187 research outputs found

    Family Work Conflict and Information Security Policy Compliance—An Empirical Study

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    Using Conservation of Resources Theory (COR), this study investigates burnout’s mediating relationship between family-work conflict (FWC) and information security policy noncompliance (ISPNC). We also hypothesize that both self-control and sanction affects ISPNC. In addition, we examine whether self-control and sanction moderate the relationship between burnout and ISPNC

    An Extreme Value Approach to Information Technology Security Investment

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    Information technology security investment is receiving increasing attention in recent years. Various methods have been proposed to determine the effective level of security investment. In this paper, we introduce an extreme value approach to address the issues of effective budgeting and investing in IT security. In our model, the security status of a system depends on two factors: system security level, which is measured by the level of security investment, and system attack level, which reflects the security risk with which the system is confronted. Security investment level is endogenous to the system, while attack level is exogenous. Extreme value analysis is used to characterize the stochastic behavior of high-level attacks based on the historical data and to make inferences on future attacks. Based on these inferences, we determine the effective security solutions and the level of security investment to modulate the likelihood of system failure. For illustration purposes, we use an extreme value approach to analyze a set of traffic data collected from a regional bank

    An Examination of the Calibration and Resolution Skills in Phishing Email Detection

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    This study examines individuals’ calibration and resolution skills in phishing email detection and tests the effects of several factors on both skills. It shows that calibration and resolution are two distinct capabilities of a person to detect phishing emails, and they are subject to the impacts of different factors: while calibration is influenced mostly by task factors such as familiarity with the emails, time to judgment, variability of time to judgment, and task easiness, resolution is influenced by both task factors such as variability of time to judgment and familiarity with the entity in the email, and individual characteristics such as online transaction experience and prior victimization of phishing attacks. The theoretical implication of the study is addressed, and the practical implication for designing effective training programs to improve one’s phishing detection ability is also discussed

    A Study on Resolution Skills in Phishing Detection

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    This study examines resolution skills in phishing email detection, defined as the abilities of individuals to discern correct judgments from incorrect judgments in probabilistic decision- making. An illustration of the resolution skills is provided. A number of antecedents to resolution skills in phishing email detection, including familiarity with the sender, familiarity with the email, online transaction experience, prior victimization of phishing attack, perceived self-efficacy, time to judgment, and variability of time in judgments, are examined. Implications of the study are further discussed

    The Factors of User Acceptance of News Feed Advertisement

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    With the rapid development of mobile e-commerce, the advent of news feed ads has been increasing. In view of users\u27 stereotypes about advertisements, how to improve user acceptance of news feed ads is a matter of great concern to mobile commerce operators. In the existing theoretical research, more discussions are start from the perspective of technology and channels. Based on the theory of perceived value, this study deeply analyzes the characteristics of news feed ads, and takes functional value perception, convenience value perception, prompt response value perception, trust value perception and social value perception as independent variables. Due to the variables, a user acceptance model was constructed, questionnaires were distributed and the assumptions were verified by regression analysis. The results show that perceived value theory can effectively explain the users\u27 willingness to accept ads on the mobile advertising side, of which, convenience value perception, functional value perception and social value perception have a greater impact on the willingness to accept, prompt response value perception followed, and the least impact is trust value perception

    Overconfidence in Phishing Email Detection

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    This study examines overconfidence in phishing email detection. Researchers believe that overconfidence (i.e., where one’s judgmental confidence exceeds one’s actual performance in decision making) can lead to one’s adopting risky behavior in uncertain situations. This study focuses on what leads to overconfidence in phishing detection. We performed a survey experiment with 600 subjects to collect empirical data for the study. In the experiment, each subject judged a set of randomly selected phishing emails and authentic business emails. Specifically, we examined two metrics of overconfidence (i.e., overprecision and overestimation). Results show that cognitive effort decreased overconfidence, while variability in attention allocation, dispositional optimism, and familiarity with the business entities in the emails all increased overconfidence in phishing email detection. The effect of perceived self-efficacy of detecting phishing emails on overconfidence was marginal. In addition, all confidence beliefs poorly predicted detection accuracy and poorly explained its variance, which highlights the issue of relying on them to guide one’s behavior in detecting phishing. We discuss mechanisms to reduce overconfidence

    Network Configuration in App Design: The Effects of Simplex and Multiplex Networks on Team Performance

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    Members of mobile app design teams collaborate with each other to accomplish tasks and/or to socialize. However, how network configuration of instrumental and expressive interactions affects team creativity, efficiency, and satisfaction has not yet been studied. Accounting for both simplex and multiplex social networks in teams, this study develops a research model examining the mechanisms by which the centralization of different types of networks impacts team performance. To test our research hypotheses, we collected data from 62 student teams working on an app design class project. We found that the centralization of the instrumental-expressive multiplex network reduces teams’ information elaboration and similarity perception; the centralization of the instrumental simplex network is beneficial to information elaboration; and team information elaboration positively influences team creativity, efficiency, and satisfaction. We also found that team similarity perception negatively affects team creativity and positively affects team satisfaction. To alleviate concerns about the potential simultaneity bias between network configuration and information elaboration or similarity perception, we replicated the results based on a cross-lagged analysis with additional data collected from 48 design teams at two points: at team establishment and at project completion. This paper contributes to the literature on software development by examining the mechanisms via which the configuration of multiplex and simplex networks affects team performance

    Management of Digital Evidence: Body Worn Camera Use by Law Enforcement Agents

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    Body Worn Camera (BWC) is an emergent technology that has started to be deployed in law enforcement agencies in the recent past. Although there are many expected advantages to adoption and implementation of BWC, potential negative concerns range from loss of public privacy to failure in appropriate management of digital evidence. As insiders in police organizations, law enforcement agents have the capacity of either correctly or incorrectly managing digital evidence. Having clear and well-developed written policies regarding the BWC based on organizational, moral, and individual issues, is important for successful BWC implementation. In this research, we focus on ethical judgement regarding potential privacy violations of law enforcement agents in the context of BWC usage. Finding from this study will help in understanding perceptions of police officers and their ethical judgement and will assist in development of policies and provide actionable guidelines
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