129 research outputs found

    Intrinsic quantum Ising model on a triangular lattice magnet TmMgGaO4_{4} and beyond

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    The rare-earth magnet TmMgGaO4_{4} is proposed to be an intrinsic quantum Ising magnet described by the antiferromagnetic transverse field Ising model (TFIM) on a triangular lattice, where the relevant degrees of freedom are the non-degenerate dipole-multipole doublets of the Tm3+^{3+} ions and the transverse field has an intrinsic origin from the weak splitting of the doublet. We compare this special doublet of Tm3+^{3+} with the dipole-octupole Kramers doublet. We study the proposed effective model for the Tm-based triangular lattice and consider the effects of external magnetic fields and finite temperatures. From the "orthogonal operator approach", we show that the TFIM with the three-sublattice intertwined ordered state agrees with the experiments and further clarify the discrepancy in the nubmers of the magnetic sublattices and the measured magnon branches. We make specific predictions for the evolution of the magnetic properties with the external magnetic field. Furthermore, we demonstrate that an emergent U(1) symmetry emerges in thermal melting of the underlying orders and at the criticality, and summarize the previously known signatures related to the finite-temperature Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) physics. We discuss the broad relevance of intrinsic quantum Ising magnets to many other systems, especially the Tm-based materials.Comment: small correctio

    Emergent Halperin-Saslow mode and Gauge Glass in quantum Ising magnet TmMgGaO4_4

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    We propose quenched disorders could bring novel quantum excitations and models to certain quantum magnets. Motivated by the recent experiments on the quantum Ising magnet TmMgGaO4_4, we explore the effects of the quenched disorder and the interlayer coupling in this triangular lattice Ising antiferromagnet. It is pointed out that the weak quenched (non-magnetic) disorder would convert the emergent 2D Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase and the critical region into a gauge glass. There will be an emergent Halperin-Saslow mode associated with this gauge glass. Using the Imry-Ma argument, we further explain the fate of the finite-field C3C_3 symmetry breaking transition at the low temperatures. The ferromagnetic interlayer coupling would suppress the BKT phase and generate a tiny ferromagnetism. With the quenched disorders, this interlayer coupling changes the 2D gauge glass into a 3D gauge glass, and the Halperin-Saslow mode persists. This work merely focuses on addressing a phase regime in terms of emergent U(1) gauge glass behaviors and hope to inspire future works and thoughts in weakly disordered frustrated magnets in general.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, correct typos and add fig

    Experimental and Field Investigations on the Impact-Resistance Mechanical Properties of Negative Poisson’s Ratio Bolt/Cable

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    AbstractDynamic impact tests of negative Poisson’s ratio (NPR) and rebar bolts under different impact wavelengths were carried out using a self-developed NPR bolt tensile impact test system. Additionally, a field anti-impact test using blasting was performed to simulate rockburst, and the field anti-impact characteristics of the NPR and conventional cable were compared and analysed. The experimental test results revealed that the peak impact force of the NPR and rebar bolts was inversely proportional to the wavelength. The NPR bolt underwent only constant resistance structural deformation, and the rod body did not break. The rebar bolt body fractured and necked. Under the same impact wavelength, the impact force and elongation of the two bolt types were proportional to the impact velocity. Compared with the greater peak impact force of the rebar bolt, the NPR bolt output structure deformation reduced the peak impact force. At the same impact velocity, as the wavelength increased, the impact force of the NPR bolt decreased rapidly, and the number of peaks also decreased. The impact force peak value of the rebar bolt was high, the impact force-time curve had multipeak characteristics, and no apparent rapid attenuation occurred. The field test results indicated that the NPR cable could produce slip deformation under the action of an explosion impact force to absorb the impact energy and that it had special mechanical properties to maintain a constant resistance. Under the same equivalent blasting impact energy, the conventional cable test section collapsed completely. The NPR cable test section was stable overall, verifying that the NPR cable had better impact-resistance mechanical properties than conventional cable. The research results provide a reliable basis for the effectiveness of NPR bolts/cables in preventing rockbursts

    New Perspectives on Host-Parasite Interplay by Comparative Transcriptomic and Proteomic Analyses of Schistosoma japonicum

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    Schistosomiasis remains a serious public health problem with an estimated 200 million people infected in 76 countries. Here we isolated ~ 8,400 potential protein-encoding cDNA contigs from Schistosoma japonicum after sequencing circa 84,000 expressed sequence tags. In tandem, we undertook a high-throughput proteomics approach to characterize the protein expression profiles of a number of developmental stages (cercariae, hepatic schistosomula, female and male adults, eggs, and miracidia) and tissues at the host-parasite interface (eggshell and tegument) by interrogating the protein database deduced from the contigs. Comparative analysis of these transcriptomic and proteomic data, the latter including 3,260 proteins with putative identities, revealed differential expression of genes among the various developmental stages and sexes of S. japonicum and localization of putative secretory and membrane antigens, enzymes, and other gene products on the adult tegument and eggshell, many of which displayed genetic polymorphisms. Numerous S. japonicum genes exhibited high levels of identity with those of their mammalian hosts, whereas many others appeared to be conserved only across the genus Schistosoma or Phylum Platyhelminthes. These findings are expected to provide new insights into the pathophysiology of schistosomiasis and for the development of improved interventions for disease control and will facilitate a more fundamental understanding of schistosome biology, evolution, and the host-parasite interplay