111 research outputs found

    Local orbital angular momentum revealed by spiral phase plate imaging in transmission electron microscopy

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    The orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light and matter waves is a parameter that is getting increasingly more attention over the past couple of years. Beams with a well defined OAM, the so-called vortex beams, are applied already in e.g. telecommunication, astrophysics, nanomanipulation and chiral measurements in optics and electron microscopy. Also the OAM of a wave induced by the interaction with a sample, shows great potential of interest. In all these experiments it is crucial to measure the exact (local) OAM content of the wave, whether it is an incoming vortex beam or an exit wave after interacting with a sample. In this work we investigate the use of spiral phase plates as an alternative to the programmable phase plates used in optics to measure OAM. We derive analytically how these can be used to study the local OAM components of any wave function. By means of numerical simulations we illustrate how the OAM of a pure vortex beam can be measured. We also look at a sum of misaligned vortex beams and show how using SPPs the position and the OAM of each individual beam can be detected. Finally we look at the OAM induced by a magnetic dipole on a free electron wave and show how the SPP can be used to localize the magnetic poles and measure their "magnetic charge". Although our findings can be applied to study the OAM of any wave function, they are of particular interest for electron microscopy where versatile programmable phase plates do not yet exist.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Extension of Friedel's law to Vortex Beam Diffraction

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    Friedel's law states that the modulus of the Fourier transform of real functions is centrosymmetric, while the phase is antisymmetric. As a consequence of this, elastic scattering of plane wave photons or electrons within the first-order Born-approximation as well as Fraunhofer diffraction on any aperture, is bound to result in centrosymmetric diffraction patterns. Friedel's law, however, does not apply for vortex beams, and centrosymmetry in general is not present in their diffraction patterns. In this work we extend Friedel's law for vortex beams by showing that the diffraction patterns of vortex beams with opposite topological charge, scattered on the same two dimensional potential, always are centrosymmetric to one another, regardless of the symmetry of the scattering object. We verify our statement by means of numerical simulations and experimental data. Our research provides deeper understanding in vortex beam diffraction and can be used to design new experiments to measure the topological charge of vortex beams with diffraction gratings, or study general vortex beam diffraction.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Inelastic electron-vortex-beam scattering

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    Recent theoretical and experimental developments in the field of electron vortex beam physics have raised questions on what exactly this novelty in the field of electron microscopy (and other fields, such as particle physics) really provides. An important part in the answer to those questions lies in scattering theory. The present investigation explores various aspects of inelastic quantum scattering theory for cylindrically symmetric beams with orbital angular momentum. The model system of Coulomb scattering on a hydrogen atom provides the setting to address various open questions: How is momentum transferred? Do vortex beams selectively excite atoms, and how can one employ vortex beams to detect magnetic transitions? The analytical approach presented here provides answers to these questions. OAM transfer is possible, but not through selective excitation; rather, by pre- and post-selection one can filter out the relevant contributions to a specific signal

    Rutherford scattering of electron vortices

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    By considering a cylindrically symmetric generalization of a plane wave, the first Born approximation of screened Coulomb scattering unfolds two new dimensions in the scattering problem: transverse momentum and orbital angular momentum of the incoming beam. In this paper, the elastic Coulomb scattering amplitude is calculated analytically for incoming Bessel beams. This reveals novel features occurring for wide angle scattering when the incoming beam is correctly prepared. The result successfully generalizes the well known Rutherford formula, incorporating transverse and orbital angular momentum into the formalism.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Measuring the Orbital Angular Momentum of Electron Beams

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    The recent demonstration of electron vortex beams has opened up the new possibility of studying orbital angular momentum (OAM) in the interaction between electron beams and matter. To this aim, methods to analyze the OAM of an electron beam are fundamentally important and a necessary next step. We demonstrate the measurement of electron beam OAM through a variety of techniques. The use of forked holographic masks, diffraction from geometric apertures, diffraction from a knife-edge and the application of an astigmatic lens are all experimentally demonstrated. The viability and limitations of each are discussed with supporting numerical simulations.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figurs

    Observation of the Larmor and Gouy Rotations with Electron Vortex Beams

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    Electron vortex beams carrying intrinsic orbital angular momentum (OAM) are produced in electron microscopes where they are controlled and focused using magnetic lenses. We observe various rotational phenomena arising from the interaction between the OAM and magnetic lenses. First, the Zeeman coupling, proportional to the OAM and magnetic field strength, produces an OAM-independent Larmor rotation of a mode superposition inside the lens. Second, hen passing through the focal plane, the electron beam acquires an additional Gouy phase dependent on the absolute value of the OAM. This brings about the Gouy rotation of the superposition image proportional to the sign of the OAM. A combination of the Larmor and Gouy effects can result in the addition (or subtraction) of rotations, depending on the OAM sign. This behaviour is unique to electron vortex beams and has no optical counterpart, as Larmor rotation occurs only for charged particles. Our experimental results are in agreement with recent theoretical predictions.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
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