6 research outputs found

    Training-Free Semantic Video Composition via Pre-trained Diffusion Model

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    The video composition task aims to integrate specified foregrounds and backgrounds from different videos into a harmonious composite. Current approaches, predominantly trained on videos with adjusted foreground color and lighting, struggle to address deep semantic disparities beyond superficial adjustments, such as domain gaps. Therefore, we propose a training-free pipeline employing a pre-trained diffusion model imbued with semantic prior knowledge, which can process composite videos with broader semantic disparities. Specifically, we process the video frames in a cascading manner and handle each frame in two processes with the diffusion model. In the inversion process, we propose Balanced Partial Inversion to obtain generation initial points that balance reversibility and modifiability. Then, in the generation process, we further propose Inter-Frame Augmented attention to augment foreground continuity across frames. Experimental results reveal that our pipeline successfully ensures the visual harmony and inter-frame coherence of the outputs, demonstrating efficacy in managing broader semantic disparities

    MotionZero:Exploiting Motion Priors for Zero-shot Text-to-Video Generation

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    Zero-shot Text-to-Video synthesis generates videos based on prompts without any videos. Without motion information from videos, motion priors implied in prompts are vital guidance. For example, the prompt "airplane landing on the runway" indicates motion priors that the "airplane" moves downwards while the "runway" stays static. Whereas the motion priors are not fully exploited in previous approaches, thus leading to two nontrivial issues: 1) the motion variation pattern remains unaltered and prompt-agnostic for disregarding motion priors; 2) the motion control of different objects is inaccurate and entangled without considering the independent motion priors of different objects. To tackle the two issues, we propose a prompt-adaptive and disentangled motion control strategy coined as MotionZero, which derives motion priors from prompts of different objects by Large-Language-Models and accordingly applies motion control of different objects to corresponding regions in disentanglement. Furthermore, to facilitate videos with varying degrees of motion amplitude, we propose a Motion-Aware Attention scheme which adjusts attention among frames by motion amplitude. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our strategy could correctly control motion of different objects and support versatile applications including zero-shot video edit

    Make-A-Storyboard: A General Framework for Storyboard with Disentangled and Merged Control

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    Story Visualization aims to generate images aligned with story prompts, reflecting the coherence of storybooks through visual consistency among characters and scenes.Whereas current approaches exclusively concentrate on characters and neglect the visual consistency among contextually correlated scenes, resulting in independent character images without inter-image coherence.To tackle this issue, we propose a new presentation form for Story Visualization called Storyboard, inspired by film-making, as illustrated in Fig.1.Specifically, a Storyboard unfolds a story into visual representations scene by scene. Within each scene in Storyboard, characters engage in activities at the same location, necessitating both visually consistent scenes and characters.For Storyboard, we design a general framework coined as Make-A-Storyboard that applies disentangled control over the consistency of contextual correlated characters and scenes and then merge them to form harmonized images.Extensive experiments demonstrate 1) Effectiveness.the effectiveness of the method in story alignment, character consistency, and scene correlation; 2) Generalization. Our method could be seamlessly integrated into mainstream Image Customization methods, empowering them with the capability of story visualization