260 research outputs found

    Simple Robust Method for Quasi-Confirmatory Factor Analysis (Three Examples)

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    In this article we present a simple robust method named Quasi-Confirmatory Factor Analysis (QCFA), with the pur- pose of comparing two factor structures, obtained by using exploratory factor analysis (EFA). EFA and CFA (confirma- tory factor analysis) approaches, together with other methods that are used in this field, are often used simultaneously in cross-cultural research in testing the possibility of generalizing imported theoretical constructs on different sample of subjects. In the discussions about the matter \u27is it better to use EFA or CFA?\u27, it is the most correct to say that each strategy is appropriate for certain research situations. QCFA is conceptually closer to EFA than to CFA, but it gives the exact nu- merical indicators of the differences, as well as the correlations, between these two factor structures in the final phase of EFAs. The details on the practical application QCFA are presented in three different examples. The advantages and shortcomings of this method are discussed, together with its possible extension

    Gender differences in Validity Scales of Personality Measuring Instruments in Psychiatric Patients

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    The main goal of the study was to determine gender differences in validity scales of personality measuring instruments, among the psychiatric patients. Additional goals are to find the differences among male and female psychiatric patients, in relation to their age group, education level and type of psychiatric diagnosis. A total of 331 male and 331 female participants (psychiatric patients) are examined, classified by the categories of diagnosis, as following: Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders (F20-F29), Mood (affective) disorders (F30-F39); Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders neurotic, (F40-F48) and Disorders of adult personality and behavior (F60-F69). Four control scales are applied: Lie Scale (MMPIL or L scale), Scale of bizarre and confusing thinking (MMPIF or F scale) K scale of Defensiveness (MMPIK), together with Bias-scale in Plutchik\u27s Emotion Profile Index (EPI). Three-factorial MANOVA was used in the analysis of the main effects, while non-parametric tests in the analysis of differences for each independent variable. Results reflect characteristic statistically significant gender differences in validity scales of personality measuring instruments, in most of the independent variables (the main effects are found for the level of education and age group). These results were interpreted within the theoretical framework of simulation and dissimulation

    Performance Indicators of the Top Basketball Players: Relations with Several Variables

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    The aim of this study was to determine the differences in performance indicators for top senior male basketball players, with respect to several independent variables: position in the team, total situation-related efficiency, age, playing experience and the time spent on the court within the game and during championship season. The final sample of participants was selected from all teams in A-1 Croatian men\u27s basketball league. Significant differences have been found according to the players’: position in the team, total situation-related efficiency, and in interactions of the position in the team / total situation-related efficiency and minutes spent on the court in a game / playing experience. The differences in the situation-related efficiency between players have not been found according to the players’ age and the number of games played. Further research can be directed towards deeper analysis of the influence of more complex differentiated variables playing experience and time spent on the court in a game on situation-related efficiency in basketball

    Djelomični pregled poželjnih mogućih implikacija sudjelovanja djece predškolske dobi u igraonicama sa sportskim sadržajima

