68 research outputs found

    Analysis bias due to survey non response in the French National Travel Survey 2007-08

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    International audienceWhile nonresponse results in a reduced sample size, a more important concern of researchers is the possible impact of nonresponse bias. Bias is introduced when those that do not respond to the inquiry are systematically different from those that do respond on key estimates. In this circumstance, as the above section describes, the response mechanism is "confounded" with characteristics of the sample units. For example, if nonrespondents tended to take more trips, or longer trips than respondents, the estimates of travel produced from only survey respondents will be too low and not representative of the whole population (only those that responded). Getting the advantage that for the last French National Travel Survey (FNTS) 2007-2008 the sample was drawn directly from the census and the list of new residences built since the census, and therefore we have lots of information about respondent and non-respondent to the different survey instruments in the FNTS. We will quantify these biases by using auxiliary information in different calibration that we will produce

    Mobility barrier for disabled people

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    International audienceThe aim of this paper is to understand why people with disabilities travel less than people with any difficulty and why they use different transport modes. For that, we had a quantitative and qualitative approach. Our research is based on the National Travel Survey (NTS) that was conducted in France in 2007-2008. Secondly, and to provide in-depth elements for the understanding of situations faced by disabled people, we carried out fifty semi-structured interviews with people who may be experienced difficulties when travelling. We will try to detect difficulties that people may face when they are travelling, by observing separately each mode: walking, car, public and specialized transport

    Potential for car use reduction through a simulation approach: Paris and Lyon case studies

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    The aim of the present study is to evaluate the possible extent of modal shifts from car use to 'alternative modes' (public transport, cycling, walking) without any change in individual patterns of activity. Its approach is based on a transfer procedure that allows the simulation of the maximal potential market for transport modes other than the private car. The method is based on repeated iterations of a simulation model that assigns journeys to transport modes other than the automobile based on a number of improved public transport scenarios. Demand is channelled towards individual modes (walking, cycling), public transport, and a combination of individual and public modes, based on their relative time and distance performance. The modal transfer procedure is applied to several transport supply scenarios, which provide a picture of what is possible in the sphere of modal split. Each simulation entails a potential transfer of private vehicle-km to each of the other modes. Even where different public transport scenarios are simulated, the transfer is evaluated for round trips in both the Paris and Lyon surveys. There is therefore no modification in the activity pattern of the people surveyed nor trips induced by improvements in transport supply. The aim is not to predict what would be the modal split in other circumstances, but the upper limit of the shifts. This paper presents our methodology and the principal results obtained through numerical simulations based on figures for the Paris and Lyon conurbations. This approach demonstrates that a policy focused on modal shifts has the potential to reduce car use, but that this potential is limited. Any aspiration to reduce car use further would mean changes in the patterns and location of activity.Urban transport ; Modal split ; modal split simulation method ; Transportation policy ; Car use reduction ; Public transport ; Individual daily mobility ; modal transfer ; Paris (France) ; Lyon (France)

    Evaluation of car traffic reduction potential in urban area, Paris and Lyon case-studies

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    The private car currently dominates travel in large metropolitan areas and its use is on the increase, in spite of the fact that public opinion is generally in favour of the development of public transport and political statements which reflect this opinion. Furthermore, the available projections and an analysis of the potential effect of conventional policies indicate that although such policies are able to exert some control, it is limited.Then, the question, that this research directed by INRETS will attempt to answer, is: could a major metropolitan area operate with a radically different transport system that is based principally on the use of modes other than the automobile? By "radically different", we mean a system in which use of the conventional automobile would be reduced in a non-marginal manner, by, say, between a third and a half of all private car vehicle-kilometres.This research does not attempt to justify a move towards a radically different system a lot as already been said on it. Instead, the project will perform different transport simulations and assess on based-rules the effect on the use of modes.Transport scenarios have been designed to incorporate a progressive improvement in public transport supply in the following respects: increase in speeds on the roads, increase in service frequencies during off-peak periods, creation of exclusive public transport lanes, reserving radial roads for public transport, extension of metro and regional express rail and reorganisation of bus routes in response to this. We have also devised and simulated a set of appropriate accompanying strategies that are intended to improve the effectiveness of public transport supply, for example policies to encourage the use of the bicycle or park and ride schemes. The methodology, developed by INRETS has been applied on Paris and Lyon region based on the last household travel survey conducted in each area. For each transport scenario, Paris and Lyon models are used to calculate public transport time for all trips whatever is the actual mode of transport. We then applied the procedure of mode transfer to assess the effect of each of these scenario on mode choice. The procedure is based on automatic rules. Trips, or more precisely round trips, are assigned to one or other of the alternative modes on the basis of elimination rules (no walking for distances over 2 kilometres, no cycling over 8 kilometres, no modal transfer if the purpose of the round trip is for escorting purposes...) and on the basis of constraints (individual travel-time budgets, the length of each trip and round trips, the existence of transport supply...). This system of rules and constraints constitutes the core of the modal transfer procedure.The paper will present both the methodology and results obtain from Paris and Lyon case studies.Urban transport ; Modal split ; modal split simulation method ; Transportation policy ; Car use reduction ; Paris (France) – Lyon (France)

