2 research outputs found

    Morphology and ultrastructure of Hippodonta qinghainensis sp nov. (Bacillariophyceae), a new diatom from Lake Qinghai, China

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    A new medium-sized species of Hippodonta (Bacillariophyceae) is described from Lake Qinghai, China. The morphology and ultrastructure of Hippodonta qinghainensis sp. nov. are described using light and scanning electron microscopy. This new species is compared with similar species of Hippodonta using conventional and geometric morphometric analyses. Hippodonta qinghainensis can be separated from the other species of Hippodonta by a unique combination of characters that include an elliptic-lanceolate to rhombic-lanceolate valve shape, non protracted apices, the absence of fascia, relatively coarse, uniseriate striae and the presence of two rows of lineolae around the valves apices.</p

    Deep South Atlantic carbonate chemistry and increased interocean deep water exchange during last deglaciation

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    Carbon release from the deep ocean at glacial terminations is a critical component of past climate change, but the underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. We present a 28,000-year high-resolution record of carbonate ion concentration, a key parameter of the global carbon cycle, at 5-km water depth in the South Atlantic. We observe similar carbonate ion concentrations between the Last Glacial Maximum and the late Holocene, despite elevated concentrations in the glacial surface ocean. This strongly supports the importance of respiratory carbon accumulation in a stratified deep ocean for atmospheric CO2 reduction during the last ice age. After similar to 9 mu mol/kg decline during Heinrich Stadial 1, deep South Atlantic carbonate ion concentration rose by similar to 24 mu mol/kg from the onset of Bolling to Preboreal, likely caused by strengthening North Atlantic Deep Water formation (Bolling) or increased ventilation in the Southern Ocean (Younger Drays) or both (Pre-boreal). The similar to 15 mu mol/kg decline in deep water carbonate ion since similar to 10 ka is consistent with extraction of alkalinity from seawater by deepsea CaCO3 compensation and coral reef growth on continental shelves during the Holocene. Between 16,600 and 15,000 years ago, deep South Atlantic carbonate ion values converged with those at 3.4-km water depth in the western equatorial Pacific, as did carbon isotope and radiocarbon values. These observations suggest a period of enhanced lateral exchange of carbon between the deep South Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, probably due to an increased transfer of momentum from southern westerlies to the Southern Ocean. By spreading carbon-rich deep Pacific waters around Antarctica for up-welling, invigorated interocean deep water exchange would lead to more efficient CO2 degassing from the Southern Ocean, and thus to an atmospheric CO2 rise, during the early deglaciation.</p