33,979 research outputs found

    A two component jet model for the X-ray afterglow flat segment in short GRB 051221A

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    In the double neutron star merger or neutron star-black hole merger model for short GRBs, the outflow launched might be mildly magnetized and neutron rich. The magnetized neutron-rich outflow will be accelerated by the magnetic and thermal pressure and may form a two component jet finally, as suggested by Vlahakis, Peng & K\"{o}nigl (2003). We show in this work that such a two component jet model could well reproduce the multi-wavelength afterglow lightcurves, in particular the X-ray flat segment, of short GRB 051221A. In this model, the central engine need not to be active much longer than the prompt γ−\gamma-ray emission.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure; Accepted for publication by ApJ

    Conformal or Walking? Monte Carlo renormalization group studies of SU(3) gauge models with fundamental fermions

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    Strongly coupled gauge systems with many fermions are important in many phenomenological models. I use the 2-lattice matching Monte Carlo renormalization group method to study the fixed point structure and critical indexes of SU(3) gauge models with 8 and 12 flavors of fundamental fermions. With an improved renormalization group block transformation I am able to connect the perturbative and confining regimes of the N_f=8 flavor system, thus verifying its QCD-like nature. With N_f=12 flavors the data favor the existence of an infrared fixed point and conformal phase, though the results are also consistent with very slow walking. I measure the anomalous mass dimension in both systems at several gauge couplings and find that they are barely different from the free field value.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure

    Topological Weyl and Node-Line Semimetals in Ferromagnetic Vanadium-Phosphorous-Oxide β\beta-V2_2OPO4_4 Compound

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    We propose that the topological semimetal features can co-exist with ferromagnetic ground state in vanadium-phosphorous-oxide β\beta-V2_2OPO4_4 compound from first-principles calculations. In this magnetic system with inversion symmetry, the direction of magnetization is able to manipulate the symmetric protected band structures from a node-line type to a Weyl one in the presence of spin-orbital-coupling. The node-line semimetal phase is protected by the mirror symmetry with the reflection-invariant plane perpendicular to magnetic order. Within mirror symmetry breaking due to the magnetization along other directions, the gapless node-line loop will degenerate to only one pair of Weyl points protected by the rotational symmetry along the magnetic axis, which are largely separated in momentum space. Such Weyl semimetal phase provides a nice candidate with the minimum number of Weyl points in a condensed matter system. The results of surface band calculations confirm the non-trivial topology of this proposed compound. This findings provide a realistic candidate for the investigation of topological semimetals with time-reversal symmetry breaking, particularly towards the realization of quantum anomalous Hall effect in Weyl semimetals.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Thermodynamics of lattice QCD with 2 flavours of colour-sextet quarks: A model of walking/conformal Technicolor

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    QCD with two flavours of massless colour-sextet quarks is considered as a model for conformal/walking Technicolor. If this theory possess an infrared fixed point, as indicated by 2-loop perturbation theory, it is a conformal(unparticle) field theory. If, on the other hand, a chiral condensate forms on the weak-coupling side of this would-be fixed point, the theory remains confining. The only difference between such a theory and regular QCD is that there is a range of momentum scales over which the coupling constant runs very slowly (walks). In this first analysis, we simulate the lattice version of QCD with two flavours of staggered quarks at finite temperatures on lattices of temporal extent Nt=4N_t=4 and 6. The deconfinement and chiral-symmetry restoration couplings give us a measure of the scales associated with confinement and chiral-symmetry breaking. We find that, in contrast to what is seen with fundamental quarks, these transition couplings are very different. β=6/g2\beta=6/g^2 for each of these transitions increases significantly from Nt=4N_t=4 and Nt=6N_t=6 as expected for the finite temperature transitions of an asymptotically-free theory. This suggests a walking rather than a conformal behaviour, in contrast to what is observed with Wilson quarks. In contrast to what is found for fundamental quarks, the deconfined phase exhibits states in which the Polyakov loop is oriented in the directions of all three cube roots of unity. At very weak coupling the states with complex Polyakov loops undergo a transition to a state with a real, negative Polyakov loop.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, Revtex with postscript figures. One extra reference was added; text is unchanged. Corrected typographical erro

    Observation of Andreev Surface Bound States in the 3-K phase Region of Sr_2RuO_4

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    The tunneling spectrum of the superconducting phase with T_c ~ 3.0 K has been measured in the Ru-embedded region of Sr_2RuO_4 using cleaved junctions. A sharp zero-bias conductance peak (ZBCP) has been observed below 3 K. All characteristics of this ZBCP suggest that it originates from Andreev surface bound states, indicating that the pairing in the 3-K phase is also non-s-wave. Below the bulk T_c of Sr_2RuO_4 (~1.5 K), a bell-shaped ZBCP was found. This supports that there is a phase transition in the 3-K phase region near the bulk T_c.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (2001

    Thermodynamics of lattice QCD with 2 sextet quarks on N_t=8 lattices

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    We continue our lattice simulations of QCD with 2 flavours of colour-sextet quarks as a model for conformal or walking technicolor. A 2-loop perturbative calculation of the β\beta-function which describes the evolution of this theory's running coupling constant predicts that it has a second zero at a finite coupling. This non-trivial zero would be an infrared stable fixed point, in which case the theory with massless quarks would be a conformal field theory. However, if the interaction between quarks and antiquarks becomes strong enough that a chiral condensate forms before this IR fixed point is reached, the theory is QCD-like with spontaneously broken chiral symmetry and confinement. However, the presence of the nearby IR fixed point means that there is a range of couplings for which the running coupling evolves very slowly, i.e. it 'walks'. We are simulating the lattice version of this theory with staggered quarks at finite temperature studying the changes in couplings at the deconfinement and chiral-symmetry restoring transitions as the temporal extent (NtN_t) of the lattice, measured in lattice units, is increased. Our earlier results on lattices with Nt=4,6N_t=4,6 show both transitions move to weaker couplings as NtN_t increases consistent with walking behaviour. In this paper we extend these calculations to Nt=8N_t=8. Although both transition again move to weaker couplings the change in the coupling at the chiral transition from Nt=6N_t=6 to Nt=8N_t=8 is appreciably smaller than that from Nt=4N_t=4 to Nt=6N_t=6. This indicates that at Nt=4,6N_t=4,6 we are seeing strong coupling effects and that we will need results from Nt>8N_t > 8 to determine if the chiral-transition coupling approaches zero as Nt→∞N_t \rightarrow \infty, as needed for the theory to walk.Comment: 21 pages Latex(Revtex4) source with 4 postscript figures. v2: added 1 reference. V3: version accepted for publication, section 3 restructured and interpretation clarified. Section 4 future plans for zero temperature simulations clarifie
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