29 research outputs found

    Induced seismicity due to the oil production in Tbilisi region, Georgia

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    30 km to the north-east from the Tbilisi hydrothermal field (THF) the oil field has been revealed. The intensive oil production in 80-s disturbs the regime of the central hydrothermal deposit and causes depletion and desalination of springs. Later on, after cessation of intensive extraction, the regime of hydrothermal field was recovered. These facts point to the significant change of pore pressure conditions during oil production process and triggered an idea to analyze the seismic activity in the period of oil production. As it is well known that the pore pressure change may provoke changes in the seismic activity (Gupta and Rastogi, 1976, Grasso and Sornette, 1998) the attempt is made to assess seismic effects induced by the oil production in the THF

    Variation of Geophysical Parameters During Preparation of Seismic Events in Georgia (2023)

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    The article contain information about several hydrodynamic and geomagnetic anomalies were observed during February 2023 -October 2023 on the multiparametric monitoring network of M. Nodia institute of Geophysics. Data were analyzed by the special program which gives possibility to exclude the influence of geological factors by the common value of tidal variations. Was analyzed reaction of parameters to the earthquake preparation process. More the 20 year was operating a special network of hydro-geodynamical (water level, Atmosphere pressure and air temperature) observation on the territory of Georgia [1,2,3]. Ten deep boreholes located basically on the main geo-plate and open deep aquifers. These wells as sensitive strain-meters recorded all kinds of deformation caused by exogenous (atmospheric pressure, tidal variations and season variation), as well as endogenous processes. During observation on the territory of Georgia has observed various anomalies by water level before seismic events [4,5]. Revealing of the mechanism of interrelation between the deformation processes, forestall strong earthquakes, and a hydrodynamic variation of underground waters, would allow to explain such preliminary behavior of hydrodynamic effects and to develop scientifically proven methods of the forecast of earthquakes

    Evaluation of Electromagnetic Radiation Power in Connection with Seismic Activity in the Tskaltsminda-Ureki Geomagnetic Anomaly Area

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    The atmospheric electrical field inversion of analogous circuit model distinguishes a local segment from the unique lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere (LAI) system. The reason of the polarity variation of the Earth surface can be the generation of telluric current caused by the activity of thermoionized channel activated by seismic processes. The local LAI segment corresponds with an electromagnetic circuit, the characterizing frequency diapason of which is compatible with very low frequency (VLF) telluric electromagnetic radiation [1]. Consequently, we aim to determine in which cases the electromagnetic radiation energy accompanying the telluric current generated in the sea is sufficient for anomalous variation of the electron concentration in the lower ionosphere

    საქართველოს ტერიტორიაზე ჩატარებული ჰიდროგეოლოგიური კვლევები სეისმურ აქტივობასთან კავშირში

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    Рассматриваются гидрогеологические исследования в связи с сейсмической активностью на территории Грузии с применением современных гидрогеологических методов исследований, что предусматривает как полевой комплекс, так и камеральную обработку материала с использованием пакета специализированных компютерных программ. Во время комплексных геолого-геофизических исследований, в сеисмоактивных регионах мира, были зафиксированы многочисленные аномалии в процессе подготовки землетрясений, хотя до сегодняшнего дня не установлен их генезис и не разработана методика их тестирования. Соответственно, невозможно выделить достоверных предшественников землетрясения. Поэтому, установка критических значений поля напряжения и реальная оценка сеисмоопасности по сей день остаётся актуальной проблемой для сеисмоактивного региона ГрузииIn this work is discussed the hydrogeological investigations in connection to the seismic activity on the territory of Georgia, using the modern methodology of hydrogeological researches that provides a complex of field and cameral data processing by means of the specialized computer program package. During the complex geological and geophysical studies, in seismoactive regions of the world, were recorded numerous anomalies of earthquake preparation processes, but up to date has not been determined their genesis and neither developed the method of testing. Accordingly, it is not possible to allocate significant earthquake precursors. Therefore, estimation of critical values of stress field and a realistic assessment of seismic hazard is still an actual problem for seismoactive region of Georgia.ნაშრომში განხილულია საქართველოს ტერიტორიაზე ჩატარებული ჰიდროგეოლოგიური კვლევები სეისმურ აქტივობასთან კავშირში, თანამედროვე ჰიდროგეოლოგიური კვლევების მეთოდების გამოყენებით, რაც ითვალისწინებს როგორც კომპლექსურ საველე სამუშაოებს, ასევე მონაცემთა დამუშავებას სპეციალიზირებული კომპიუტერული პროგრამების გამოყენებით. მსოფლიოს სეისმოაქტიურ რეგიონებში ჩატარებული კომპლექსური გეოლოგიურ-გეოფიზიკური კვლევების შედეგად დაფიქსირებულია მრავალრიცხოვანი ანომალიები მიწისძვრის მომზადების პროცესში, თუმცა ჯერ კიდევ არ არის დადგენილი მათი გენეზისი და არ შემუშავებულა მათი ტესტიტრების მეთოდი. შესაბამისად, შეუძლებელია გამოიყოს მიწისძვრის საიმედო წინამორბედები. ამიტომ, დაძაბულობის ველის კრიტიკული მნიშვნელობის შეფასება და სეისმური საშიშროების რეალური შეფასება რჩება აქტუალურ პრობლემად საქართველოს სეისმოაქტიური რეგიონისათვის

