107 research outputs found

    Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Obesity

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    Obesity has become epidemic worldwide, which triggers several obesity-associated complications. Obesity is characterized by excess fat storage mainly in the visceral white adipose tissue (vWAT), subcutaneous WAT (sWAT), and other tissues. Myriad studies have demonstrated the crucial role of canonical Wnt/β-catenin cascade in the development of organs and physiological homeostasis, whereas recent studies show that genetic variations/mutations in the Wnt/β-catenin pathway are associated with human metabolic diseases. In this review, we highlight the regulation of updated Wnt/β-catenin signaling in obesity, especially the distinctly depot-specific roles between subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue under high-fed diet stimulation and WAT browning process

    Immunophenotyping in BK Virus Allograft Nephropathy Distinct from Acute Rejection

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    Differentiating BK virus nephropathy (BKVN) from acute rejection (AR) is crucial in clinical practice, as both of them have interstitial inflammation in the grafts. The purpose of the study is to describe the inflammatory cellular constituents of BKVN and to determine the clinical utility of immunophenotyping findings in distinguishing BKVN from AR. In addition, the expression of the HLA-DR was investigated. Sixty-five renal allograft recipients were included in this study, including 22 cases of BKVN, 31 cases of AR, and 12 cases of stable allograft. Immunostaining for infiltrating lymphocytes showed that the number of CD20 cells (P<0.001) and the percentages of CD3 (P<0.001), CD4 (P=0.004), CD8 (P=0.005), and CD20 (P=0.002) cells were all significantly different between BKVN and AR. Moreover, there were no statistically significant differences in tubule cell HLA-DR expression (P=0.156). This observation suggests that the number of CD20 cells and the percentages of CD3, CD4, CD8, and CD20 cells in renal biopsies would aid the distinction between BKVN and AR. On the other hand, the presence of HLA-DR upregulation may not only be specific for acute rejection but also be a response to BKVN

    PhageTailFinder:A tool for phage tail module detection and annotation

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    Decades of overconsumption of antimicrobials in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections have resulted in the increasing emergence of drug-resistant bacteria, which poses a significant challenge to public health, driving the urgent need to find alternatives to conventional antibiotics. Bacteriophages are viruses infecting specific bacterial hosts, often destroying the infected bacterial hosts. Phages attach to and enter their potential hosts using their tail proteins, with the composition of the tail determining the range of potentially infected bacteria. To aid the exploitation of bacteriophages for therapeutic purposes, we developed the PhageTailFinder algorithm to predict tail-related proteins and identify the putative tail module in previously uncharacterized phages. The PhageTailFinder relies on a two-state hidden Markov model (HMM) to predict the probability of a given protein being tail-related. The process takes into account the natural modularity of phage tail-related proteins, rather than simply considering amino acid properties or secondary structures for each protein in isolation. The PhageTailFinder exhibited robust predictive power for phage tail proteins in novel phages due to this sequence-independent operation. The performance of the prediction model was evaluated in 13 extensively studied phages and a sample of 992 complete phages from the NCBI database. The algorithm achieved a high true-positive prediction rate (&gt;80%) in over half (571) of the studied phages, and the ROC value was 0.877 using general models and 0.968 using corresponding morphologic models. It is notable that the median ROC value of 992 complete phages is more than 0.75 even for novel phages, indicating the high accuracy and specificity of the PhageTailFinder. When applied to a dataset containing 189,680 viral genomes derived from 11,810 bulk metagenomic human stool samples, the ROC value was 0.895. In addition, tail protein clusters could be identified for further studies by density-based spatial clustering of applications with the noise algorithm (DBSCAN). The developed PhageTailFinder tool can be accessed either as a web server (http://www.microbiome-bigdata.com/PHISDetector/index/tools/PhageTailFinder) or as a stand-alone program on a standard desktop computer (https://github.com/HIT-ImmunologyLab/PhageTailFinder).</p

