7 research outputs found

    Application of the Tecnomatix Plant Simulation Program to Modelling the Handling of Ocean Containers using the AGV System

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    AGV systems, gradually making their way into individual logistics processes, represent an important tool for handling different types of cargo. Since their initial start in the domain of small handling units, their use has been incrementally finding its application in the area of large handling units, too, such as different types of containers. That is why an ever increasing number of them can be encountered at the range of land and sea reloading sites. Thus, there are many opportunities for them to be deployed in different types of logistics processes at maritime reloading sites. For the AGV system and the logistics processes to function correctly at each maritime reloading site, they need to be thoroughly fine-tuned. One of the methods that can be used effectively to that end is the method of computer simulation. The paper will describe how to create a simple simulation model using Tecnomatix Plant Simulation

    Possibilities of Using the Data for Planning the Cycling Infrastructure

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    AbstractThe subject of the paper is a brief description of the state of bicycle transport in the region of South Bohemia, the analysis of planning and financing its development. The aim of the paper is to outline the issue of cycling infrastructure in urban and interurban planning, especially in view of methods for determining the share of bicycle transport on modal split within the specific area. The paper includes possibilities of obtaining data about bicycle traffic and outlines the steps to perform manual bike flow counting on a specific project in the city of Ceske Budejovice

    Application of Floyd's Algorithm on Transport Network of South Bohemian Region

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    The introductory part of the paper deals with the theory of searching for optimal routes in transport networks, including a description of each type of optimization tasks. The aim of the article is demonstration of Floyd algorithm application to find the minimal paths from each node to another in network graph - in our case the network represents traffic model of road network in the region of South Bohemia

    Changes in transport behaviour of the Czech population caused by state of emergency

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    This article presents the results of an extensive questionnaire survey focused on changes in the transport behaviour of the population of the Czech Republic immediately after the government’s announcement about the measures implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The questionnaire aimed to determine the changes in the use of the mode of transport for regular travel to work, school, or for shopping, as well as to determine the changes in the frequency of these travels according to monitored socio-demographic groups of inhabitants and specified size groups of settlements. This article contains a statistical evaluation of these changes in the transport behaviour of the population using sophisticated statistical tools. A method is proposed for estimating the number of passengers in public transport using a linear regression model based on the data from conducted transport behaviour survey. In this paper, the Data envelopment analysis (hereinafter referred to as DEA method) within the case study in the South Bohemian Region is also used to determine whether the COVID-19 measures have reduced the efficiency of public transport

    Frequency of Leiden Mutation in Newborns with Birth Weight below 1500 g

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    It has been hypothesized that fetal prematurity or Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) could be related to the presence of factor V of Leiden mutation. This mutation is associated with a higher incidence of pregnancy difficulties that can result in preterm birth. The frequency of Leiden mutation was investigated in the group of newborns with a low birth weight below 1500 g over a six-year period from 2015 to 2020. During this period, 339 newborns were tested, of which 42 newborns with V Leiden mutation (12.4%) were detected. The average of its occurrence frequency in the Czech population was determined as 5.0% based on published studies. In our research, the occurrence of the V Leiden mutation was found significantly higher in newborns under 1500 g. At the same time, we did not demonstrate an increased frequency of births at lower gestational weeks, lower birth weight, or an association with sex in newborns with a positive diagnosis of the Leiden V factor