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    The basic determinants of the programmes of playgroups with sports contents are presented. The purpose is to get the children acquainted early with certain sports activities in their pre-school age (4-6/7 years). The basic programme objective is to stimulate the various aspects of the psychophysical development of a child – primarily to influence the conative characteristics, motivation and social status, then, to a lesser extent, the motor abilities and knowledge (skills), and, indirectly, the functional abilities and morphological attributes. So, the objectives of sport playgroups are essentially educational. In methodics (teaching methodology) the focus is on the synthetic approach to learning new motor skills and the conative characteristics transformations, in accordance with “the equation providing success”. The programme promotes the harmonious, versatile psychophysical development of a child and the integral approach to a sport activity as a whole. It promotes stimulation for the further development of the sport specific relevant motor and cognitive abilities and conative characteristics in which a child has been initially or previously successful, meaning, from the aspect of which he/she might be evaluated as a “perspective” young athlete for a particular sport. The enhancement of motivation and improvements only in the general psychosomatic predispositions of a child, apart from information concerning his/her personal traits, can facilitate a selection later of talented individuals for particular sport disciplines, or it might only be a good foundation for a sport active life-style in adulthood.UVOD Autor već desetak godina osmišljava i provodi pokusne programe tzv. igraonica sa sportskim sadržajima (popularnim kineziološkim programima) za djecu predškolske dobi od navršene četvrte godine života do polaska u osnovnu školu (dob 6-7 godina). Programi se provode u dječjim vrtićima “Trnoružica” i “Maksimir” u Zagrebu, uz sustavno praćenje učinaka programom predviđenih i korištenih kinezioloških podražaja na neka antropološka obilježja predškolske djece. TEORIJSKE OSNOVE Najjednostavnije se pojam igraonice sa sportskim sadržajima može odrediti kao program tjelesnog vježbanja djece predškolske dobi, male frekvencije i trajanja te niskoga volumena opterećenja. Osnovu sadržaj rada igraonice čini određen broj motoričkih, odnosno informatičkih elemenata jedne ili više različitih sportskih aktivnosti. Primarna svrha programa je upoznavanje djece s bitnim elementima dane sportske aktivnosti. U radu su prikazane samo teorijske pretpostavke programa, konkretiziran plan i program rada te moguće implikacije sudjelovanja djece u igraonicama sa sportskim sadržajima. Ciljevi i zadaće programa igraonica sa sportskim sadržajima, kao i metode provedbe predviđaju stvaranje uvjeta za zadovoljenje osnovnih potreba djeteta predškolske dobi. Kako se u igraonici zadovoljavaju te osnovne potrebe, prikazano je Maslowljevom i Glasserovom klasifikacijom ljudskih potreba. Nadalje, naglašena je potreba za poticanjem razvoja cjelovite ličnosti, a ne izoliranih aspekata psihosomatskog razvoja, u ovom slučaju motoričkih sposobnosti i znanja. Primarni ciljevi igraonice jesu odgojni ciljevi, dakle posredni ili indirektni ciljevi procesa tjelesnog vježbanja: razviti djetetova relevantna konativna obilježja, crte ličnosti, stavove, vrijednosti i drugo. Igraonice sa sportskim sadržajima osmišljene su prvenstveno kao oblik tjelesnog vježbanja djece predškolske dobi kojima su rekreacijski ciljevi sadržajno bliskiji u odnosu na edukacijske, sportske ili kineziterapijske. POŽELJNE POTENCIJALNE IMPLIKACIJE SUDJELOVANJA U IGRAONICAMA Tehnički elementi uvježbavaju se pretežito na nižoj razini, s većom individualnom slobodom izvedbe. Radi poticanja razvoja cjelokupne djetetove ličnosti te motiviranja za sudjelovanje u kineziološkim aktivnostima, izgleda opravdanim nastojanje da se tijekom odvijanja programa minimalno razbija igra kao cjelina, pa dominiraju situacijsko ucenje i sintetski pristup. Dobi određene psihosomatske mogućnosti djece ograničavaju i volumen i opseg rada. Programi igraonica osmišljeni su kao upoznavanje djeteta s osnovnim elementima pojedinih sportskih igara (nogomet, košarka), odnosno polistrukturalne kineziološke aktivnosti (stolni tenis), a moguće ih je provoditi kao sastavnicu redovitog odgojno-obrazovnog rada u dječjem vrtiću, povremeno ili redovito, ili kao zasebni program. Specifične zadaće igraonica sa sportskim sadržajima jesu stjecanje ili poticanje razvoja: bazičnih motoričkih sposobnosti te općih aerobnih i anaerobnih kapaciteta; temeljnih motoričkih (tehničkih) znanja iz područja pojedinih sportskih aktivnosti; spoznaja o osnovnim obilježjima nekih sportova, djetetove realne samoprocjene; “zdravog natjecateljskog duha”, društvenosti, empatije, želje da se pomogne drugomu, spremnosti na zajednički rad, osjećaja odgovornosti, dijeljenja osjećaja s drugima, pozitivne slike o sebi te samopouzdanja; discipline i samodiscipline, opsega i trajnosti usmjerene pažnje, komparacije s drugom djecom, ali i sa samim sobom, navika bitnih za zdrav život. Iznesena je pretpostavka da dijete najlakše može steći samopouzdanje za bavljenje konkretnom kineziološkom aktivnošću upravo na onim elementima dane aktivnosti koje već u startu uspješno svladava, a primjereno osobi specifičnim karakteristikama, dakle potencijalnim i raspoloživim funkcionalnim i motoričkim, kognitivnim sposobnostima, morfološkim obilježjima, motoričkim predznanjima te danim konativnim karakteristikama. U skladu s navedenom pretpostavkom, bitno bi trebalo biti da dijete uspješno svlada svega nekoliko tehničkih i taktičkih elemenata, relevantnih za motorička postignuća u danoj sportskoj aktivnosti. Prednost se daje uvježbavanju onih elemenata koje konkretni pojedinac najlakše i najuspješnije može svladati za kratko vrijeme. Dakle, elementarna tehnika i taktika određenoga sporta stupnjevito se uči u kineziološom programu. Intenzivnije uvježbavanje samo osnovnih tehničkih elemenata za posljedicu može imati: jačanje osjećaja sigurnosti u sebe sama, samopouzdanja djeteta (dijete je uspješno već od početka); veću opuštenost i brzinu reakcije; efekt na protivnika u rekreativnom natjecanju, kojega percipirano samopouzdanje suparnika u igri može demotivirati. U predškolskoj dobi voditelj programa, trener, odnosno odrasli ekspert ili bolji poznavalac dane sportske aktivnosti jest procjenitelj primjerenosti pojedinih tehničkih elemenata antropološkim obilježjima konkretnog djeteta. Ali već od rane predškolske dobi dijete valja upućivati na što objektivniju samoprocjenu vlastitih kvaliteta. ZAKLJUČAK Želimo li djecu ne siliti u neku sportsku aktivnost ili igru, moramo rano otkriti njihove talente i sklonosti. Ovdje opisan pristup upoznavanju djece sa sportom tome može pridonijeti. Ako ne drugačije, onda ranijim upoznavanjem potencijalnih budućih talenata s određenim vrstama sportskih aktivnosti. Opisani način upoznavanja predškolskog djeteta sa sportskim aktivnostima mogao bi dati bitne smjernice za daljnji tijek trenažnog procesa i okvirnu selekciju najmladih sportaša, barem za neke sportske aktivnosti. A stvara se i mogućnost za rano uspostavljanje učinkovitijeg kontakta s okolinskim faktorima (sportski klub, trener, sportaševa obitelj, škola, društvena sredina) u razvoju sportaša

