298 research outputs found

    Dynamic Multi-Arm Bandit Game Based Multi-Agents Spectrum Sharing Strategy Design

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    For a wireless avionics communication system, a Multi-arm bandit game is mathematically formulated, which includes channel states, strategies, and rewards. The simple case includes only two agents sharing the spectrum which is fully studied in terms of maximizing the cumulative reward over a finite time horizon. An Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) algorithm is used to achieve the optimal solutions for the stochastic Multi-Arm Bandit (MAB) problem. Also, the MAB problem can also be solved from the Markov game framework perspective. Meanwhile, Thompson Sampling (TS) is also used as benchmark to evaluate the proposed approach performance. Numerical results are also provided regarding minimizing the expectation of the regret and choosing the best parameter for the upper confidence bound

    CR-SFP: Learning Consistent Representation for Soft Filter Pruning

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    Soft filter pruning~(SFP) has emerged as an effective pruning technique for allowing pruned filters to update and the opportunity for them to regrow to the network. However, this pruning strategy applies training and pruning in an alternative manner, which inevitably causes inconsistent representations between the reconstructed network~(R-NN) at the training and the pruned network~(P-NN) at the inference, resulting in performance degradation. In this paper, we propose to mitigate this gap by learning consistent representation for soft filter pruning, dubbed as CR-SFP. Specifically, for each training step, CR-SFP optimizes the R-NN and P-NN simultaneously with different distorted versions of the same training data, while forcing them to be consistent by minimizing their posterior distribution via the bidirectional KL-divergence loss. Meanwhile, the R-NN and P-NN share backbone parameters thus only additional classifier parameters are introduced. After training, we can export the P-NN for inference. CR-SFP is a simple yet effective training framework to improve the accuracy of P-NN without introducing any additional inference cost. It can also be combined with a variety of pruning criteria and loss functions. Extensive experiments demonstrate our CR-SFP achieves consistent improvements across various CNN architectures. Notably, on ImageNet, our CR-SFP reduces more than 41.8\% FLOPs on ResNet18 with 69.2\% top-1 accuracy, improving SFP by 2.1\% under the same training settings. The code will be publicly available on GitHub.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    AutoDFP: Automatic Data-Free Pruning via Channel Similarity Reconstruction

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    Structured pruning methods are developed to bridge the gap between the massive scale of neural networks and the limited hardware resources. Most current structured pruning methods rely on training datasets to fine-tune the compressed model, resulting in high computational burdens and being inapplicable for scenarios with stringent requirements on privacy and security. As an alternative, some data-free methods have been proposed, however, these methods often require handcraft parameter tuning and can only achieve inflexible reconstruction. In this paper, we propose the Automatic Data-Free Pruning (AutoDFP) method that achieves automatic pruning and reconstruction without fine-tuning. Our approach is based on the assumption that the loss of information can be partially compensated by retaining focused information from similar channels. Specifically, We formulate data-free pruning as an optimization problem, which can be effectively addressed through reinforcement learning. AutoDFP assesses the similarity of channels for each layer and provides this information to the reinforcement learning agent, guiding the pruning and reconstruction process of the network. We evaluate AutoDFP with multiple networks on multiple datasets, achieving impressive compression results. For instance, on the CIFAR-10 dataset, AutoDFP demonstrates a 2.87\% reduction in accuracy loss compared to the recently proposed data-free pruning method DFPC with fewer FLOPs on VGG-16. Furthermore, on the ImageNet dataset, AutoDFP achieves 43.17\% higher accuracy than the SOTA method with the same 80\% preserved ratio on MobileNet-V1.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure
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