    New method of hydrodynamical data Analysis

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    Revealing mechanism of interrelation between the deformation processes, strong earthquakes and hydrodynamics of underground waters would allow explaining precursory behaviour of hydrodynamic field and developing scientifically well grounded methods of earthquakes’ forecast. We have developed a new method using computer program MatLab. It enables to synthesize a theoretical signal and compare it with original data of water level. The program enables to characterize each exogenous parameter separately. It allows studying the influence of each of them on the aquifer. It is determined that the aquifers are influenced by all kinds of exogenous factors. The reaction of boreholes demonstrates that one of them can dominate. After processing by suggested method almost identical figures describing the tectonic factor have been received

    Geodynamical impacts on the water level Variations in boreholes

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    It is known that variations of water level represents itself an integrated response of aquifer to different periodic as well as non periodic influences, including earthquake related strain generation in the earth crust. Quantitative analysis of impacts of separate components in observed integral dynamics remains one of the main geophysical problems. It is especially important for non periodic processes related to the earthquake generation, taking into account their possible prognostic value. In the present study the dynamical complexity of water level variations has been analyzed. Dependence of dynamics on the presence of periodic components in considered data records (time series) was investigated. Modern tools of time series analysis have been used. We present results of the analysis of the data of observations by a special program. The results illustrate that correlative dependence between tidal variations and water level changes is breached several days before the earthquake, both in the amplitude and the frequency spectrum

    Hydrodynamic anomalies related with preparation of earthquakes mag>4 in Georgia (2022)

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    In terms of geodynamic life, territory of Georgia is one of the most active region. More the 20 year was operating a special network of hydro-geodynamical (water level, Atmosphere pressure and air temperature) observation on the territory of Georgia. Ten deep boreholes located basically on the main geo-plate and open deep aquifers. These wells as sensitive strain-meters recorded all kinds of deformation caused by exogenous (atmospheric pressure, tidal variations and season variation), as well as endogenous processes. During observation on the territory of Georgia has observed various anomalies by water level before seismic events [4,5]. Revealing of the mechanism of interrelation between the deformation processes, forestall strong earthquakes, and a hydrodynamic variation of underground waters, would allow to explain such preliminary behavior of hydrodynamic effects and to develop scientifically proven methods of the forecast of earthquakes

    Geodynamical impact on the hydrodynamic field

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    It is known that variations of water level represents itself an integrated response of aquifer to different periodic as well as non periodic influences, including earthquake related strain generation in the earth crust. Quantitative analysis of impacts of separate components in observed integral dynamics remains one of the main geophysical problems. Taking into account their possible prognostic values especially important for non periodic processes related to the earthquake generation. In the present study the dynamical complexity of water level variations has been analyzed. Dependence of dynamics on the presence of periodic components in considered data records (time series) was investigated. Modern tools of time series analysis have been used. We present results of the analysis of the data of observations by a special program. The results illustrate that the water level is an indicator of tectonic activity. In order to explain this, the strain-sensitivity of each borehole should be studied, as well as distribution of strain field on the area and its geological characteristics


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    Water level in boreholes, atmosphere pressure and temperature monitoring is performed for deep boreholes: Kobuleti, Borjomi, Akhalkalaki, Marneuli, Lagodekhi, Ajameti and Oni. We have one minute data for three years (2011-2013) and demonstrate as example measured parameters for Marneuli borehole. Water level (WL) in Marneuli borehole is related with tidal and atmosphere pressure variation. During far and strong earthquakes we observed seismic waves influence on background WL variation. Similar reaction we fixed for other deep boreholes. In MATLAB environment StationsMany, WaterAndQuakes applications have been developed at M.Nodia Institute of Geophysics. These programs allow to exclude influence of isogenic factors (tidal and atmosphere pressure variations) and create real geodynamical fields and investigate their evolution in time and space

    Oni Water Reaction on Earthquake in 2021

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    It is known that variations of water level represent itself an integrated response of aquifer to different periodic as well as non periodic influences, including earthquake related strain generation in the earth crust. The article deals about detected anomalies at the Oni borehole, during preparation of strong earthquake, with long epicentral distance. For this purpose, were developed the data of water level for Oni borehole. Were registered the hidrodeformation anomalies caused by the earthquake preparation processes. As a result, have been identified precursory anomalies and has been confirmed high sensitivity to the geodynamic processes