    Data Analysis Strategies for Reducing the Influence of the Bias in Cross-Cultural Research

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    In cross-cultural research, researchers have to adjust the constructs and associated measurement instruments that have been developed in one culture and then imported for use in another culture. Importing concepts from other cultures is often simply reduced to language adjustment of the content in the items of the measurement instruments that define a certain (psychological) construct. In the context of cross-cultural research, test bias can be defined as a generic term for all nuisance factors that threaten the validity of cross-cultural comparisons. Bias can be an indicator that instrument scores based on the same items measure different traits and characteristics across different cultural groups. To reduce construct, method and item bias,the researcher can consider these strategies: (1) simply comparing average results in certain measuring instruments; (2) comparing only the reliability of certain dimensions of the measurement instruments, applied to the »target« and »source« samples of participants, i.e. from different cultures; (3) comparing the »framed« factor structure (fixed number of factors) of the measurement instruments, applied to the samples from the »target« and »source« cultures, using explorative factor analysis strategy on separate samples; (4) comparing the complete constructs (»unframed« factor analysis, i.e. unlimited number of factors) in relation to their best psychometric properties and the possibility of interpreting (best suited to certain cultures, applying explorative strategy of factor analysis); or (5) checking the similarity of the constructs in the samples from different cultures (using structural equation modeling approach). Each approach has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages and lacks of each approach are discussed


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    Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlike u konativnim karakteristikama košarkaša uspješnijih i manje uspješnih momčadi: mentalnoj čvrstoći, perfekcionizmu, te percipiranoj grupnoj koheziji. Finalni uzorak ispitanika (74 košarkaša) je selekcioniran iz inicijalnog uzorka od 107 ispitanika, košarkaša devet muških seniorskih momčadi A-1 Hrvatske muške košarkaške lige iz prvenstva 2006/2007. U odnosu na varijable konativnih karakteristika i njihovih dimenzija, diskriminacijskom analizom uspješnijih i manje uspješnih momčadi u prvenstvu. Rezultati su pokazali da se igrači manje i više uspješnih momčadi ne razlikuju na temelju skupa konativnih karakteristika te percipirane grupne kohezije. S druge strane, igrači manje i više uspješnih momčadi se razlikuju na temelju skupa korištenih ekstremnih procjena na skalama konativnih karakteristika te percipirane grupne kohezije. Nije pronaðena statistički značajna razlika izmeðu košarkaša više i manje uspješnih momčadi u skupu konativnih karakteristika, ali jest u broju ekstremnih procjena na skalama konativnih karakteristika te percipirane grupne kohezije.The aim of our study was to determine differences between the players in more successful and less successful basketball teams, in conative characteristics: mental strength, perfectionism, and perceived group cohesion. The final sample of respondents (74 players) is selected from the initial sample of 107 subjects, nine men\u27s senior basketball team\u27s A-1 Croatian men\u27s basketball league championship in 2006/2007. Discriminant analysis was performed, for all the variables of conative characteristics and their dimensions, between the players who play in more successful and less successful teams in the Croatian championship. The results showed that players who play in more or less successful teams do not differ, based on a set of conative characteristics and perceived group cohesion. On the other hand, players in more or less successful teams differ on the basis set used to estimate the extreme rsponses on the scales of conative characteristics and perceived group cohesion. No statistically significant differences were found between the players more and less successful teams in conative characteristics, but the differences are significant in number of extreme estimates used on scales of conative characteristics and perceived group cohesion

    Raising Awareness about Water Issues: The Role of Water Symbolism and Proverbs

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    Sustainable water management is one of the global grand challenges of our time. Tackling this challenge through corrective actions would require the participation of the general public, a public with sound awareness of the challenge and commitment. One such awareness raising intervention could be through the use of water symbolism and proverbs, targeted to particular society. Water has the different symbolism and levels of importance to people, depending of their personal characteristics and socio-demographic factors (e.g. gender, age, occupation, residence). Similarly, water proverbs can also demonstrate attitudes towards water among communities, ethnic groups and whole nations. Such meanings and symbolism could help determine attitude and be a powerful tool towards education. In this context, we describe and propose a psychological Health Belief Model (HBM) as a way to explain behaviour and stimulate sustainable water management practice