594 research outputs found

    FrameNet: Learning Local Canonical Frames of 3D Surfaces from a Single RGB Image

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    In this work, we introduce the novel problem of identifying dense canonical 3D coordinate frames from a single RGB image. We observe that each pixel in an image corresponds to a surface in the underlying 3D geometry, where a canonical frame can be identified as represented by three orthogonal axes, one along its normal direction and two in its tangent plane. We propose an algorithm to predict these axes from RGB. Our first insight is that canonical frames computed automatically with recently introduced direction field synthesis methods can provide training data for the task. Our second insight is that networks designed for surface normal prediction provide better results when trained jointly to predict canonical frames, and even better when trained to also predict 2D projections of canonical frames. We conjecture this is because projections of canonical tangent directions often align with local gradients in images, and because those directions are tightly linked to 3D canonical frames through projective geometry and orthogonality constraints. In our experiments, we find that our method predicts 3D canonical frames that can be used in applications ranging from surface normal estimation, feature matching, and augmented reality

    Convergence and Consistency Analysis for A 3D Invariant-EKF SLAM

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    In this paper, we investigate the convergence and consistency properties of an Invariant-Extended Kalman Filter (RI-EKF) based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithm. Basic convergence properties of this algorithm are proven. These proofs do not require the restrictive assumption that the Jacobians of the motion and observation models need to be evaluated at the ground truth. It is also shown that the output of RI-EKF is invariant under any stochastic rigid body transformation in contrast to SO(3)\mathbb{SO}(3) based EKF SLAM algorithm (SO(3)\mathbb{SO}(3)-EKF) that is only invariant under deterministic rigid body transformation. Implications of these invariance properties on the consistency of the estimator are also discussed. Monte Carlo simulation results demonstrate that RI-EKF outperforms SO(3)\mathbb{SO}(3)-EKF, Robocentric-EKF and the "First Estimates Jacobian" EKF, for 3D point feature based SLAM

    Blockchain-Based Digital Trust Mechanism: A Use Case of Cloud Manufacturing of LDS Syringes for COVID-19 Vaccination

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    Trust is essential in the digital world. It is a critical task to build digital trust for the ongoing digital engineering transformation. Aiming at developing a blockchain-based digital trust mechanism for Cloud Manufacturing or Manufacturing-as-a-Service (MaaS), in this paper, we use the manufacturing of low dead space (LDS) medical syringes through Cloud Manufacturing as a motivating scenario to develop a basic framework. To meet the need of optimally saving COVID-19 vaccine doses to save more lives, the medical device manufacturing community needs to make a swift move to meet the surged need for LDS syringes. Cloud Manufacturing is a form of emerging Digital Manufacturing facilitated with Cloud/Edge Computing, the Internet of Things, and other digital technologies. Cloud manufacturing allows quickly establishing a digital virtual enterprise that pools together various manufacturing resources worldwide to meet the surged needs of products and save cost and time. Trusting the product quality and safety is a significant challenge when using Cloud Manufacturing to manufacture the products. This paper proposes a schema of blockchain-based digital trust mechanisms with examples of using Cloud Manufacturing of medical LDS syringes for the urgent needs of catering COVID-19 vaccination

    TextureNet: Consistent Local Parametrizations for Learning from High-Resolution Signals on Meshes

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    We introduce, TextureNet, a neural network architecture designed to extract features from high-resolution signals associated with 3D surface meshes (e.g., color texture maps). The key idea is to utilize a 4-rotational symmetric (4-RoSy) field to define a domain for convolution on a surface. Though 4-RoSy fields have several properties favorable for convolution on surfaces (low distortion, few singularities, consistent parameterization, etc.), orientations are ambiguous up to 4-fold rotation at any sample point. So, we introduce a new convolutional operator invariant to the 4-RoSy ambiguity and use it in a network to extract features from high-resolution signals on geodesic neighborhoods of a surface. In comparison to alternatives, such as PointNet based methods which lack a notion of orientation, the coherent structure given by these neighborhoods results in significantly stronger features. As an example application, we demonstrate the benefits of our architecture for 3D semantic segmentation of textured 3D meshes. The results show that our method outperforms all existing methods on the basis of mean IoU by a significant margin in both geometry-only (6.4%) and RGB+Geometry (6.9-8.2%) settings