3 research outputs found

    The measurement of the velocity of abrasive particles at the suction part of cutting head

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    U svrhu optimiziranja konstrukcije abrazivne rezne glave primjenom numeričke simulacije, potrebno je prikupiti što više podataka o tome što se događa u reznoj glavi. U Institutu za geoniku u Ostravi upravo je u tijeku razvoj numeričkog modela postupaka koji se odvijaju u reznoj glavi abrazivnog vodenog mlaza tijekom stvaranja i formiranja abrazivnog vodenog mlaza. Za verifikaciju modela potrebno je, između ostalog, odrediti ponašanje abrazivnih čestica na ulazu u reznu glavu. Stoga se vizualizacija abrazivnih čestica na ulazu, pomoću različitih parametara abrazivnog mlaza i njegove analize, provela primjenom tehnike shadowgraphy (backlighting-pozadinsko osvjetljenje). Rezultati su prikazani u ovom radu.To be able to optimize the design of the abrasive cutting head using the numerical simulation, it is necessary to gather as much information about processes occurring in the cutting head as possible. The development of numerical model of processes occurring in the abrasive water jet cutting head during the process of creation and forming of an abrasive water jet is currently in progress at the Institute of Geonics in Ostrava. The verification of the model requires, among other things, to determinate the behaviour of abrasive particles at the input of a cutting head. Therefore, the visualisation of abrasive particles at the input using various parameters of abrasive jet and its subsequent analysis were performed using the shadowgraphy (backlighting) technique. The results are presented in the paper