88 research outputs found

    Maximally connected and super arc-connected Bi-Cayley digraphs

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    Let X=(V, E) be a digraph. X is maximally connected, if \kappa(X)=\delta(X). X is maximally arc-connected, if \lambda(X)=\delta(X). And X is super arc-connected, if every minimum arc-cut of X is either the set of inarcs of some vertex or the set of outarcs of some vertex. In this paper, we will prove that the strongly connected Bi-Cayley digraphs are maximally connected and maximally arc-connected, and the most of strongly connected Bi-Cayley digraphs are super arc-connected.Comment: 11pages,0 figure

    Arc-connectivity and super arc-connectivity of mixed Cayley digraph

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    A digraph X=(V, E) is max-\lambda, if \lambda(X)=\delta(X). A digraph X is super-\lambda if every minimum cut of X is either the set of inarcs of some vertex or the set of outarcs of some vertex. In this paper, we will prove that for all but a few exceptions, the strongly connected mixed Cayley digraphs are max-\lambda and super-\lambda.Comment: 25pages,9 figure

    Complex Balanced Spaces

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    In this paper, the concept of balanced manifolds is generalized to reduced complex spaces: the class B and balanced spaces. Compared with the case of Kahlerian, the class B is similar to the Fujiki class C and the balanced space is similar to the Kahler space. Some properties about these complex spaces are obtained, and the relations between the balanced spaces and the class B are studied.Comment: 15 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1610.0715

    On restricted edge-connectivity of half-transitive multigraphs

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a multigraph (it has multiple edges, but no loops). The edge connectivity, denoted by λ(G)\lambda(G), is the cardinality of a minimum edge-cut of GG. We call GG maximally edge-connected if λ(G)=δ(G)\lambda(G)=\delta(G), and GG super edge-connected if every minimum edge-cut is a set of edges incident with some vertex. The restricted edge-connectivity λ(G)\lambda'(G) of GG is the minimum number of edges whose removal disconnects GG into non-trivial components. If λ(G)\lambda'(G) achieves the upper bound of restricted edge-connectivity, then GG is said to be λ\lambda'-optimal. A bipartite multigraph is said to be half-transitive if its automorphism group is transitive on the sets of its bipartition. In this paper, we will characterize maximally edge-connected half-transitive multigraphs, super edge-connected half-transitive multigraphs, and λ\lambda'-optimal half-transitive multigraphs

    The AαA_\alpha-spectral radius of graphs with given degree sequence

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    Let GG be a graph with adjacency matrix A(G)A(G), and let D(G)D(G) be the diagonal matrix of the degrees of GG. For any real α[0,1]\alpha\in[0,1], write Aα(G)A_\alpha(G) for the matrix Aα(G)=αD(G)+(1α)A(G).A_\alpha(G)=\alpha D(G)+(1-\alpha)A(G). This paper presents some extremal results about the spectral radius ρ(Aα(G))\rho(A_\alpha(G)) of Aα(G)A_\alpha(G) that generalize previous results about ρ(A0(G))\rho(A_0(G)) and ρ(A12(G))\rho(A_{\frac{1}{2}}(G)). In this paper, we give some results on graph perturbation for AαA_\alpha-matrix with α[0,1)\alpha\in [0,1). As applications, we characterize all extremal trees with the maximum AαA_\alpha-spectral radius in the set of all trees with prescribed degree sequence firstly. Furthermore, we characterize the unicyclic graphs that have the largest AαA_\alpha-spectral radius for a given unicycilc degree sequence

    On the sizes of (k,l)(k,l)-edge-maximal rr-uniform hypergraphs

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    Let H=(V,E)H=(V,E) be a hypergraph, where VV is a set of vertices and EE is a set of non-empty subsets of VV called edges. If all edges of HH have the same cardinality rr, then HH is a rr-uniform hypergraph; if EE consists of all rr-subsets of VV, then HH is a complete rr-uniform hypergraph, denoted by KnrK_n^r, where n=Vn=|V|. A rr-uniform hypergraph H=(V,E)H=(V,E) is (k,l)(k,l)-edge-maximal if every subhypergraph HH' of HH with V(H)l|V(H')|\geq l has edge-connectivity at most kk, but for any edge eE(Knr)E(H)e\in E(K_n^r)\setminus E(H), H+eH+e contains at least one subhypergraph HH'' with V(H)l|V(H'')|\geq l and edge-connectivity at least k+1k+1. In this paper, we obtain the lower bounds and the upper bounds of the sizes of (k,l)(k,l)-edge-maximal hypergraphs. Furthermore, we show that these bounds are best possible. Thus prior results in [Y.Z. Tian, L.Q. Xu, H.-J. Lai, J.X. Meng, On the sizes of kk-edge-maximal rr-uniform hypergraphs, arXiv:1802.08843v3] are extended.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1802.0884

