cardiovascular pathology. We demonstrate acute chlorine inhalation–induced reduction in heart rate and oxygen saturation in rats. Chlorine inhalation elevated chlorine reactants, such as chlorotyrosine and chloramine, in blood plasma. Using heart tissue and primary cardiomyocytes, we demonstrated that acute high-concentration chlorine exposure in vivo (500 ppm for 30 min) caused decreased total ATP content and loss of sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) activity. Loss of SERCA activity was attributed to chlorination of tyrosine residues and oxidation of an important cysteine residue, cysteine-674, in SERCA, as demonstrated by immunoblots and mass spectrometry. Using cardiomyocytes, we found that chlorine-induced cell death and damage to SERCA could be decreased by thiocyanate, an important biological antioxidant, and by genetic SERCA2 overexpression. We also investigated a U.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved drug, ranolazine, used in treatment of cardiac diseases, and previously shown to stabilize SERCA in animal models of ischemia–reperfusion. Pretreatment with ranolazine or istaroxime, another SERCA activator, prevented chlorine-induced cardiomyocyte death. Further investigation of responsible mechanisms showed that ranolazine- and istaroxime-treated cells preserved mitochondrial membrane potential and ATP after chlorine exposure. Thus, these studies demonstrate a novel critical target for chlorine in the heart and identify potentially useful therapies to mitigate toxicity of acute chlorine exposure.This work was supported by the CounterACT Program, National Institutes of Health, Office of the Director, and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences grant U54 ES015678 (C.W.W.), and by Children’s Hospital of Colorado/Colorado School of Mines Pilot Award G0100394 and a Children’s Hospital of Colorado Research Institute’s Pilot Award (S.A.)

    Mice that overexpress Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase are resistant to allergen-induced changes in airway control

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    . Mice that overexpress Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase are resistant to allergeninduced changes in airway control. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 279: L350-L359, 2000.-Within the respiratory epithelium of asthmatic patients, copper/zinc-containing superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD) is decreased. To address the hypothesis that lung Cu/Zn SOD protects against allergeninduced injury, wild-type and transgenic mice that overexpress human Cu/Zn SOD were either passively sensitized to ovalbumin (OVA) or actively sensitized by repeated airway exposure to OVA. Controls included nonsensitized wild-type and transgenic mice given intravenous saline or airway exposure to saline. After aerosol challenge to saline or OVA, segments of tracheal smooth muscle were obtained for in vitro analysis of neural control. In response to electrical field stimulation, wild-type sensitized mice challenged with OVA had significant increases in cholinergic reactivity. Conversely, sensitized transgenic mice challenged with OVA were resistant to changes in neural control. Stimulation of tracheal smooth muscle to elicit acetylcholine release showed that passively sensitized wild-type but not transgenic mice released more acetylcholine after OVA challenge. Function of the M 2 muscarinic autoreceptor was preserved in transgenic mice. These results demonstrate that murine airways with elevated Cu/Zn SOD were resistant to allergen-induced changes in neural control. acetylcholine; airway responsiveness; neural control of airways; M 2 muscarinic autoreceptor INFLAMMATORY PROCESSES within the airways of humans may alter airway function, leading not only to obstruction of the airways but also to increases in the level of airway responsiveness. This concept has evolved in part because of clinical studies The mechanisms via which inflammatory cells alter airway function are likely multiple. These include release of inflammatory mediators and various proteases as well as generation of reactive oxygen species. Of these potential mechanisms, the latter has attracted the least attention in terms of scientific studies. Yet work in both models and humans suggests that this may be an important avenue of investigation. In this respect, work involving a canine model of allergeninduced lung dysfunction (44) as well as observations involving allergen challenge in allergic humans Transgenic (TG) mice with expression of elevated levels of Cu/Zn SOD in the lungs have been used to study the importance of this antioxidant system in the face of hyperoxia. On exposure to Ďľ 99% oxygen at 63

    Estrogen Determines Sex Differences in Airway Responsiveness after Allergen Exposure

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    The female hormone estrogen is an important factor in the regulation of airway function and inflammation, and sex differences in the prevalence of asthma are well described. Using an animal model, we determined how sex differences may underlie the development of altered airway function in response to allergen exposure. We compared sex differences in the development of airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR) after allergen exposure exclusively via the airways. Ovalbumin (OVA) was administered by nebulization on 10 consecutive days in BALB/c mice. After methacholine challenge, significant AHR developed in male mice but not in female mice. Ovariectomized female mice showed significant AHR after 10-day OVA inhalation. ICI182,780, an estrogen antagonist, similarly enhanced airway responsiveness even when administered 1 hour before assay. In contrast, 17β-estradiol dose-dependently suppressed AHR in male mice. In all cases, airway responsiveness was inhibited by the administration of a neurokinin 1 receptor antagonist. These results demonstrate that sex differences in 10-day OVA-induced AHR are due to endogenous estrogen, which negatively regulates airway responsiveness in female mice. Cumulatively, the results suggest that endogenous estrogen may regulate the neurokinin 1–dependent prejunctional activation of airway smooth muscle in allergen-exposed mice