    PhageTailFinder:A tool for phage tail module detection and annotation

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    Decades of overconsumption of antimicrobials in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections have resulted in the increasing emergence of drug-resistant bacteria, which poses a significant challenge to public health, driving the urgent need to find alternatives to conventional antibiotics. Bacteriophages are viruses infecting specific bacterial hosts, often destroying the infected bacterial hosts. Phages attach to and enter their potential hosts using their tail proteins, with the composition of the tail determining the range of potentially infected bacteria. To aid the exploitation of bacteriophages for therapeutic purposes, we developed the PhageTailFinder algorithm to predict tail-related proteins and identify the putative tail module in previously uncharacterized phages. The PhageTailFinder relies on a two-state hidden Markov model (HMM) to predict the probability of a given protein being tail-related. The process takes into account the natural modularity of phage tail-related proteins, rather than simply considering amino acid properties or secondary structures for each protein in isolation. The PhageTailFinder exhibited robust predictive power for phage tail proteins in novel phages due to this sequence-independent operation. The performance of the prediction model was evaluated in 13 extensively studied phages and a sample of 992 complete phages from the NCBI database. The algorithm achieved a high true-positive prediction rate (&gt;80%) in over half (571) of the studied phages, and the ROC value was 0.877 using general models and 0.968 using corresponding morphologic models. It is notable that the median ROC value of 992 complete phages is more than 0.75 even for novel phages, indicating the high accuracy and specificity of the PhageTailFinder. When applied to a dataset containing 189,680 viral genomes derived from 11,810 bulk metagenomic human stool samples, the ROC value was 0.895. In addition, tail protein clusters could be identified for further studies by density-based spatial clustering of applications with the noise algorithm (DBSCAN). The developed PhageTailFinder tool can be accessed either as a web server (http://www.microbiome-bigdata.com/PHISDetector/index/tools/PhageTailFinder) or as a stand-alone program on a standard desktop computer (https://github.com/HIT-ImmunologyLab/PhageTailFinder).</p

    Distinguish bipolar and major depressive disorder in adolescents based on multimodal neuroimaging:Results from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study<sup>®</sup>

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    Background: Major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder in adolescents are prevalent and are associated with cognitive impairment, executive dysfunction, and increased mortality. Early intervention in the initial stages of major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder can significantly improve personal health. Methods: We collected 309 samples from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development study, including 116 adolescents with bipolar disorder, 64 adolescents with major depressive disorder, and 129 healthy adolescents, and employed a support vector machine to develop classification models for identification. We developed a multimodal model, which combined functional connectivity of resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging and four anatomical measures of structural magnetic resonance imaging (cortical thickness, area, volume, and sulcal depth). We measured the performances of both multimodal and single modality classifiers. Results: The multimodal classifiers showed outstanding performance compared with all five single modalities, and they are 100% for major depressive disorder versus healthy controls, 100% for bipolar disorder versus healthy control, 98.5% (95% CI: 95.4–100%) for major depressive disorder versus bipolar disorder, 100% for major depressive disorder versus depressed bipolar disorder and the leave-one-site-out analysis results are 77.4%, 63.3%, 79.4%, and 81.7%, separately. Conclusions: The study shows that multimodal classifiers show high classification performances. Moreover, cuneus may be a potential biomarker to differentiate major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder, and healthy adolescents. Overall, this study can form multimodal diagnostic prediction workflows for clinically feasible to make more precise diagnose at the early stage and potentially reduce loss of personal pain and public society

    A Morphogenetic Description of Thigmokeronopsis stoecki Shao et al., 2008 (Ciliophora, Hypotricha) and a Comparison with Members of the Family Pseudokeronopsidae

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    The urostylid family Pseudokeronopsidae Borror and Wicklow, 1983 was considered to be a well-outlined taxon. Nevertheless, recent evidence, including morphological, ontogenetic, and molecular information, has consistently revealed the polyphyly of this family. In the present work, a new population of Thigmokeronopsis stoecki Shao et al., 2008 was found and its binary divisional process was described for the first time. In addition, the morphogenetic features of Thigmokeronopsis species and all the other pseudokeronopsids, for which detailed ontogenetic data are available, were rechecked and compared. This reveals that: (1) the ontogenetic process of T. stoecki corresponds well with its congeners T. jahodai and T. rubra except for the macronuclear behavior; (2) Apokeronopsis and Thigmokeronopsis share a similar ontogenetic mode despite of the differences in the number and origin of their buccal cirri; (3) most pseudokeronopsids share the same pattern in the origins of their oral primordia and fronto-ventral-transverse cirral anlagen, except for Pseudokeronopsis similis, which may not be a valid member of the family Pseudokeronopsidae
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