    Projection of the daily travel of an ageing population: The Paris and Montreal case, 1975-2020

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    International audienceAgeing of the population, urban sprawl and car dependency will change travel patterns. The main objective of this paper is to give elements for a better understanding of the impact of changing demographics on the long term evolution of daily mobility using demographic-based models to forecast, for the elderly population, car-ownership, trip frequency, distance traveled, average trip distance. A second objective is to measure the impact of the long term tendencies observed on the appearance of new needs of travel demand such as a rapid increase of demand-responsive transport. The paper compares two agglomerations, both in a strong ageing process, but in quite different sociocultural contexts: a large European metropolis: Paris, and a medium sized north-american city: Montreal. Many common conclusions derived from the two different cases studies reinforce the possibility of generalizing the conclusions to other situations

    Une ville sans voiture : utopie ?

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    L'amélioration des systÚmes de transport dans les agglomérations (vitesse accrue et baisse des coûts de transport) a contribué à la diminution de la densité dans les zones urbaines et a conduit à un usage dominant de la voiture et une trÚs forte réduction de l'usage de la marche et du vélo, tandis que les transports en commun sont restés globalement stable. L'usage de la voiture est maintenant dominant face aux autres modes de transport y compris dans la métropole parisienne. Cette domination de la voiture conduit de plus en plus l'opinion publique à réclamer une réduction de son usage et le développement d'alternative à son usage. L'objectif de ce travail est de déterminer si ces demandes sont compatibles avec les vitesses pratiquées actuellement à l'aide de chacun des modes de transport. Plus précisément notre objectifs est de répondre à ces questions : Est-ce que les conducteurs ont une bonne appréciation de la vitesse quant à leur choix de comportement ? Combien de conducteurs pourraient gagner du temps en changeant de mode de transport ? Que peut-on attendre, en termes de réduction de l'usage de la voiture, d'une amélioration significative de l'offre de transports collectifs ou bien d'une réduction forte de la vitesse de l'automobile ? Cet article présente la méthodologie ainsi que les principaux résultats obtenus à travers les simulations conduites sur les agglomérations de Lyon et de Paris.Politique de transport ; vitesse ; budget-temps de transport ; simulation ; report modal ; mobilité quotidienne


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    Uncertainty on traffic forecasts may have an impact on reimbursement scheduling for investment, as well as for scenarios for operating costs. Even the best projections are based on models and assumptions, thus raising the question of their accuracy. Indeed, long term investments are risky and it is important to cope with uncertainty. This paper deals with the uncertainty on a long term projection with an Age-Cohort approach. The authors used the jackknife technique to estimate confidence intervals and observe that the demographic approach outlines the structural determinants for long term trends of mobility. Document type: Articl

    Etude de faisabilité d'un systÚme de transport radicalement différent sur les zones denses parisienne et lyonnaise

