479 research outputs found

    On Rearrangement of Items Stored in Stacks

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    There are n2n \ge 2 stacks, each filled with dd items, and one empty stack. Every stack has capacity d>0d > 0. A robot arm, in one stack operation (step), may pop one item from the top of a non-empty stack and subsequently push it onto a stack not at capacity. In a {\em labeled} problem, all ndnd items are distinguishable and are initially randomly scattered in the nn stacks. The items must be rearranged using pop-and-pushs so that in the end, the kthk^{\rm th} stack holds items (k1)d+1,,kd(k-1)d +1, \ldots, kd, in that order, from the top to the bottom for all 1kn1 \le k \le n. In an {\em unlabeled} problem, the ndnd items are of nn types of dd each. The goal is to rearrange items so that items of type kk are located in the kthk^{\rm th} stack for all 1kn1 \le k \le n. In carrying out the rearrangement, a natural question is to find the least number of required pop-and-pushes. Our main contributions are: (1) an algorithm for restoring the order of n2n^2 items stored in an n×nn \times n table using only 2n2n column and row permutations, and its generalization, and (2) an algorithm with a guaranteed upper bound of O(nd)O(nd) steps for solving both versions of the stack rearrangement problem when dcnd \le \lceil cn \rceil for arbitrary fixed positive number cc. In terms of the required number of steps, the labeled and unlabeled version have lower bounds Ω(nd+ndlogdlogn)\Omega(nd + nd{\frac{\log d}{\log n}}) and Ω(nd)\Omega(nd), respectively

    Persistent Monitoring of Events with Stochastic Arrivals at Multiple Stations

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    This paper introduces a new mobile sensor scheduling problem, involving a single robot tasked with monitoring several events of interest that occur at different locations. Of particular interest is the monitoring of transient events that can not be easily forecast. Application areas range from natural phenomena ({\em e.g.}, monitoring abnormal seismic activity around a volcano using a ground robot) to urban activities ({\em e.g.}, monitoring early formations of traffic congestion using an aerial robot). Motivated by those and many other examples, this paper focuses on problems in which the precise occurrence times of the events are unknown {\em a priori}, but statistics for their inter-arrival times are available. The robot's task is to monitor the events to optimize the following two objectives: {\em (i)} maximize the number of events observed and {\em (ii)} minimize the delay between two consecutive observations of events occurring at the same location. The paper considers the case when a robot is tasked with optimizing the event observations in a balanced manner, following a cyclic patrolling route. First, assuming the cyclic ordering of stations is known, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the optimal solution, and show that the optimal solution has desirable convergence and robustness properties. Our constructive proof also produces an efficient algorithm for computing the unique optimal solution with O(n)O(n) time complexity, in which nn is the number of stations, with O(logn)O(\log n) time complexity for incrementally adding or removing stations. Except for the algorithm, most of the analysis remains valid when the cyclic order is unknown. We then provide a polynomial-time approximation scheme that gives a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-optimal solution for this more general, NP-hard problem