51 research outputs found

    Variations of foliar pigments content at Abies alba and Nepeta pannonica species from three different areas of Bukovina, in growing and flowering phenophases

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    Leaf pigments serve as indicators for photosynthetic activity of plants. Also, pigments content can provide valuable information concerning physiological status of plants and some biochemical processes. The present study had as starting point the hypothesis that pigments are quantitatively influenced by phenophase and location. The studied species are Abies alba and Nepeta pannonica, identified in local wild populations near bukovinian localities named Cacica, Gura Humorului and Câmpulung Moldovenesc, which have specific climatic, orographic and edaphic characteristics. For collecting of biological material, from Abies alba species, there was selected mature exemplars, about same age. From them, there were harvested annual growings, from the first level of branches, during growing and flowering phenophases, in 2017. Probes of Nepeta pannonica leaves have been picked up from the third foliar node, in the same phenophase, during the same year. Researches were performed on plants, using CCM - 900 PLUS device, and in laboratory, with Shimandzu UV - 1800 spectrophotometer. After data centralization, there has been observed that Abies alba from all these three areas cotains a greater amount of chlorophyll and flavonoids during flowering phenophase than during growing phenophase. Also, the pigments content is inversely proportional with altitude. Nepeta pannonica presents different variations concerning amount of these pigments. This thing is caused by senescence of leaves, unusual meteorological conditions and reduced light. Thus, it can be concluded that the connection between amount of foliar pigments and phenophase, respectively location, is more obvious at Abies alba than Nepeta pannonica

    Variations of chlorophyll content at Abies Alba and Nepeta Pannonica species according to phenophase and harvesting area

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    Chlorophylls from plants are photosynthetic pigments. Their quantity offers valuable informations about photosynthetic activity, growing and developing of plants. Photosynthetic pigments decrease quantitatively during senescence process or in stress conditions. The present study has been realized in laboratory conditions with material harvested from spontaneous flora. The purpose of this research was the investigation of variations of chlorophyll content from samples of biological material collected from Nepeta pannonica L. and Abies alba Mill. plants, from Câmpulung Moldovenesc and Cacica areas, Suceava county, Romania. The targeted phenophases were growth and flowering. There were realized acetonic extracts from samples for spectrophotometric determinations. Obtained data were processed to estabilish chlorophyll a and b content. There were observed that at Abies alba species, from both locations, the chlorophyll a content grew during flowering phenophase, while the chlorophyll b content had little variations. At Nepeta pannonica species, the chlorophyll a and b content decreased visibly during the flowering, due to stress. Leaves of plants from this species presented a intense green color in the growing phenophase, while during flowering phenophase they had a purple or yellow coloration. Obtained results revealed a different dynamics of chlorophyll content at studied species

    The relationship between chlorophyll content and antioxidant activity of Abies Alba and Nepeta Pannonica extracts according to phenophase and harvesting area

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    Abies and Nepeta species are well known for their traditional use in traditional medicine from Bukovina, Romania, and other parts from the world. However, too few studies present the connection between phenophase, chlorophyll content and antioxidant activity of extracts obtained from medicinal plants. Phenophases, like stages from vital cycle of plants, involve seasonal and evolutionary changes, including chlorophyll content of the leaves. With these changes, there are also changes in the oxidative activity of the extracts obtained from the studied plants. The chlorophyll was extracted with acetone, being quantitatively measured using the spectrophotometer. Antioxidant activity was determined by the DPPH method. This method is one from the most popular ways to measure the antioxidant capacity of a substance. The studied species are Abies alba and Nepeta pannonica. Plants were harvested from different locations of Bukovina, from areas of Câmpulung Moldovenesc and Cacica localities, Suceava county, Romania. Chosen phenophases were growing and flowering. The DPPH method implies making some extracts with organic solvents from collected plants, in this case being acetone. Using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazil reactive, there was determined the antioxidant capacity of mentioned extracts. There were observed variations of this depending of phenophase and collecting areas, being closely related to total chlorophyll content. The both species have behaved differently and obtained results can be used to determine the optimal harvest moments of these plants

    Cercetări fiziologice privind influenţa stresului salin la unele populaţii locale de fasole(phaseolus vulgarisl.)

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    Saline stress affects seeds germination, reduces the chlorophyll content in the plant leaves and the photosynthesis activity, changes that have prompted the researchers around the world, also in Romania, to study this abiotic factor with interest.The success of the research could provide the extension of plant cultivation to areas affected by salinisation or as well as the possibility of using sea and ocean water, a vast resource, for irrigation of crops, and as a result, the increase in world biomass production.The present research investigated the influence of saline solutions (100 mM and 200 mM NaCl) on the chlorophyll pigments content in 10 local populations of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in pots, in greenhouse conditions. The main objective of this study was to identify the salinity tolerant genotypes, knowing that this attribute is also conferred by a high chlorophylls concentration. Also tolerant genotypes could be used in plant breeding, as these local populations are adapted to the environmental conditions of the NE of Romania

    Calcium carbonate-carboxymethyl chitosan hybrid materials

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    In the present work, precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC) and carboxymethyl chitosan (CMC) were prepared to obtain new hybrid materials used in papermaking. In the first step, oc‐ curred the precipitation of CaCO3 in solution containing CMC at different levels (0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%). In the second step, PCC–CMC hybrid material (25%) was added to pulp suspension, and the sheets were made. The effect of PCC–CMC on paper properties (mechanical and optical) was sys‐ tematically investigated. Breaking length, the brightness and opacity of the sheets obtained with the PCC–CMC material were better than the sheets fabricated with the unmodified PCC at similar levels of content

    Research on the eco - physiological reaction of some vine varieties during the 2011 growing season in the Copou, Iasi area

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    Extreme weather events adversely affect the normal growth cycle of crops and productivity of agricultural systems. Recent research shows that the vine production efficiency could be reduced by abiotic stress represented by the drought, freezing temperatures and soil salinity. Various modern research projects aim to test models of abiotic stress resistance genes expression in order to discover the mechanisms of tolerance to stress and to stimulate understanding the genetic basis of this reaction, with implications for wine quality (Cramer, et al., 2005, Burzo I. şi colab., 1999, Jităreanu Carmen Doina şi colab., 2004). In this context, due to genotype - phenotype interrelations, phenotypic manifestations research (morpho-anatomical, physiological, biochemical and behavioral) related to resistance to stress abiotic vine from global warming is an urgent topicality. Water scarcity is one of the most important abiotic stress factors and is generally accompanied by heat stress. It inhibits photosynthesis by disrupting biochemical processes of synthesis of pigments from the reaction center (Bertamini et al., 2007, Guan et al, 2004) and the photobreathing protects the photosynthetic apparatus against photodegradation in drought conditions (Guan et al., 2004 ). In this paper we intended to study issues regarding the eco - physiological response to climatic conditions of 2011 of the following vine varieties: Gelu, Coarna Neagra, Moldova and Purpuriu. For this purpose, investigations regarding some indicators of the photosynthesis process were carried out: leaf morphogenesis – the leaf being the main organ of photosynthesis - and photosynthetic pigment content during growth and ripening processes of grains