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    L'usage privĂ© de l'automobile domine largement les dĂ©placements dans les grandes aires mĂ©tropolitaines. Son usage y est croissant, et ce malgrĂ© une opinion publique gĂ©nĂ©ralement favorable au dĂ©veloppement des transports publics et des prises de position politiques qui reflĂštent cette opinion. En outre, les projections disponibles et l'examen des potentiels de rĂ©gulation liĂ©s aux politiques traditionnellement envisagĂ©es (maĂźtrise du stationnement, dĂ©veloppement des transports publics, instruments Ă©conomiques (pĂ©age urbain) ou fiscaux (TIPP)) montrent que l'impact de ces politiques reste limitĂ©.La question Ă  laquelle nous souhaitons rĂ©pondre dans le cadre de cette communication est la suivante : peut-on envisager un fonctionnement satisfaisant d'une grande aire mĂ©tropolitaine fondĂ© sur un systĂšme de transport radicalement diffĂ©rent, reposant principalement sur l'usage d'autres modes que la voiture particuliĂšre ? Par « radicalement diffĂ©rent », nous entendons un systĂšme dans lequel l'usage de la voiture particuliĂšre pourrait ĂȘtre rĂ©duit de maniĂšre non marginale, d'au moins la moitiĂ© des vĂ©hicules * kilomĂštres automobiles, pour fixer les idĂ©es.Dans ce travail, nous ne cherchons pas Ă  justifier l'orientation vers un systĂšme radicalement diffĂ©rent. Notre objet consiste Ă  mettre en Ɠuvre diffĂ©rents scĂ©narios de transport, afin d'Ă©valuer sur la base de rĂšgles de transfert les effets sur l'usage d'autres modes que la voiture dans les zones denses des agglomĂ©rations parisienne et lyonnaise.Les scĂ©narios de transport ont Ă©tĂ© mis en Ɠuvre en simulant une amĂ©lioration progressive de l'offre en transports publics : croissance des vitesses commerciales sur les lignes de surface, croissance du service en gĂ©nĂ©ralisant Ă  la journĂ©e l'offre de la pĂ©riode de pointe du soir, mise en site propre des lignes de bus, crĂ©ation de nouvelles lignes de transports publics, extension des lignes de mĂ©tro et des lignes de trains express rĂ©gionaux et restructuration du rĂ©seau de bus. Nous avons Ă©galement identifiĂ© et simulĂ© une sĂ©rie de mesures d'accompagnement qui sont susceptibles d'amĂ©liorer l'efficacitĂ© de l'offre en transports publics, telles que la mise en Ɠuvre de rabattements en vĂ©lo ou en voiture vers les lignes de transports publics ou de stratĂ©gies d'information pour les usagers.La mĂ©thode, dĂ©veloppĂ©e par l'INRETS depuis 1996, a Ă©tĂ© appliquĂ©e aux agglomĂ©rations parisienne et lyonnaise sur la base des derniĂšres enquĂȘtes mĂ©nages dĂ©placements de chacune des agglomĂ©rations. Pour chaque scĂ©nario de transport, des modĂšles sont utilisĂ©s afin de calculer les temps en transports publics de l'ensemble des dĂ©placements, quel que soit le mode de dĂ©placement utilisĂ© dans les enquĂȘtes mĂ©nages dĂ©placements. Nous appliquons ensuite une procĂ©dure de transfert modal pour Ă©valuer les effets de chacun des scĂ©narios sur l'usage des modes doux. Les dĂ©placements, ou plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment les boucles de dĂ©placements, sont assignĂ©s Ă  un des modes alternatifs sur la base de rĂšgles Ă©liminatoires (pas de transfert vers la marche pour des distances supĂ©rieures Ă  2 kilomĂštres, pas de transfert vers le vĂ©lo pour des distances supĂ©rieures Ă  8 kilomĂštres, pas de transfert si le motif de dĂ©placement des boucles est « accompagnement »...) et sur la base de contraintes (respect des budgets-temps de dĂ©placement des individus, distance de chaque dĂ©placement et boucle, existence d'une offre en transports publics...). Ce systĂšme de rĂšgles et de contraintes constituent le cƓur de la procĂ©dure de transfert modal, qui examine les possibilitĂ©s de transfert dans le contexte de scĂ©narios d'offre en transport.Evaluation ; systĂšme de transport ; transfert modal ; mode de dĂ©placement ; politique de dĂ©placements urbains ; simulation ; transport collectif ; voiture particuliĂšre ; aire mĂ©tropolitaine ; Paris (France) ; Lyon (France)

    Demographic Change and Transport

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    Ce rapport est la revue de littĂ©rature sur "changements dĂ©mographiques et transport" du projet CONSOL (CONcerns and SOLutions – Road Safety in the Ageing Societies) (pĂ©riode de contrat 2011-2013). Il propose un Ă©tat de l'art qui combine les connaissances du domaine ainsi que les avancĂ©es les plus rĂ©centes, issues des champs de recherche concernĂ©s dans plusieurs disciplines. Il met en relief le caractĂšre trĂšs hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne de la population europĂ©enne vieillissante