    On the sizes of kk-edge-maximal rr-uniform hypergraphs

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    Let H=(V,E)H=(V,E) be a hypergraph, where VV is a set of vertices and EE is a set of non-empty subsets of VV called edges. If all edges of HH have the same cardinality rr, then HH is a rr-uniform hypergraph; if EE consists of all rr-subsets of VV, then HH is a complete rr-uniform hypergraph, denoted by KnrK_n^r, where n=Vn=|V|. A hypergraph H=(V,E)H'=(V',E') is called a subhypergraph of H=(V,E)H=(V,E) if VVV'\subseteq V and EEE'\subseteq E. A rr-uniform hypergraph H=(V,E)H=(V,E) is kk-edge-maximal if every subhypergraph of HH has edge-connectivity at most kk, but for any edge eE(Knr)E(H)e\in E(K_n^r)\setminus E(H), H+eH+e contains at least one subhypergraph with edge-connectivity at least k+1k+1. Let kk and rr be integers with k2k\geq2 and r2r\geq2, and let t=t(k,r)t=t(k,r) be the largest integer such that (r1t1)k(^{t-1}_{r-1})\leq k. That is, tt is the integer satisfies (r1t1)k<(r1t)(^{t-1}_{r-1})\leq k<(^{t}_{r-1}). We prove that if HH is a rr-uniform kk-edge-maximal hypergraph such that n=V(H)tn=|V(H)|\geq t, then (ii) E(H)(rt)+(nt)k|E(H)|\leq (^{t}_{r})+(n-t)k, and this bound is best possible; (iiii) E(H)(n1)k((t1)k(rt))nt|E(H)|\geq (n-1)k -((t-1)k-(^{t}_{r}))\lfloor\frac{n}{t}\rfloor, and this bound is best possible. This extends former results in [8] and [6]

    Lower Bound for the Simplicial Volume of Closed Manifolds Covered by H2×H2×H2\mathbb{H}^{2}\times\mathbb{H}^{2}\times\mathbb{H}^{2}

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    We estimate the upper bound for the \ell^{\infty}-norm of the volume form on H2×H2×H2\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{H}^2 seen as a class in Hc6(PSL2R×PSL2R×PSL2R;R)H_{c}^{6}(\mathrm{PSL}_{2}\mathbb{R}\times\mathrm{PSL}_{2}\mathbb{R}\times\mathrm{PSL}_{2}\mathbb{R};\mathbb{R}). This gives the lower bound for the simplicial volume of closed Riemennian manifolds covered by H2×H2×H2\mathbb{H}^{2}\times\mathbb{H}^{2}\times\mathbb{H}^{2}. The proof of these facts yields an algorithm to compute the lower bound of closed Riemannian manifolds covered by (H2)n\big(\mathbb{H}^2\big)^n

    Connectivity keeping stars or double-stars in 2-connected graphs

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    In [W. Mader, Connectivity keeping paths in kk-connected graphs, J. Graph Theory 65 (2010) 61-69.], Mader conjectured that for every positive integer kk and every finite tree TT with order mm, every kk-connected, finite graph GG with δ(G)32k+m1\delta(G)\geq \lfloor\frac{3}{2}k\rfloor+m-1 contains a subtree TT' isomorphic to TT such that GV(T)G-V(T') is kk-connected. In the same paper, Mader proved that the conjecture is true when TT is a path. Diwan and Tholiya [A.A. Diwan, N.P. Tholiya, Non-separating trees in connected graphs, Discrete Math. 309 (2009) 5235-5237.] verified the conjecture when k=1k=1. In this paper, we will prove that Mader's conjecture is true when TT is a star or double-star and k=2k=2

    Nonseparating trees in 2-connected graphs and oriented trees in strongly connected digraphs

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    Mader [J. Graph Theory 65 (2010) 61-69] conjectured that for every positive integer kk and every finite tree TT with order mm, every kk-connected, finite graph GG with δ(G)32k+m1\delta(G)\geq \lfloor\frac{3}{2}k\rfloor+m-1 contains a subtree TT' isomorphic to TT such that GV(T)G-V(T') is kk-connected. The conjecture has been verified for paths, trees when k=1k=1, and stars or double-stars when k=2k=2. In this paper we verify the conjecture for two classes of trees when k=2k=2. For digraphs, Mader [J. Graph Theory 69 (2012) 324-329] conjectured that every kk-connected digraph DD with minimum semi-degree δ(D)=min{δ+(D),δ(D)}2k+m1\delta(D)=min\{\delta^+(D),\delta^-(D)\}\geq 2k+m-1 for a positive integer mm has a dipath PP of order mm with κ(DV(P))k\kappa(D-V(P))\geq k. The conjecture has only been verified for the dipath with m=1m=1, and the dipath with m=2m=2 and k=1k=1. In this paper, we prove that every strongly connected digraph with minimum semi-degree δ(D)=min{δ+(D),δ(D)}m+1\delta(D)=min\{\delta^+(D),\delta^-(D)\}\geq m+1 contains an oriented tree TT isomorphic to some given oriented stars or double-stars with order mm such that DV(T)D-V(T) is still strongly connected