2 research outputs found

    New Economy Index for the Czech Republic

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    The first part of the paper formulates the definition of the knowledge and the new economies and two systems of quantitative characteristics for the new economy - the American and the European ones. The knowledge economy can be regarded as a general characteristic of the current and important positive supply side shock. Its core is a fast development of the ICT. The new economy can be regarded as a concrete and a relatively persistent period of the economic growth. The main reasons of this growth are positive effects of the knowledge economy. The second part of the paper analyses the state and the development of the new economy in the Czech Republic in comparison with the state of the new economy in two member states of the USA -Georgia and in Michigan. The Czech Republic, Georgia and Michigan are namely similar by the number of the inhabitants.nová ekonomika, New economy, znalostní ekonomika, knowledge economy

    Theory and Praxis of New Economy in the Czech Republic

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    This article in the first part deals with the basic characteristics of new (knowledge) economy. In the second part this article is focused on definition of competitiveness and two basic types of competitive advantage and on the evaluation of competitivness of the Czech Republic in the international comparison.