1,475 research outputs found

    A Physical Approach to Polya's Conjecture

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    The similarity between the Polya's conjecture and the Bonomol'nyi bound remind us to consider a physical approach to Polya's conjecture. We conjecture a duality between the waves and the soliton solutions on the surface. We consider the special case in the disc.Comment: 6 pages, no figure

    The Entropy of BTZ Black Hole from Loop Quantum Gravity

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    In this paper, we calculated the entropy of the BTZ black hole in the framework of loop quantum gravity. We got the result that the horizon degrees of freedom can be described by the 2D SO(1,1) punctured BF theory. Finally we got the area law for the entropy of BTZ black hole.Comment: 12 pag

    Holograph in noncommutative geometry: Part 1

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    In this paper, we consider the holograph principle emergent from noncommutative geometry, based on the spectral action principle. We show that under some appropriate conditions, the gravity theory on a manifold with boundary could be equivalent to a gauge theory SU(N)SU(N) on the boundary. Then an expression for NN with the geometrical quantities of the manifold is given. Based on this result, we find that the volume of the manifold and the boundary have some discrete structure. Applying the result to the black hole, we get that the radium of the Schwarzschild black hole is quantized. We also find an explanation why the extremal RN-black hole has zero temperature but with finite entropy.Comment: 9 pages, no figure

    Compact Chiral Boson Fields on the Horizon of BTZ Black Hole

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    In the previous work, it was shown that the degrees of freedom on the horizon of BTZ black hole can be described by two chiral massless scalar fields with opposite chirality. In this paper, we continuous this research. It is found that the scalar field is actually a compact boson field on a circle. The compactness results in the quantization of the black hole radius. Then we quantize the two boson fields and get two abelian Kac-Moody algebras. From the boson field, one can construct the full W1+∞W_{1+\infty} algebra which was used to classify the BTZ black holes.Comment: 8 pages, comments are welcom

    W-hairs of black holes in three dimensional spacetime

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    In the previous paper (arXiv:1804.09438) we found that the near horizon symmetry algebra of black holes is a subalgebra of the W1+∞W_{1+\infty} symmetry algebra of quantum Hall fluid in three dimensional spacetime. In this paper, we give a slightly different representation of the former algebra from the latter one. Similar to the horizon fluff proposal, based on the W1+∞W_{1+\infty} algebra, we count the number of the microstates of the BTZ black holes and obtain the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy.Comment: 7 pages, comments are welcome

    Black hole as topological insulator (I): the BTZ black hole case

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    Black holes are extraordinary massive objects which can be described classically by general relativity, and topological insulators are new orders of matter that could be use to built a topological quantum computer. They seem to be different objects, but in this paper, we claim that the black hole can be considered as kind of topological insulator. For BTZ black hole in three dimensional AdS3AdS_3 spacetime we give two evidences to support this claim: the first evidence comes from the black hole "membrane paradigm", which says that the horizon of black hole behaves like an electrical conductor. On the other hand, the vacuum can be considered as an insulator. The second evidence comes from the fact that the horizon of BTZ black hole can support two chiral massless scalar field with opposite chirality. Those are two key properties of 2D topological insulator. We also consider the coupling with the electromagnetic field to show that the boundary modes can conduct the electricity. For higher dimensional black hole the first evidence is still valid. So we conjecture that the higher dimensional black hole can also be considered as higher dimensional topological insulators. This conjecture will have far-reaching influences on our understanding of quantum black hole and the nature of gravity.Comment: 7 pages, title changed, adding a section to discuss the coupling with electromagnetic fiel

    Central charges for Kerr and Kerr-AdS black holes in diverse dimensions

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    In the previous work we give a microscopic explanation of the entropy for the BTZ black hole and four-dimensional Kerr black hole based on the massless scalar field theory on the horizon. An essential input is the central charges of those black holes. In this paper, we calculate the central charges for Kerr black holes and Kerr-AdS black holes in diverse dimensions by rewriting the entropy formula in a suggesting way. Then we also give the statistical explanation for the entropy of those black holes based on the scalar field on the horizon which similar to 4D kerr black hole.Comment: 6 pages, comments are welcomed;v2, make connection with the thermodynamic potential;v3, bring the interacting scalar field theory which has a special form of Hamiltonian

    Black hole as topological insulator (II): the boundary modes

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    In the previous paper Ref.[1], it was claimed that the black hole can be considered as a kind of topological insulator. For BTZ black hole in three dimensional AdS3AdS_3 spacetime two evidences were given to support this claim: the first evidence comes from the black hole "membrane paradigm", and the second evidence comes from the fact that the horizon of BTZ black hole can support two chiral massless scalar field with opposite chirality. Those are two key properties of 2D topological insulator. For higher dimensional black hole the first evidence is still valid but the second fails. In this paper, starting from the boundary BF theory, which can be used to describe the boundary degrees of freedom of black hole in arbitrary dimension, we shown that the isolated horizon of 3+1βˆ’3+1-D black hole can support massless scalar field and vector field. Those two fields can be used to construct a massless Dirac field through the 2+1βˆ’2+1-dimensional bosonization, which also appears on the boundary of 3+1βˆ’3+1-D topological insulators.Comment: 6 pages, adding canonical mass dimension analysi

    Search for the gravitational wave memory effect with the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array

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    Gravitational wave bursts produced by supermassive binary black hole mergers will leave a persistent imprint on the space-time metric. Such gravitational wave memory signals are detectable by pulsar timing arrays as a glitch event that would seem to occur simultaneously for all pulsars. In this paper, we describe an initial algorithm which can be used to search for gravitational wave memory signals. We apply this algorithm to the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array data set. No significant gravitational wave memory signal is founded in the data set.Comment: Proceedings of IAUS 291 "Neutron Stars and Pulsars: Challenges and Opportunities after 80 years", J. van Leeuwen (ed.); 3 pages, no figur

    Mitigating Power Side Channels during Compilation

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    The code generation modules inside modern compilers such as GCC and LLVM, which use a limited number of CPU registers to store a large number of program variables, may introduce side-channel leaks even in software equipped with state-of-the-art countermeasures. We propose a program analysis and transformation based method to eliminate this side channel. Our method has a type-based technique for detecting leaks, which leverages Datalog-based declarative analysis and domain-specific optimizations to achieve high efficiency and accuracy. It also has a mitigation technique for the compiler's backend, more specifically the register allocation modules, to ensure that potentially leaky intermediate computation results are always stored in different CPU registers or spilled to memory with isolation. We have implemented and evaluated our method in LLVM for the x86 instruction set architecture. Our experiments on cryptographic software show that the method is effective in removing the side channel while being efficient, i.e., our mitigated code is more compact and runs faster than code mitigated using state-of-the-art techniques
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