68 research outputs found

    Pathogenicity locus, core genome, and accessory gene contributions to Clostridium difficile virulence

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    Clostridium difficile is a spore-forming anaerobic bacterium that causes colitis in patients with disrupted colonic microbiota. While some individuals are asymptomatic C. difficile carriers, symptomatic disease ranges from mild diarrhea to potentially lethal toxic megacolon. The wide disease spectrum has been attributed to the infected host’s age, underlying diseases, immune status, and microbiome composition. However, strain-specific differences in C. difficile virulence have also been implicated in determining colitis severity. Because patients infected with C. difficile are unique in terms of medical history, microbiome composition, and immune competence, determining the relative contribution of C. difficile virulence to disease severity has been challenging, and conclusions regarding the virulence of specific strains have been inconsistent. To address this, we used a mouse model to test 33 clinical C. difficile strains isolated from patients with disease severities ranging from asymptomatic carriage to severe colitis, and we determined their relative in vivo virulence in genetically identical, antibiotic-pretreated mice. We found that murine infections with C. difficile clade 2 strains (including multilocus sequence type 1/ribotype 027) were associated with higher lethality and that C. difficile strains associated with greater human disease severity caused more severe disease in mice. While toxin production was not strongly correlated with in vivo colonic pathology, the ability of C. difficile strains to grow in the presence of secondary bile acids was associated with greater disease severity. Whole-genome sequencing and identification of core and accessory genes identified a subset of accessory genes that distinguish high-virulence from lower-virulence C. difficile strains

    Immunization of Mice with Anthrax Protective Antigen Limits Cardiotoxicity but Not Hepatotoxicity Following Lethal Toxin Challenge

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    Protective immunity against anthrax is inferred from measurement of vaccine antigen-specific neutralizing antibody titers in serum samples. In animal models, in vivo challenges with toxin and/or spores can also be performed. However, neither of these approaches considers toxin-induced damage to specific organ systems. It is therefore important to determine to what extent anthrax vaccines and existing or candidate adjuvants can provide organ-specific protection against intoxication. We therefore compared the ability of Alum, CpG DNA and the CD1d ligand alpha-galactosylceramide (alphaGC) to enhance protective antigen-specific antibody titers, to protect mice against challenge with lethal toxin, and to block cardiotoxicity and hepatotoxicity. By measurement of serum cardiac Troponin I (cTnI), and hepatic alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and aspartate aminotransferase (AST), it was apparent that neither vaccine modality prevented hepatic intoxication, despite high Ab titers and ultimate survival of the subject. In contrast, cardiotoxicity was greatly diminished by prior immunization. This shows that a vaccine that confers survival following toxin exposure may still have an associated morbidity. We propose that organ-specific intoxication should be monitored routinely during research into new vaccine modalities

