32,265 research outputs found

    Off-diagonal magnetoimpedance in field-annealed Co-based amorphous ribbons

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    The off-diagonal magnetoimpedance in field-annealed CoFeSiB amorphous ribbons was measured in the low-frequency range using a pick-up coil wound around the sample. The asymmetric two-peak behavior of the field dependence of the off-diagonal impedance was observed. The asymmetry is attributed to the formation of a hard magnetic crystalline phase at the ribbon surface. The experimental results are interpreted in terms of the surface impedance tensor. It is assumed that the ribbon consists of an inner amorphous region and surface crystalline layers. The coupling between the crystalline and amorphous phases is described through an effective bias field. A qualitative agreement between the calculated dependences and experimental data is demonstrated. The results obtained may be useful for development of weak magnetic-field sensors.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figure

    Effect of Rossby and Alfv\'{e}n waves on the dynamics of the tachocline

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    To understand magnetic diffusion, momentum transport, and mixing in the interior of the sun, we consider an idealized model of the tachocline, namely magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) turbulence on a ÎČ\beta plane subject to a large scale shear (provided by the latitudinal differential rotation). This model enables us to self-consistently derive the influence of shear, Rossby and Alfv\'{e}n waves on the transport properties of turbulence. In the strong magnetic field regime, we find that the turbulent viscosity and diffusivity are reduced by magnetic fields only, similarly to the two-dimensional MHD case (without Rossby waves). In the weak magnetic field regime, we find a crossover scale (L_RL\_R) from a Alfv\'{e}n dominated regime (on small scales) to a Rossby dominated regime (on large scales). For parameter values typical of the tachocline, L_RL\_R is larger that the solar radius so that Rossby waves are unlikely to play an important role in the transport of magnetic field and angular momentum. This is mainly due to the enhancement of magnetic back-reaction by shearing which efficiently generates small scales, thus strong currents

    Kaon mixing matrix elements from beyond-the-Standard-Model operators in staggered chiral perturbation theory

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    Models of new physics induce K-Kbar mixing operators having Dirac structures other than the "left-left" form of the Standard Model. We calculate the functional form of the corresponding B-parameters at next-to-leading order in both SU(3) and SU(2) staggered chiral perturbation theory (SChPT). Numerical results for these matrix elements are being generated using improved staggered fermions; our results can be used to extrapolate these matrix elements to the physical light and strange quark masses. The SU(3) SChPT results turn out to be much simpler than that for the Standard Model B_K operator, due to the absence of chiral suppression in the new operators. The SU(2) SChPT result is of similar simplicity to that for B_K. In fact, in the latter case, the chiral logarithms for two of the new B-parameters are identical to those for B_K, while those for the other two new B-parameters are of opposite sign. In addition to providing results for the 2+1 flavor theory in SU(3) SChPT and the 1+1+1 flavor theory in SU(2) SChPT, we present the corresponding continuum partially quenched results, as these are not available in the literature.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures. Typos corrected--published versio

    Identifiability and parameter estimation of the single particle lithium-ion battery model

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    This paper investigates the identifiability and estimation of the parameters of the single particle model (SPM) for lithium-ion battery simulation. Identifiability is addressed both in principle and in practice. The approach begins by grouping parameters and partially non-dimensionalising the SPM to determine the maximum expected degrees of freedom in the problem. We discover that, excluding open circuit voltage, there are only six independent parameters. We then examine the structural identifiability by considering whether the transfer function of the linearised SPM is unique. It is found that the model is unique provided that the electrode open circuit voltage functions have a known non-zero gradient, the parameters are ordered, and the electrode kinetics are lumped into a single charge transfer resistance parameter. We then demonstrate the practical estimation of model parameters from measured frequency-domain experimental electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) data, and show additionally that the parametrised model provides good predictive capabilities in the time domain, exhibiting a maximum voltage error of 20 mV between model and experiment over a 10 minute dynamic discharge.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, pre-print submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technolog

    The Importance of Ambient Temperature to Growth and the Induction of Flowering

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    Plant development is exquisitely sensitive to the environment. Light quantity, quality, and duration (photoperiod) have profound effects on vegetative morphology and flowering time. Recent studies have demonstrated that ambient temperature is a similarly potent stimulus influencing morphology and flowering. In Arabidopsis, ambient temperatures that are high, but not so high as to induce a heat stress response, confer morphological changes that resemble the shade avoidance syndrome. Similarly, these high but not stressful temperatures can accelerate flowering under short day conditions as effectively as exposure to long days. Photoperiodic flowering entails a series of external coincidences, in which environmental cycles of light and dark must coincide with an internal cycle in gene expression established by the endogenous circadian clock. It is evident that a similar model of external coincidence applies to the effects of elevated ambient temperature on both vegetative morphology and the vegetative to reproductive transition. Further study is imperative, because global warming is predicted to have major effects on the performance and distribution of wild species and strong adverse effects on crop yields. It is critical to understand temperature perception and response at a mechanistic level and to integrate this knowledge with our understanding of other environmental responses, including biotic and abiotic stresses, in order to improve crop production sufficiently to sustainably feed an expanding world population
