11 research outputs found

    Overproduction of Inactive Variants of the Murein Synthase PBP1B Causes Lysis in Escherichia coli

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    Penicillin-binding protein 1B (PBP1B) of Escherichia coli is a bifunctional murein synthase containing both a transpeptidase domain and a transglycosylase domain. The protein is present in three forms (α, β, and γ) which differ in the length of their N-terminal cytoplasmic region. Expression plasmids allowing the production of native PBP1B or of PBP1B variants with an inactive transpeptidase or transglycosylase domain or both were constructed. The inactive domains contained a single amino acid exchange in an essential active-site residue. Overproduction of the inactive PBP1B variants, but not of the active proteins, caused lysis of wild-type cells. The cells became tolerant to lysis by inactive PBP1B at a pH of 5.0, which is similar to the known tolerance for penicillin-induced lysis under acid pH conditions. Lysis was also reduced in mutant strains lacking several murein hydrolases. In particular, a strain devoid of activity of all known lytic transglycosylases was virtually tolerant, indicating that mainly the lytic transglycosylases are responsible for the observed lysis effect. A possible structural interaction between PBP1B and murein hydrolases in vivo by the formation of a multienzyme complex is discussed

    Effects of Multiple Deletions of Murein Hydrolases on Viability, Septum Cleavage, and Sensitivity to Large Toxic Molecules in Escherichia coli

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    The multiplicity of murein hydrolases found in most bacteria presents an obstacle to demonstrating the necessity of these potentially autolytic enzymes. Therefore, Escherichia coli mutants with deletions in multiple murein hydrolases, including lytic transglycosylases, amidases, and dd-endopeptidases, were constructed. Even a mutant from which seven different hydrolases were deleted was viable and grew at a normal rate. However, penicillin-induced lysis was retarded. Most of the mutants were affected in septum cleavage, which resulted in the formation of chains of cells. All three enzymes were shown to be capable of splitting the septum. Failure to cleave the septum resulted in an increase in outer membrane permeability, and thus the murein hydrolase mutants did not grow on MacConkey agar plates. In addition, the hydrolase mutants not only could be lysed by lysozyme in the absence of EDTA but also were sensitive to high-molecular-weight antibiotics, such as vancomycin and bacitracin, which are normally ineffective against E. coli

    Murein (Peptidoglycan) Binding Property of the Essential Cell Division Protein FtsN from Escherichia coli

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    The binding of the essential cell division protein FtsN of Escherichia coli to the murein (peptidoglycan) sacculus was studied. Soluble truncated variants of FtsN, including the complete periplasmic part of the protein as well as a variant containing only the C-terminal 77 amino acids, did bind to purified murein sacculi isolated from wild-type cells. FtsN variants lacking this C-terminal region showed reduced or no binding to murein. Binding of FtsN was severely reduced when tested against sacculi isolated either from filamentous cells with blocked cell division or from chain-forming cells of a triple amidase mutant. Binding experiments with radioactively labeled murein digestion products revealed that the longer murein glycan strands (>25 disaccharide units) showed a specific affinity to FtsN, but neither muropeptides, peptides, nor short glycan fragments bound to FtsN. In vivo FtsN could be cross-linked to murein with the soluble disulfide bridge containing cross-linker DTSSP. Less FtsN, but similar amounts of OmpA, was cross-linked to murein of filamentous or of chain-forming cells compared to levels in wild-type cells. Expression of truncated FtsN variants in cells depleted in full-length FtsN revealed that the presence of the C-terminal murein-binding domain was not required for cell division under laboratory conditions. FtsN was present in 3,000 to 6,000 copies per cell in exponentially growing wild-type E. coli MC1061. We discuss the possibilities that the binding of FtsN to murein during cell division might either stabilize the septal region or might have a function unrelated to cell division