    Anthrax toxinmediated delivery of a cytotoxic T-cell epitope in

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    ABSTRACT The protective antigen (PA) component of anthrax toxin mediates entry of the toxin's lethal factor (LF) and edema factor into the cytosolic compartment of mammalian cells. The amino-terminal domain of LF (LFn; 255 amino acids) binds LF to PA, and when fused to heterologous proteins, the LFn domain delivers such proteins to the cytoplasm in the presence of PA. In the current study, we fused a 9-amino acid cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitope (LLO 91-99 ) from an intracellular pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, to LFn and measured the ability of the resulting LFn-LLO 91-99 fusion protein to stimulate a CTL response against the epitope in BALBÍžc mice. As little as 300 fmol of fusion could stimulate a response. The stimulation was PA-dependent and occurred with the peptide fused to either the amino terminus or the carboxyl terminus of LFn. Upon challenge with L. monocytogenes, mice previously injected with LFn-LLO 91-99 and PA showed a reduction of colony-forming units in spleen and liver, relative to nonimmunized control mice. These results indicate that anthrax toxin may be useful as a CTL-peptide delivery system for research and medical applications. All viruses and some bacterial and protozoan pathogens have evolved the ability to survive and replicate within mammalian cells. Immune recognition of these cytoplasmic pathogens depends upon the cell surface display of peptide antigens derived from pathogen-associated proteins. These peptides are presented in complexes with host class I molecules encoded by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC-I), and cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are activated following recognition of the foreign peptide in complex with MHC-I (1). Activated CTL lyse the infected cell, secrete cytokines, and then proliferate and differentiate (2, 3). Each of these steps plays an important role in clearing the host of the pathogen. Lysis of the target cell deprives the organism of its replicative niche and exposes the pathogen to elements of the humoral immune system. Secretion of cytokines has many effects, including enhancement of local immune responses. Proliferation of the CTL clone results in expansion of a set of reactive CTL to effect clearance of the pathogen from other infected cells, whereas differentiation provides a set of long-lived memory cells available to respond more quickly and effectively to subsequent challenge. Vaccines that prime these memory cells provide protection of the host upon reexposure to the pathogen. For a vaccine to mimic infection by cytoplasmic pathogens, it must introduce the target antigen(s) into the cytosol of host cells in vivo. This has been accomplished by expressing heterologous antigens by live viral or bacterial vectors, by using adjuvants, or by delivering DNA expression vectors (DNA vaccines) (4-7). Herein we describe a strategy for introducing CTL epitopes into the cytosol of host cells, in vivo, using delivery components of an intracellularly acting toxin, anthrax toxin. Anthrax toxin is composed of three proteins that act in binary combinations to elicit two toxic effects, lethality and edema (8). Lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF) are intracellularly acting proteins, both of which require protective antigen (PA) for their translocation to the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Initially, LF and EF bind competitively to proteolytically activated PA (PA 63 ) at the cell surface. The protein complex is endocytosed, and LF and EF are translocated to the cytosol following endosomal acidification. There, EF expresses its adenylate cyclase activity, elevating cAMP levels, and LF expresses its as yet undefined activity, inducing lethal overproduction of certain cytokines in its target cells, macrophages (9, 10). The amino-terminal domain of LF (LFn; 255 residues) has been found to contain the information necessary for binding to PA and mediating translocation. The domain alone lacks lethal potential that depends on the putatively enzymatic carboxyl-terminal moiety (11). Recent results have demonstrated that genetically fusing LFn to heterologous polypeptides enables them to be delivered to the cytosol of cultured mammalian cells in the presence of PA To test the potential of the anthrax toxin system to mediate presentation of peptides in complex with MHC-I, we chose to fuse LFn to a CTL epitope from Listeria monocytogenes. L. monocytogenes is a facultative intracellular bacterial pathogen that survives within the cytosol of macrophages. After its entry into the cell by phagocytosis, the bacterium produces listeriolysin O (LLO), which lyses the phagosomal membrane and allows the bacterium to escape to the cytosol. LLO within the cytosol is proteolytically processed, generating short peptides, some of which are presented at the cell surface in complex with MHC-I. Processing of LLO results in the presentation of a nonameric peptide, LLO [91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99] MATERIALS AND METHODS Peptide Synthesis. The LLO 91-99 peptide GYKDGNEYI was synthesized on an Applied Biosystems model 432A peptide synthesizer

    Insights From Analysis of Human Antigen-Specific Memory B Cell Repertoires

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    Memory B cells that are generated during an infection or following vaccination act as sentinels to guard against future infections. Upon repeat antigen exposure memory B cells differentiate into new antibody-secreting plasma cells to provide rapid and sustained protection. Some pathogens evade or suppress the humoral immune system, or induce memory B cells with a diminished ability to differentiate into new plasma cells. This leaves the host vulnerable to chronic or recurrent infections. Single cell approaches coupled with next generation antibody gene sequencing facilitate a detailed analysis of the pathogen-specific memory B cell repertoire. Monoclonal antibodies that are generated from antibody gene sequences allow a functional analysis of the repertoire. This review discusses what has been learned thus far from analysis of diverse pathogen-specific memory B cell compartments and describes major differences in their repertoires. Such information may illuminate ways to advance the goal of improving vaccine and therapeutic antibody design

    Variations in TcdB Activity and the Hypervirulence of Emerging Strains of Clostridium difficile

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    Hypervirulent strains of Clostridium difficile have emerged over the past decade, increasing the morbidity and mortality of patients infected by this opportunistic pathogen. Recent work suggested the major C. difficile virulence factor, TcdB, from hypervirulent strains (TcdBHV) was more cytotoxic in vitro than TcdB from historical strains (TcdBHIST). The current study investigated the in vivo impact of altered TcdB tropism, and the underlying mechanism responsible for the differences in activity between the two forms of this toxin. A combination of protein sequence analyses, in vivo studies using a Danio rerio model system, and cell entry combined with fluorescence assays were used to define the critical differences between TcdBHV and TcdBHIST. Sequence analysis found that TcdB was the most variable protein expressed from the pathogenicity locus of C. difficile. In line with these sequence differences, the in vivo effects of TcdBHV were found to be substantially broader and more pronounced than those caused by TcdBHIST. The increased toxicity of TcdBHV was related to the toxin's ability to enter cells more rapidly and at an earlier stage in endocytosis than TcdBHIST. The underlying biochemical mechanism for more rapid cell entry was identified in experiments demonstrating that TcdBHV undergoes acid-induced conformational changes at a pH much higher than that of TcdBHIST. Such pH-related conformational changes are known to be the inciting step in membrane insertion and translocation for TcdB. These data provide insight into a critical change in TcdB activity that contributes to the emerging hypervirulence of C. difficile

    Regulation of Anthrax Toxin-Specific Antibody Titers by Natural Killer T Cell-Derived IL-4 and IFNγ

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    Activation of Natural Killer-like T cells (NKT) with the CD1d ligand α-GC leads to enhanced production of anthrax toxin protective Ag (PA)-neutralizing Abs, yet the underlying mechanism for this adjuvant effect is not known. In the current study we examined the role of Th1 and Th2 type responses in NKT-mediated enhancement of antibody responses to PA. First, the contribution of IL-4 and IFNγ to the production of PA-specific toxin-neutralizing Abs was examined. By immunizing C57Bl/6 controls IL-4−/− mice and IFNγ−/− mice and performing passive serum transfer experiments, it was observed that sera containing PA-specific IgG1, IgG2b and IgG2c neutralized toxin in vitro and conferred protection in vivo. Sera containing IgG2b and IgG2c neutralized toxin in vitro but were not sufficient for protection in vivo. Sera containing IgG1 and IgG2b neutralized toxin in vitro and conferred protection in vivo. IgG1 therefore emerged as a good correlate of protection. Next, C57Bl/6 mice were immunized with PA alone or PA plus a Th2-skewing α-GC derivative known as OCH. Neutralizing PA-specific IgG1 responses were modestly enhanced by OCH in C57Bl/6 mice. Conversely, IgG2b and IgG2c were considerably enhanced in PA/OCH-immunized IL-4−/− mice but did not confer protection. Finally, bone marrow chimeras were generated such that NKT cells were unable to express IL-4 or IFNγ. NKT-derived IL-4 was required for OCH-enhanced primary IgG1 responses but not recall responses. NKT-derived IL-4 and IFNγ also influenced primary and recall IgG2b and IgG2c titers. These data suggest targeted skewing of the Th2 response by α-GC derivatives can be exploited to optimize anthrax vaccination

    Bacillus anthracis Lethal Toxin Disrupts TCR Signaling in CD1d-Restricted NKT Cells Leading to Functional Anergy

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    Exogenous CD1d-binding glycolipid (α-Galactosylceramide, α-GC) stimulates TCR signaling and activation of type-1 natural killer–like T (NKT) cells. Activated NKT cells play a central role in the regulation of adaptive and protective immune responses against pathogens and tumors. In the present study, we tested the effect of Bacillus anthracis lethal toxin (LT) on NKT cells both in vivo and in vitro. LT is a binary toxin known to suppress host immune responses during anthrax disease and intoxicates cells by protective antigen (PA)-mediated intracellular delivery of lethal factor (LF), a potent metalloprotease. We observed that NKT cells expressed anthrax toxin receptors (CMG-2 and TEM-8) and bound more PA than other immune cell types. A sub-lethal dose of LT administered in vivo in C57BL/6 mice decreased expression of the activation receptor NKG2D by NKT cells but not by NK cells. The in vivo administration of LT led to decreased TCR-induced cytokine secretion but did not affect TCR expression. Further analysis revealed LT-dependent inhibition of TCR-stimulated MAP kinase signaling in NKT cells attributable to LT cleavage of the MAP kinase kinase MEK-2. We propose that Bacillus anthracis–derived LT causes a novel form of functional anergy in NKT cells and therefore has potential for contributing to immune evasion by the pathogen

    Recommendations for future university pandemic responses: What the first COVID-19 shutdown taught us

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    The SARS-CoV-2 epidemic challenged universities and other academic institutions to rapidly adapt to urgent and life-threatening situations. It forced most institutions to shut down nearly every aspect of their research and educational enterprises. In doing so, university leaders were thrust into unchartered waters and forced them to make unprecedented decisions. Successes and failures along the way highlighted how the autonomous nature of the American academic research enterprise and skillsets normally required of university leaders were ill-suited to mounting an emergency response. Here, as faculty from medical centers in the United States, we draw lessons from these experiences and apply them as we plan for the next possible COVID-19-induced shutdown as well as other large-scale pandemics and emergencies at universities in the United States and throughout the world
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